remote debugging jython script runned by java program with eclipse and Pydev - pydev

I am trying to debug a jython script which runs via a java project. I have installed pydev in my eclipse IDE and I followed these instructions( when I am running the java app while python debug server is running debugger recognizes normally that the jython script is going to be executed halt the excecution and wait for step over or resume commands.
The problem is that PyEdit(editor window) does not highlight the lines which are executed. Also debugger does not know the breakpoints of the scripts. It seems like debugger can not correlate the running thread with the script file.
Is there any way to configure pydev server to correlate debugging with a specific file?


PyDev tagging wsadmin (WebSphere) commands as "Undefined variable" in Eclipse Luna

I am, running Eclipse Luna (4.4.1) with PyDev for Eclipse (2.8.2).
My Jython interpreter is pointing to "C:\jython2.1.0\jython.jar" and "C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServerV85\optionalLibraries\jython\jython.jar".
My Python interpreter is pointing to "C:\Python-2.1.3\python.exe".
I created a new PyDev project with a file called "". It runs against my local WebSphere environment by connecting to the server process with a SOAP connector. The script executes successfully.
The part I am having trouble with is the intepretation of the Jython code that is WebSphere specific. For example, in the line of code "AdminControl.queryNames("*:*,type=ConfigRepository,process=nodeagent")" Eclipse throws out an error on "AdminControl". It underlines it in red and shows "Undefined variable: AdminControl".
It seems to me that I am missing a configuration in Eclipse (or in the code) to load the WebSphere internal commands properly (i.e. import a class or something).
Can someone help me configure PyDev correctly?
I found the answer to my own question. Here is an IBM website on how to use wsadmin with PyDev:

How to debug a python script without a project in PyDev?

I have a Python script that I wrote without creating a containing project. In PyDev, I know how to run and debug Python projects. But when I open this script in PyDev, I don't know how to run it or debug it, because it isn't associated with any project.

Eclipse "Run On Hadoop" - no response

I am trying to run a MapReduce program in a Ubuntu VM using Eclipse IDE installed on my Windows machine.
However, when I right-click on my program file and select the option Run As->Run on Hadoop nothing happens. Ideally, I should get a pop-up asking me to select a server where I want to run my program but that's not happening.
Can any one help me out?

Debug in Eclipse while running from command line ubuntu

Is there a way I can debug my application (using breakpoints in eclipse) while running it from command line (ubuntu)? I'm using Eclipse Kepler version on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.
I know there's something like attach to process in .net, was wondering if eclipse has some such setup.
Is your application written in C or in Java?
If your application is in C and you are using CDT, you can attach to existing project by:
Run your application from terminal.
In Eclipse CDT, go to main menu "Run"->"Debug Configurations...", double-click "C/C++ Attach to Application" and press "Debug" (you should not need to specify executable and/or project).
For Java applications, see this

running eclipse debugger with program launched by script

How do you run the debugger in Eclipse on a program launched with a Python script?
I have a executable (written in Fortran) that is launched using Python and I would like to use gdb integrated in Eclipse, but I don't know how to tell Eclipse or GDB what executable I am trying to debug.
I am using Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Indigo Service Release 2 on Mac OSX Lion.