Visual Studio Code file too large for outline - visual-studio-code

I am developing a Document Symbol Provider for a proprietary language, and it seems to be working pretty well for the most part, but I just added a level of detail to my implementation, and am now getting a message in the outline panel:
We are sorry, but this file is too large for showing an outline
The file is indeed our largest file, and at least some other files seem to work alright. Furthermore, the breadcrumb bar suggests my implementation is correct because that still works and shows what I want. What limit am I hitting? I want to make sure that I don't have some implementation error that's blowing up the data I'm providing unnecessarily before I add some option to limit the level of detail in the outline view. Or if I can know what the limit is, maybe I can automatically apply this switch so that if it's too much, I won't provide the extra detail.

I just searched the VSCode sources for references to this string, but curiously enough couldn't find anything. However, going back to the tag for 1.31.0 I had more success:
let newSize = TreeElement.size(model);
if (newSize > 7500) {
// this is a workaround for performance issues with the tree:
return this._showMessage(localize('too-many-symbols', "We are sorry, but this file is too large for showing an outline."));
So it looks like the limitation was 7500 items, but the limit has already been lifted since. I suggest you try out a 1.32 Insider's build.


Python class/method comment and intellisense

I have seen that the comments I write at the top of my Python methods and and classes is the same text that pops up when I am using them in my code. I have also seen that some formatting hints can be made in the comments, and that will translate into pretty rendering in the popup text (for instance, putting a bunch of "-"'s under a heading makes the font bigger and bolder). What other formatting is there and what are the hints? Specifically, is there "code" formatting that renders in monospace? I like to put code samples in my comments sometimes and that would look great.
Finally, does this all have a name? I tried googling what I was trying to do and it was hard because I didn't know what it was called.

Was default_marker removed from mapbox-gl.js

I am trying to use the default_marker and/or secondary_marker in mapbox-gl.js however it appears they have been removed from the sprite.json in streets-v9 (probably v8 too). I've found a working example in streets-v7 where they were part of the sprite.json/sprit.png, but they are gone now.
How can I get these back or what is the new replacement? I've gone through the new sprint.png but I don't see anything similar.
Apologies for the change, ongle! We've recently worked to standardize the icons available across all the Mapbox styles which, unfortunately, required some breaking changes.
The closest replacement to default_marker is marker-15. The appearance of this marker will be different per style.
You may also choose to upload your own marker image per this guide.

How can I see the code behind all the widgets on a NetLogo Interface?

I am looking at a NetLogo model with lots of widgets. Which of them have code behind them? What global variables are hidden behind them? Which procedures do they call? How do I find out?
Solution (1): Open each widget one at a time, then look at what's back there. Make notes because I have to close this one to open the next one.
Solution (2): View the nlogo file in a text editor, scrolling down past the Code section, and dig out the widget code from all those numbers.
Neither of those solutions are very pleasant or fast.
What I would like is a quick way to see what lurks behind the widgets on the Interface. Is there a tool that will do that?
Yes! (update Jan 2017)
At [][1], download nivi.
nivi stands for "NetLogo Interface Variables Information". It is a NetLogo 6.0 file that parses the information about the widgets into a report that you can read on the screen or copy/paste.
It requires version 6.0 of NetLogo, but will use files created by earlier versions of NetLogo as data.

Why suddenly some things have disappeared from the body section?

I've been working on a website and from time to time some elements are disappearing from the document. I've figured out that it's because in CSS document the early lines are not fully commented. I would like to ask why if even such a tiny thing like Skeleton's default version text is not fully commented or some of the classes or id's don't have a closing bracket then the whole website has layout problems. What skeleton's version has to do with page's body color ? This is really confusing.
Here is the HTML and CSS :
I would be glad with any help. Yours truly,
Browsers have to guess how to render bad code. Sometimes they will guess and render it correctly, other times it will look weird.
Different browsers are likely to render it differently (though error handling standards are improving)
In this case, your demo lacks a "/" at the start, which means it is trying to render the comments as css. The comments are not css, so it gets confused and does the best it can.
A quick way to find any bugs in the css is to use this:

Too many problems on tables in Tinymce?

im working on a CMS it is almost finished
but im struggling serious unfamiliar problems in WYSIWYG editor.
i was first using ckeditor but after experiencing problems with it i switched to tinymce.
some problems are solved but this time someother problems showed up.
problems occuring especially on tables.
1-Anchor element underline removal not working
2-Duplicating Phone numbers
--->might be due to skype phone number converting toolbar
3-too many s how to clean those why even those are there?
4-how to convert
back into just
because tinymce converting some texts into p element *automatically if it's not the client doing it unknowingly.
*=even though i did that force_paragraph:false setting.
5-As client reports : sometimes cursor turns into loading cursor and wysiwyg editor causes browser to stuck.not even allowing to click links outside of the editor.
6-as i experience sometimes it really does stuck and not allow you to edit anything at all.
here is that problematic page created with tiny_mce and causing lots of errors in process of editing:
Here some answers
2-Duplicating Phone numbers --->might be due to skype phone number converting toolbar
Might be - this cannot ba a tinymce related problem.
3-too many & nbsp;s how to clean those why even those are there?
Browsers will show several spaces (character code 32) as a single one. Thus & nbsp;s are inserted alternating instead of natural spaces.
4-how to convert
back into just text
Tinymce is a rte editor and will generate html code. In order to be able to style editor content, the content need to be wrapped inside a block element - eighter ps or divs. You may use server side code to remove tags.
6-as i experience sometimes it really does stuck and not allow you to edit anything at all.
Please describe a bit more in detail - there needs to be a reason for this.