Create Store in magento - magento2

Hi I'm trying to create a website, store and store view in Magento 2. I've been watching youtube video on how to do it. But I'm just curious why is it my admin panel has this kind of prefix
As you can see below my website name I have (Code: aliexpress) may I know what this mean? In the video I'm watching they don't have this. Any idea regarding this?

Every website, store and store view has one unique identifier that is called code. in your case your website Name is Aliexpress according to that name code is aliexpress.
Website code is helpful when we want to run specific website in Multi-Website environment. you can open your index.php file in your Magento installation directory and find the below code.
$params[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_CODE] = '<your website code>';
$params[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_TYPE] = 'website';
Using above code you can run specific website.


How to embed a custom url path to a file in Google sites

I have a Google Sites website with a custom domain, let's say for example. I want to put a dataset file (let's say file.csv) into the site, that can be downloaded with a link as in I do not know how to do that. I can insert a file from Drive into the site, but I want it to have a custom url like I mentioned to download it. How can this be done? Can it be done from within the Google sites domain, or do I have to do something special?

Share my objects using a link - ionic3

I'm imagining this situation: I have my app opened on my device. I've just created a new element (object) in my app, for example a new Film like this
film = {
title: 'Shark 3',
subtitle: 'the revenge',
date: '12-11-2019',
plot: '...'
and I've saved it in my local storage. Now I want to share it on socials (WhatsApp, Facebook...) generating a link to this object. By clicking on this link I want my app (or the app store if it is not installed) to open. In case my app is installed, it should display a page with the film's information.
Is it possible? How to do this in ionic?
The data you want to present is stored within the app and so available on every device your app is installed, I guess? Or is it data loaded from a backend?
What you want to do is called a Deep Link. This means clicking on a links opens your app and redirects the user to a specific page depending on the link.
This is possible with Ionic and the DeepLink native plugin.
But there need to be done other things outside your app to make it work. You need to register and verify your domain with Google and/or Apple.
And be aware testing this is very uncomfortable. It will only work with signed packes. So just running ionic cordova run android won't work, you will have to go the whole way creating a signed package as you need to do when you're going to publish it.
Here is a Blog article describing the functionality.

Multiple stores in Magento 1.7. Not directing to new website

Multiple stores in Magento 1.7.
I am having issues setting this up.
I have set up via configuration two websites, store, store views etc and the url's in web config.
I have changed the A records on the domain to point to the magento website and I have as instructed changed index.php but when i type in my 2nd website address it just takes me to the main (original) website pages, if I change the default website in Magento it works! I can't be far off but I'm struggling now, any advice?
I've been told that in 1.7 I only need to alter index.php to make it work
you must provide either store code or website code to server variable $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] or as first parameter to Mage::run() function in index.php file, for example if every subdomain of site has one store, you can accomplish this by:
$storeOrWebsiteCode = strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'.');
$_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] = $storeOrWebsiteCode;
$storeOrWebsiteCode = strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'.');
Mage::run($storeOrWebsiteCode, 'website');
Mage::run($storeOrWebsiteCode, 'store');

Facebook open graph tutorial not working correctly and not running without chrome

I was trying the open graph tutorial from Facebook developers site.
I copied and pasted the code and changed the app ID with mine. Step 2 worked fine, but from step 4 meta tags are not working. I checked the code several times,app ID and "YOUR_NAMESPACE"is changed correctly. I was developing inside localhost of WAMP server. Did I miss anything? I followed every step from the tutorial.
Secondly 'Add to timeline' or 'login' box isn't showing in any browser except chrome. Inside chrome it works fine, but in firefox or IE it shows only a link to Facebook site. Why is that!
And suggest me some good tutorial on open graph.Please Help!
It probably didn't work as it says the object page in Step 4 has to be publicly accessible. Facebook needs to be able to gather data from that page to present in time line. Your localhost mamp install won't be publicly accessible.
From the tutorial >>
Before being able to publish an Open Graph action for a user and having define its
corresponding connected object type in Step 3, you will now need to create a publicly
accessible web page that represents this object using Open Graph metatags. Once this
object page is created, you can use the Graph API to publish an action.
I have not seen any good tutorials on it besides facebook's. They go in depth into every aspect of it as it is their product. I followed that same tutorial and it works perfectly.
Without your code I cant really help. If you put your meta tags up ill have a look.
Im also not sure if it actually works off the local host.

Suggest idea for creating microsite in Joomla 1.5

I am having a site as running in Joomla 1.5 . We are planning to have a microsite like which has to have separate homepage with different contents .
Is that is possible with the following idea
Making a export of all the tables in my joomla and replacing jos with suband again importing them into the same Joomla database.
Writing a PHP script of identifying whether the Url tat i have entered in the browser is OR
If, then the $dbprefix would be jos OR if then the $dbprefix would be sub.
Will the above idea for creating a microsite is the correct one.
Just as another option, you could contain both sites in the exact same instance with a different template assigned to the micro site.
Set up a content category for the micro site, detect the request URL (most likely in the WebServer - best location, or in a DNS setting with a forward URL)
Assign all content items in the category with the new Template.
We regularly do this for a site that wants a blog site alongside the main website, but want a different look and feel.