using ${word_selection} in Eclipse JDT - eclipse

How I can use ${word_selection} in my Java templates ?
I have inserted it, but I could not get it work.
I copy pasted a word before its usage, but the selected word did not appear in result of the template.
What did I wrong ?
Thanks in advance.

I think it works that way that ${word_selection} is being replaced by a selected word in your editor.
I have just posted an answer to a similar question over here: Eclipse: “Simple” Template Problem with ${word_selection}
Maybe this can be helpful for you.


Eclipse auto suggesting and filling in variable names

Okay, so my issue is when I am creating a variable, lets say for example "Object o" while I am typing "o" it'll suggest something like "object". Which is okay but when I press space it auto fills in the new name. Basically I don't want to turn off auto completion I just want to disable space auto filling the suggestion in. Even to disable variable naming suggestions would work.
I'm using Eclipse Juno Service Release 1.
I know it's an old question but since non of the answers here worked for me, and this problem was really annoying me too, I am adding solution that helped me.
In your Eclipse go to:
Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist
and enable:
Disable insertion triggers except 'Enter'
Hopefully that will work for everyone!)
As there isn't any definitive solution for this yet, what I find works best is to disable the alphabetic characters from triggers:
Windows > Prefereces > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Auto activation triggers for Java
This will mean no class name / type completion, but method name completion will still be suggested when you pressed dot, however at least Eclipse stop messing with my variable name
Go to Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist and choose settings that works for you.
I realize this is a 3 year old post, but...
From what I can gather, there isn't an option to disable this, it was hard coded into the content assist feature. But there is a plugin that you can download from the answer to this stack overflow question that will disable this feature
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced
I turned off Java Type Proposals and made sure Java Proposals is turned on. By the way this is in Spring Tool Suite I haven't checked using eclipse.

Netbeans 7.1 - how to double-click to select a word?

I am used to double-click to select a word. I am addicted to using double-click to select a word. Almost everywhere it is there - eg, notepad,Gnome-edit, ...
Would please someone help me how do I set this functionality ?
What do you mean by "set"? It works "out of the box", no need to setup anything
It seems a bug of a specific NetBeans editor module, not an option you can set. For example, in NetBeans 7.4 the selection works all right (selecting the whole word) for PHP and JS files I'm working with, but not all right only for TPL files (HTML/JS/Smarty variables and values in TPL files), which are managed by the Smarty Framework plugin.

How does Eclipse do code completion specific to third-party frameworks?

How does the Eclipse editor work to enable code completion? For example, within the XML editor for Hibernate property files, if I ctrl-space within a tag, a list of possible value relevant to hibernate will show up.
I understand that the XML editor is pre-configured to understand xml tag, but how about tag specific to a particular framework? How does Eclipse know about that?
I believe that the eclipse XML editor gets the content assist information from any referenced DTDs, or XMLSchema information it associates with the XML file. Try this experiment: Remove the DOCTYPE entry at the beginning of the file and see if content assist still works.
If you're interested in writing your own content assistants, you may want to start by reading the following:
In a nutshell, like most things in Eclipse, this is a platform hook. When you press the button, it queries all the registered assistants (I'm simplifying here), and they provide suggestions based on the current element or even the current content.
When writing a source editor or viewer for a particular language or document type, it is common to provide at least some rudimentary content assistants.
Removed the DOCTYPE entry at the beginning of the file and im now able to see the commands while typing ctrl+space...
To add to Uri's answer, you can define your own editor for your own language with XText as long as you have a simple EBNF grammar language for your DSL (domain specific language).
You will have:
syntax coloring,
model navigation (F3, etc.),
code completion,
outline view, and
code templates.
Here is a solution you can work. Actually I was facing a same problem with struts.xml file. I was not able to produce tags by cntrl+space
what i did was...
go to Preferences...Java...Editor...Content Assist...Advanced
check all the check-boxes ON and press OK.
sometimes the problem persists due to some false alarming in eclipse. If it happens, just delete your xml file and create a new one in same location.
I hope it will help.
I had the same issue while using the struts.xml file.
I got fix when I tried below...
Go to “Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced“. Make sure “Java Non Types Proposals” are ticked on both the places as shown in the image below then click Apply and OK button:-

Storing code snippets in eclipse

I'm a recent semi-convert to Eclipse after 20 years of using vi and gvim. One of the things I miss about gvim is that I could cut a bunch of different snippets of code into named buffers, and paste them at will when doing something like repeating a common idiom. For instance I'd have it so "ap would paste
DatabaseHandle handle = null;
handle = DatabaseConnectionPool.newHandle();
and then "bp would paste
And I could repeat both of them over and over in the course of a day. In an answer to another question, somebody mentioned that you could "manage code snippets" in Eclipse, but didn't mention how. So now I'm asking: how do you manage code snippets in Eclipse?
You might want to store those two snippets into a code template, as explained in this tutorial.
And do not forget about the possibility to quickly execute any kind of java code snippets in a scrapbook (not exactly what you want, but it can come in handy at times)
Newtopian adds (in the comments)
In fact templates become much more powerful by adding variables and tabstops within, so your example above would become dbHandle ctrl+space. It would copy snippets from both parts and place your cursor right in the middle.
Eclipse also offers something very similar to the templates feature described by VonC called (would you believe) snippets. Window > Show view > Snippets.
To add a new snippet category: Right click in the Snippets window and click Customize...
Click New > New Category. Enter a category name if necessary (e.g. "Java"). Click Apply.
With your chosen category selected, click New > New Item. Enter your snippet.
To use a snippet, put the cursor where you want to insert the snippet, then double click on a snippet in the Snippets window.
I ran into the Snip2Code plugin recently.
It did the job, and I can collect and search snippets in a quick way.
Well a picture worths a thousand words, what about this one?
The question is old but the link of the answere is older ;)
Here is a nice tutorial:
I have used snippets in some IDEs, like Dreamweaver and Homesite, an old Coldfusion IDE. I also use a lot of snippets in MySQL Workbench - where i type a lot of SQL, very handy there.
I am now using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers Version Indigo Release and found the snippets panel in Window|Show View|Other...|General|Snippets. I was able to manipulate it and figure out how to add the code I wanted as snippets and how to use it efficiently.
Use Eclipse Snipmatch (Part of Eclipse for Java Developers Package).
Works very well for Java code snippets but also works for any other language like HTML, ABABP, PHP etc.
You can convert any code fragment from your editor directly to a code template. Highlight the code you'd like to convert to a snippet, context menu "create snippet", complete the form and done.
snippets can be shared via Git repositories with your team members

A good Code snippet tool or plugin for Word documents?

Does anyone know of a good tool or plugin that enables Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer to add code snippets to a document in a clean manner?
I'm not sure if such a plug-in even exists, so redirecting me to any other tool that can help me would be appreciated.
I simply type out the snippet in Visual Studio and then copy paste it into word. It preserves all the code formatting.
The only other thing I do is change the font to Consolas.
I love codekeep for VS.. But it's only available for VS
Snip-It Pro is a stand alone code snippet tool that works with word or open office. It docks to the side of the screen and snippets can be drag dropped into any application. It has syntax highlighting too.
disclaimer: It's my product :)