Notepad++ compare plugin - ignore comments? - plugins

I am using Notepad++ compare plugin.
I see the option to ignore spaces.
Is there a way to ignore empty lines or comments?
Thank you.


Is there a way to select all occurences (e.g. regex match) in MULTIPLE files at once to copy these occurences and paste them in a text file?

I'm looking for a way to extract data from multiple local html files. In Visual Studio Code, it's possible to find/replace in multiple files, but is it also possible to copy from multiple files, or is there an application that can do it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Solved it!
I found the "Combine Files" extension for Visual Studio Code. :)

Eclipse 3.x Automatic opening compare merge editor given two text files

does anybody know how to open programmatically (not manually) the compare merge editor simply passing two file names? Lot of search everywhere but haven't found anything.
Thanks for any help
If you only need a compare/merge editor I suggest Winmerge or P4Merge, both are free and you can call them from command line.

using ${word_selection} in Eclipse JDT

How I can use ${word_selection} in my Java templates ?
I have inserted it, but I could not get it work.
I copy pasted a word before its usage, but the selected word did not appear in result of the template.
What did I wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
I think it works that way that ${word_selection} is being replaced by a selected word in your editor.
I have just posted an answer to a similar question over here: Eclipse: “Simple” Template Problem with ${word_selection}
Maybe this can be helpful for you.

How can I enable autocomplete text support in Notepad++

There's already a question on this here. But i want to know if its possible to add autocomplete text support in a .txt file for english words (maybe from GNU Aspell dictionary)?
Something I've pondered myself, you could copy loads of "words" into the keyword list within the user-defined language dialogue. Not the best way!
If you have a look at the XML file in (vista);
Then you can see keywords are kept in one line. I bet, if you made have the entire english dictionary then it would likely crash notepad++.
You could put your idea into the Notepad++ IdeaTorrent for the developers too consider;
UPDATE 06/11/2011 :
May I also add that a plugin now available for highlight misspelt words and auto correction.

Which tools exists for byte-level inspection of files?

I have a partially corrupted MS-Word file which I'd like to inspect in the byte-level.
HexEdit is pretty nice (allows you to edit files too)
What you need is a hex editor. Some text editors can run in this mode. I always used PSPadfor this
As always there's emacs, hexl-mode allows you to view and edit hex-files.
I like the freeware hex editor xvi32 for this kind of task.
I'm sure there are many, but Ultraedit does this.
If you have Visual Studio installed, you can add the .dat extension to the file and open it in Visual Studio to get a hex/ASCII display.
010 Editor is nice for looking at files that follow some template, it'll try to turn the raw data into meaningful labeled values for you.
Take a gander at BeyondCompare for file comparisons; version 3 has comparisons for Word files as well. You'd be surprised at how often you'll use it once you have it.