Suggest idea for creating microsite in Joomla 1.5 - joomla1.5

I am having a site as running in Joomla 1.5 . We are planning to have a microsite like which has to have separate homepage with different contents .
Is that is possible with the following idea
Making a export of all the tables in my joomla and replacing jos with suband again importing them into the same Joomla database.
Writing a PHP script of identifying whether the Url tat i have entered in the browser is OR
If, then the $dbprefix would be jos OR if then the $dbprefix would be sub.
Will the above idea for creating a microsite is the correct one.

Just as another option, you could contain both sites in the exact same instance with a different template assigned to the micro site.
Set up a content category for the micro site, detect the request URL (most likely in the WebServer - best location, or in a DNS setting with a forward URL)
Assign all content items in the category with the new Template.
We regularly do this for a site that wants a blog site alongside the main website, but want a different look and feel.


How do I rewrite URL to drop file extension for pdf on github pages?

Imagine my website is hosted on GitHub Pages and has a custom domain I can access a pdf at
Is there a way where I can make it work at
As mentioned in comments, if you are using static website hosted by a 3rd party like GitHub pages, you don't really get a lot of control over http server. I would tentatively say you cannot control URL rewrite rules on GitHub.
What you could potentially do instead is to host a page with a bit of JavaScript that would start the download on a given event (button click, page load, etc) this way you could mask your actual download URL with this html page (that by convention comes with no file extension)
UPD: and surely enough someone's been doing it already: The post is going on about having nice urls, but I believe file downloads implementation can be implemented similarly
Yes you should make your website with MVC structure. Make a controller and in Index action load pdf file.
Then on action calling your pdf will be loaded like that:
Students/AllResult etc

Merge Orchard Blog Into Existing Website

I'm trying to determine the best way to "merge" my orchard blog into my existing website. Currently the blog accessed outside the site.
I threw together a quick view in my MVC site that just loads the blog into an iframe. Any other ideas?
The blog is tuned up with a great theme and tons of mods & styling that matches my main site design to a T.
On the home page of my site, I'm using the RSS feed to output a list of the last 3 blog posts. My idea is that the user will click on a blog post link and go directly the view that hosts the blog in the inline frame.
I guess the only variable that I haven't handled yet is how to load up the correct page in the blog based on the link that the user clicked on my main site home page.
I've read other posts on this subject and it seems like the solution that is always offered is to merge all the code from the main website into Orchard which seems insane...I have a very large auction based website, taking all that logic & content and putting into Orchard is not an option.
Hope all that makes sense, thanks for the input. I can't think it would be a huge issue to "seamless" integrate my blog with my MVC site.
Orchard was never designed to be integrated into an existing application, so something like what you've done is what you have to do. The iframe however has a number of problems, such as its fixed size, and awkward navigation. It's better to integrate data than markup. It's now easy to build WebAPI controllers to expose Orchard data. You could consume that data in your application and render it there. That enables you to manipulate the data before rendering, which is of course easier than manipulating rendered HTML. For example, you can build your own link URLs so that clicking on a post's title goes to an action on your site that fetches the post contents rather than the Orchard post URL.
One final comment: It is a little weird that an auction website would need to integrate a blog in the middle of its own rendering. Shouldn't the blog be a separate section of the site?

Creating a page on CMS

For example:
I create a page on Joomla or Wordpress and then save it.
I create an entry in the menu that points to the new page.
When I select the new entry in the menu the page opens on the browser.
The URL that appears points to a file that doesn't exist on the server.
What is the mechanism that is used by a CMS like Joomla or wordpress to accomplish this?
This is typically done with a URL rewriting module that runs on the web server (mod_rewrite for Apache or URL Rewrite for IIS on Windows). It will rewrite a request URL like /blog/article-title to something like /index.php/blog/article-title or /index.php?q=blog/article-title before the website code even sees the request. Then, the code in index.php extracts the rest of the path and determines which content to serve based on that.
For Wordpress, see for some info about how the rewrites are set up.

Multiple stores in Magento 1.7. Not directing to new website

Multiple stores in Magento 1.7.
I am having issues setting this up.
I have set up via configuration two websites, store, store views etc and the url's in web config.
I have changed the A records on the domain to point to the magento website and I have as instructed changed index.php but when i type in my 2nd website address it just takes me to the main (original) website pages, if I change the default website in Magento it works! I can't be far off but I'm struggling now, any advice?
I've been told that in 1.7 I only need to alter index.php to make it work
you must provide either store code or website code to server variable $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] or as first parameter to Mage::run() function in index.php file, for example if every subdomain of site has one store, you can accomplish this by:
$storeOrWebsiteCode = strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'.');
$_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] = $storeOrWebsiteCode;
$storeOrWebsiteCode = strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'.');
Mage::run($storeOrWebsiteCode, 'website');
Mage::run($storeOrWebsiteCode, 'store');

How to setup redirects for a large number of posts

I am working on a major site migration for . As part of that migration, I moved all the news articles from vbulletin into wordpress cms. The vbulletin articles were previousyl pulled out via a plugin called GARS.
In any event, I have 3400 news articles over the course of five years or so. They are presently in the following format:
If the title of the news article was "Sugarloaf Sets World Record" then the new location will be
Is there a way for me to automate creating the necessary redirects that take the title from the literal page 12345 and convert into a URL?
Finally; the additional trick is that since I did a VB upgrade the existing news articles no longer show up. So going to won't show anything right now, you need to pull up the forum thread (which is typically hidden) by taking that identifier and going to to see the actual title. I can pull all this from the WP database, (since all the posts are from a user AlpineZone News).
Any ideas? I'm fairly new to this and the added complexity of subdomains is somethign I am trying to figure out. Thx!
you could make your own showthread.php file in the correct location it was previously located.
have it use the passed id, retrieve the associated record from your database.
Construct the new url by turning the title to lowercase and changing spaces to - and do a redirect via header('Location: new url here');