How to open Eclipse with attached console in OS X? - eclipse

I need to launch my Eclipse RCP application with the terminal attached to it and cannot do this. Eclipse itself has the same problem. I have added the standard "-console" option to eclipse.ini but the console is not shown. However when I run Contents/MacOS/eclipse directly it works and shows the console! What is the difference in thse two ways of launching and why doesn't the simple way show the console?


Unable to open Eclipse from my user account in Fedora

Basically i screwed up my previous eclipse installation. I had deleted few folders related to some plugins(which i don't remeber now). After that instance only the Eclipse bootsplash shows up after which i see eclipse in the top bar of gnome shell indicating eclipse has started. But there is no window showing up (or the eclipse window is invisible).
I tried all the methods prescribed here Eclipse hangs on loading workbench. Eclipse GUI doesn't show up only in my user account but it works when i load from guest user account.
I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling eclipse many times. Please can someone help me solve this issue.
PS: Running eclipse from command line doesn't show any exceptions.

Why is my System.out.println not printing anything in my eclipse plugin?

Using eclipse PDE, I'm running into this very strange error. I start up my plugin by right clicking on the project, Run As -> Eclipse Application.
The target eclipse seems to start up just fine, and in my development eclipse, a console view shows up but it's empty. I can't see any System.out.println's or any exception stacktraces or any of the usual stuff in there.
Answer to my problem below.
It turns out, a different feature I have installed in my eclipse, Scala IDE, is the culprit. For some reason, when it's active, it causes my console to be blank.
To disable it in the target eclipse:
right click on the project
Run As -> Run Configurations
Select the Eclipse Application configuration you've been using.
Go to the Plugins tab
Uncheck everything in sight with "Scala" in it.
Console came back after doing this!

how to do interactive debug on nodeclipse

I am running Eclipse Kepler 2 on Windows 7 with latest nodeclipse installed and nodejs
When I debug, I don't understand why i cannot enter into the console box to see the values of variable (like in pydev). This document tells me to use "Expression View". But is there a way to enter into interactive console of eclipse to get output with nodeclipse plugin?
Here is what is installed in my eclipse.
Also, I see that there is a separate interactive console (see image), but i can't seem to enter anything over there. Am i missing some plugins? I tried installing eclipse plugin - chromedevtools and nothing.
Nodeclipse is already shipped with chromedevtools (0.3.9 versus Google chromedevtools that were 0.3.8)
is there a way to enter into interactive console of eclipse to get output with nodeclipse plugin?
It should be tested and/or developed at
BTW: Hint Right-click on Perspective tabs panel and select Hide text. The toolbar panel will be more compact.

How to debug Node.js programs in eclipse (using node-eclipse)?

I am very newbie to eclipse as well as the node.js is concerned. I have tried several basic programs in node.js.
Now my question is there are many articles explaining how to debug the node program in eclipse. I dnt get it working. I am on windows 7 32-bit machine and installed eclipse Indigo with node-eclipse plugin installed..
Please can any body help me how to start debugging with programs.
Disclaimer: I am very new to eclipse IDE, Node & this stackover flow as well, please help..
Debugging - Breakpoint, Trace, etc... via Eclipse debugger plug-in
for V8
How to Install:
Update Site :
Testing Site:
How to debug:
Open the JavaScript source files that you want to set breakpoints.
Double-click on the ruler at the left end of the line you want to set a breakpoint.
If you want to remove a breakpoint, double-click on the ruler again.
Select the main source file of Node Application on the Project Explorer, open the context menu by right-clicking, select the [Debug As]-[Node Application] menu.
For more, Please Check Nodeclipse & Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger
Happy debugging ;)

Execute a function before debug in Eclipse

Does anyone know if it's possible in Eclipse, to execute a script/function/anything right before launching my app in debug? There only seems to be a few options - after clean, during a clean, during manual builds, during auto-builds
I want to execute an external tool (rsync) so I can make sure my assets are up to date before running.
Eclipse CDT provides special launch configuration type (Launch Group), which you can use to group several launch configurations (included External Tools) to be executed either sequentially, parallel or mixed. The drawback is that you need to have CDT installed in your Eclipse.
Update: There is similar question, which deals with launching multiple launch configurations.
If you want to add the "Launch Group" feature onto an existing, not necessarily CDT, eclipse install, you can install just the plugin called "C/C++ Remote Launch". (org.eclipse.cdt.launch.remote) - it is not C/C++ specific.