How can I enable autocomplete text support in Notepad++ - autocomplete

There's already a question on this here. But i want to know if its possible to add autocomplete text support in a .txt file for english words (maybe from GNU Aspell dictionary)?

Something I've pondered myself, you could copy loads of "words" into the keyword list within the user-defined language dialogue. Not the best way!
If you have a look at the XML file in (vista);
Then you can see keywords are kept in one line. I bet, if you made have the entire english dictionary then it would likely crash notepad++.
You could put your idea into the Notepad++ IdeaTorrent for the developers too consider;
UPDATE 06/11/2011 :
May I also add that a plugin now available for highlight misspelt words and auto correction.


VSCode IDE messes up RTL strings after selecting

Recently, I had to reinstall windows 11 on my machine. So, after that, I had to install VSCode again (therefore, I have the most recent version of VSCode).
Now, whenever I select any Persian sentences (strings) in my code, the IDE shows a messed-up string that is far away from the correct one. I can not show the correct and incorrect sentences as texts here because copying and pasting results in the correct format. Therefore, I have to provide them as images. (Sorry for any inconvenience, in advance)
Correct Persian Sentence
Incorrect Persian Sentence (After selecting)
This might be a little bit tricky to understand for people who are not familiar with the Persian Language. The difference can be understood by looking at the first word after $creatorId in both images.
This also might happen if we wanted to write in Arabic or other right-to-left languages.
It would be highly appreciated if you could suggest anything to avoid this.
After searching a lot, I found the proper answer on one of the VScode repository's issues. The problem was with the way the new version of VSCode renders the whitespace. So, to solve this problem, you need to follow the below steps:
Open VSCode command pallete by CTRL + SHIFT + p
Search for Open Settings (JSON) and click on it. It should open a JSON file named setting.
In this JSON file, add a key named editor.renderWhitespace and assign on of the following values to it: boundary, trailing or none. Your JSON file should look something like this:
The weird messed-up string is disapeared now.
You can also access and change the editor.renderWhitespace using the settings editor. So, if you find the steps mentioned above frustrating, just use the settings editor (you can open it using the setting icon at the right end of the VSCode window or even using CTRL + ,) and search for editor.renderWhitespace. Then choose one of the three above-mentioned options.

Adding aspell as user defined dictionary to Eclipse

The default English dictionary bundled with Eclipse is a bit weak, missing many words that are then wrongly marked as errors. I would thus like to change to a user dictionary; this seems to be possible in the dialogue Window > Preferences > General > Text Editors > Spelling.
I have tried providing the paths to the .gz and .rws files found in the aspell folders, but Eclipse accepts none. Which file is Eclipse exactly expecting in this dialogue?
The expected spelling dictionary format is a plain text file with one word per line.
I'll point to the preference page where it says this right under the text field:
If I sound annoyed, I am. Not by the questioner, but by the people that deleted #greg-449's original answer, who seemed to have little activity in any of the tags on this question, and by SO itself for having them review it.

How do I add my own completions to sublime text 3?

I've been looking everywhere for an answer and I can't seem to make sense of anything I find. There's either to references to files that don't exist in my installation, or the file does exist but is just raw hexadecimal data rather than code. For example, I keep seeing that I should look in my packages/(insert programming language here) folder to access autocompletion files for that particular language. Unfortunately, when I click browse packages, the folder only contains a bz2 folder and a User folder.
I'm trying to modify sublime text's PHP autocompletion and make it so that whenever I type
I can hit enter and it would autocomplete to
<?php ?>
with the cursor set between the tags. I've seen this as well but as I said earlier I've had problems getting any of these solutions to work for me.
How do I add this simple autocompletion to my sublime text 3?
You can do that by adding snippets. Just go to Tools > New Snippet.... There's a lot of docs about how to write a snippet.
Also, in your case, you can install the Additional PHP Snippets and trigger that completition by typing php and hitting tab

how to switch/control syntax highlighting in eclipse flexibly?

I have a file with extension .xml.
But it doesn't necessarily contain XML. It may also contain HTML and JavaScript. Now I would like to either have Eclipse decide inteligently/heuristically which syntax highlighting would be appropriate or to switch it myself.
Any ideas?
Eclipse associates files with an editor. You can let eclipse decide which editor to use (e.g. defaults per file extension) or select the editor by yourself. I guess you might already know that or have at least experienced it.
Syntax highlighting isn't always set seperately but instead part of some editor (together with stuff like keyboard shortcuts). So what you are going to need is an editor that behaves the way you want it to. I do not know if there is an editor like this available but one options is writing an eclipse plug-in and implementing such an editor.
Fortunately there are great editors for each of XML, javascript, HTML, etc that are all open source. I guess you might be able to use some of their code. Ideally as a client of their API / Objects or if it won't work out just by reusing code.
short answer: not possible. use PHPStorm instead :)

Eclipse - how to add a file that has right to left strings

I am writing a Java app using Eclipse. This app read a set of Hebrew strings (that are right-to-left). Assuming I put these strings is a separate file, how do I tell the Eclipse editor that they are right-to-left text.
I tried eclipse -dir rtl but that puts all of Eclipse in RTL mode which is not the behavior I looking for.
One alternative is to carefully use StringBuilder.reverse() to manipulate the strings as needed after they are read in.
You could also write some simple string manipulation methods as helpers to handle whatever special needs you have.
This page, found in a quick google search, seems to have some interesting info on how Java handles and renders Hebrew: