autocompleteinput of bokeh not working fine - autocomplete

i just created a autocompleteinput widget in my bokeh application.I am stuck with two issues,
auto completion is working for the first word only, not for the rest
i cant use arrow keys to navigate through the suggestion list and list
items are not clickable
from bokeh.plotting import show, output_notebook, output_file
from bokeh.models.widgets import AutocompleteInput
input_widget = AutocompleteInput(completions=['pok', 'wer', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'], title='test')

Please upgrade to the latest Bokeh version 1.0.4 and the auto-completion should work for all words. Unfortunately Bokeh doesn't support keyboard events so you need to click on a word to select it.


Save notebook widget state in vs code

Is there a possibility to save notebook widget state during export to html in vs code?
The widget appears well but it disappears when I export the notebook in html format. More precisely for my case, I display a map, I add data to it and the map is not displayed in the exported html file.
Currently it's not possible:
Thanks for the suggestion! We don't have plans to prioritize implementing this now, and if this issue receives upvotes from the community we will reconsider.

How to show tooltip message for custom directive in vs code

I have created one custom directive like app-subscriber.If i mouse over on I want to show tool tip message like "This is for subscriber and need mail id". How we can do it? is it possible? Need to create new vs code extension? Anybody if know idea..please share with me.
You can use Material Tooltip for this. I see you already installed Angular Material so all you need to do is:
Import BrowserAnimationsModule in your AppModule
Import MatTooltipModule in your AppModule
use it in your component template like so: matTooltip="This is for subscriber and need mail id" on the element that should show the tooltip.
Updated Stackblitz

React-leaflet does not work using create-react-app and react 16.8.4

I'm trying to get a basic example of react-leaflet 2.2.1 to work with the latest react release, 16.8.4. However, the leaflet map does not display correctly.
I used create-react-app to create a new project, then modified the App.jsx to include a component that is identical to the codepen example given for react-leaflet. The only change is to the containing div where I specified the height & width.
The map tiles do not render within the div and instead end up in somewhat random positions.
The entire app code in
This looks like some kind of compatibility issue with the new react version.
I had the same issue, adding
import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
solved my problem

Get menu item class in Drupal 7

I´m trying to get menu items classes/IDs to be able to write a conditions for front-end.
I tried the following code :
But it's not showing me anything.
Can you please show me a way?
There is a nice little module to do this if you don't need to hard code them:

How to programmatically access an Eclipse JDT tooltip icon

I'd like to use the icon "Quick Assist Available" (lightbulb) from Eclipse's JDT Icons.
However, I cannot find a way to access it.
The closest I've gotten was thanks at Ilya Shinkarenko's blog, where he uses ISharedImages to access many Eclipse logos. However, the lightbulb icon is not on his list and I can't find it's proper name anywhere (I'm not even sure if it's part of ISharedImages).
Do you know where I can get a hold of this icon within Eclipse and use it in my own tooltip?
Here is this in action using a Groovy script:
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPluginImages;
def image = JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_QUICK_ASSIST)
def newView = eclipse.views.create("a button with an image");
def button = newView.add_Button().setImage(image);
You are looking for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_QUICK_ASSIST.
A code snippet like JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_QUICK_ASSIST) should do the trick. (JavaPluginImages is not API hence you will get a warning in your code, but you can just ignore that)