How to enable java console for GUI app installed by install4j installer. When I use JNLP mode for my app console work as expected.
The "Java console" setting in the Java 8 control panel has no effect on launchers compiled by install4j.
To get a console, you have to add a console launcher in addition to the GUI launcher.
Alternatively, you can execute the GUI launcher from a console and start it with the
parameter, then stderr and stdout will be written to the console (without blocking).
I am trying to debug a jython script which runs via a java project. I have installed pydev in my eclipse IDE and I followed these instructions( when I am running the java app while python debug server is running debugger recognizes normally that the jython script is going to be executed halt the excecution and wait for step over or resume commands.
The problem is that PyEdit(editor window) does not highlight the lines which are executed. Also debugger does not know the breakpoints of the scripts. It seems like debugger can not correlate the running thread with the script file.
Is there any way to configure pydev server to correlate debugging with a specific file?
I need to launch my Eclipse RCP application with the terminal attached to it and cannot do this. Eclipse itself has the same problem. I have added the standard "-console" option to eclipse.ini but the console is not shown. However when I run Contents/MacOS/eclipse directly it works and shows the console! What is the difference in thse two ways of launching and why doesn't the simple way show the console?
Whenever I launch eclipse, javaw.exe automatically starts and is displayed in the list of processes in the task manager. How does javaw.exe automatically start on launching eclipse? Can it be due to some virus or some configuration in eclipse is required for that? It didn't happen earlier. Please help.
No. It is not virus. javaw.exe is similar to java.exe. It is a Win32 GUI application. This is provided as a helper so that application launches its own GUI window and will not launch a console.
Eclipse uses its own GUI and hence it uses javaw process. So when you click on eclipse.exe it launches eclipse using javaw process.
Just to add a little more explanation - instead of running eclipse.exe, try executing following command.
java -jar <Eclipse HOME Directory>plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20130327-1440.jar
Here the console will be locked until the eclipse is running.
Now if you use javaw instead -
javaw -jar <Eclipse HOME Directory>plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20130327-1440.jar
You should see same eclipse getting opened. But notice that the console window is freed. You can continue using the console for some other purpose.
Eclipse.exe uses the latter.
Is there a way I can debug my application (using breakpoints in eclipse) while running it from command line (ubuntu)? I'm using Eclipse Kepler version on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.
I know there's something like attach to process in .net, was wondering if eclipse has some such setup.
Is your application written in C or in Java?
If your application is in C and you are using CDT, you can attach to existing project by:
Run your application from terminal.
In Eclipse CDT, go to main menu "Run"->"Debug Configurations...", double-click "C/C++ Attach to Application" and press "Debug" (you should not need to specify executable and/or project).
For Java applications, see this
I made an eclipse plugin. Testing it via "Run As -> Eclipse Application" works great. It always comes up with a console for me and I can interact with the OSGI shell from the eclipse that launched it. Now I want to try a test deploy where I put my plugin and its dependencies into the dropins folder of an eclipse distro. Once the application launches, how can I bring up the OSGI console so that I can interact with my plugin?
You should add the -console option to the launch arguments. Eg, something like this:
eclipse -console
Note that if -console is added to eclipse.ini, then it must appear before -vmargs.
See here for more information on Eclipse command line arguments.