So this might be a bit of a stupid question, but I can't figure this out. I have these indentation indicators (arrows for tabs, dots for space based indentation) however I'm trying to figure out how to disable them. Images of what I mean are included below.
This is an example of what I want it to look like and it is what it looks like for other team members
Solved thanks to Ben Voigt in comments
Option I was looking for was "Render Whitespace" and setting it to 'none'.
Good morning.
In a markdown file, is it possible to remove the title icons (#, ##, ###, ####) in the sidebar?
They are really annoying. Spaces are enough to indicate the level of text.
Thank you.
As of v1.61.1, this is not possible.
However, there is an open issue about this on VS Code's official GitHub:
There are proposals for a solution already. Maybe someone might pick this up and implement a configuration option for it.
as the title says I'm looking for a way to remove the autoselect code after autocomplete. Currently, the only way to remove the autoselected line is either pressing ESC key or clicking anywhere else. And it's currently giving me issues because it's quite annoying.
I've been searching for a solution for about 3 days and it's either I'm doing it wrong or I don't really know what the issue exactly is... Here's a picture of my issue
As you see in the picture, the code is autoselected/highlighted right after autocomplete and as said I really need help because it's turning annoying.
Thanks in advance.
Set Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions to false, in text editor > suggestions
I'm not sure if this is a good place for this question, but I did see a similar question posted here on overflow.
I'm just getting started with Eclipse as an IDE and having difficulty finding a comments toggle. I'd like to completely hide them sometimes. I've seen suggestions that would allow me to collapse entire comment blocks to a single line, but I'd want to hide ALL comments (single lines, blocks, etc) like in visual studio as a comparison. The goal is to gain the screen space to see more actual code simultaneously.
Anyone know of a way, plugin or otherwise?
This might be a bad way of doing it but you could set the syntax highlight for comments to be the same as your background color.
The line that is highlighted on Eclipse is really hard for me to see. I am color blind, but I can see colors. I assume the the highlight color in the outline screen has very little contrast to the other colors. Thank you!
Anyway I will try and attach a graphic.... anyone know to change this?
I think I have something usable enough to post as an answer. You didn't specify the OS that you're using but from the screenshot it looked like Windows 7/Vista with the Aero theme. Like I mentioned in my comment to your question, from this and this, it looks like there isn't any [straightforward] way to change the highlight color.
However, if you don't mind losing the Aero effects, you can switch to the Windows Classic theme to get a different highlighting that IMO provides more contrast and better readability.
I started using NetBeans for Python development, and so far it looks pretty good. One thing that bothers me is that when I highlight a few lines of text and hit the Tab key, it doesn't do what almost every other editor does, but rather just adds four spaces at the end of the block.
I know NetBeans has a block indent action (somewhat oddly called "Shift Right"), but it seems impossible to bind the Tab key to anything. For now I've settled on Ctrl+Shift+I for block indent as a tribute to my Delphi days, but really, I'd just like make it work like Eclipse/IntelliJ/Notepad2 and do a block indent on Tab.
Any tips?
EDIT: OK, so it seems that this behavior only occurs if I select a bunch of lines and the cursor is positioned on an empty line. This looks like a bug, so I'm going to file a report.
Thanks guys!
EDIT 2: In case anyone's interested, Issue 155735
This should be fixed now - in build #415 and later from . Thanks for the bug report.
Tab should indent the selected lines, and Shift-Tab dedent. The behavior you're describing sounds like a bug. Can you open the keybindings dialog and see what your Tab key is bound to?
Another thing you could try is clearing your userdir in case there is old cruft in there.
If these things don't work, please file an issue so we can reproduce and track this down --
-- Tor
Had you changed the default keys at some point? Tab works for block indent for me.