Save notebook widget state in vs code - visual-studio-code

Is there a possibility to save notebook widget state during export to html in vs code?
The widget appears well but it disappears when I export the notebook in html format. More precisely for my case, I display a map, I add data to it and the map is not displayed in the exported html file.

Currently it's not possible:
Thanks for the suggestion! We don't have plans to prioritize implementing this now, and if this issue receives upvotes from the community we will reconsider.


Xamarin.Android, SfChart, Widget

I have SfChart where part is on C# and xml. There is anyway to put this inside of widget?
Maybe anyway to transfer whole object into widget or export to bitmap (getDrawingCache and DrawingCache are deprecated). Have anyone idea with sample?
Edit: converted to Bitmap working but only on live View(on screen). When trying only in cs. Bitmap is black. On Android.Forms was Platform.CreateRenderer(view) but on nothing i found.
Greetings from Syncfusion.
Currently, we don’t have support to update the SfChart in Android widget without rendering in the UI. We have already logged a feature request for this requirement, and you can track the feature using the feedback link below.
Devakumar D

QgsRelationEditorWidget configuration example with python code

I'm learning to use python to control forms in a Qgis project where I use some QgsRelationEditorWidgets to edit attributes of entities in various related layers.
I need information (if possible, some code example) on how to control the Widget with phyton: select the editing buttons to show, activate/deactivate these buttons depending on whether the entity is being edited, etc.
Any idea or reference where to look?
Thanks in advance.

How can I see the code behind all the widgets on a NetLogo Interface?

I am looking at a NetLogo model with lots of widgets. Which of them have code behind them? What global variables are hidden behind them? Which procedures do they call? How do I find out?
Solution (1): Open each widget one at a time, then look at what's back there. Make notes because I have to close this one to open the next one.
Solution (2): View the nlogo file in a text editor, scrolling down past the Code section, and dig out the widget code from all those numbers.
Neither of those solutions are very pleasant or fast.
What I would like is a quick way to see what lurks behind the widgets on the Interface. Is there a tool that will do that?
Yes! (update Jan 2017)
At [][1], download nivi.
nivi stands for "NetLogo Interface Variables Information". It is a NetLogo 6.0 file that parses the information about the widgets into a report that you can read on the screen or copy/paste.
It requires version 6.0 of NetLogo, but will use files created by earlier versions of NetLogo as data.

Show Loading Screen on Home Screen Widget Android

I understand the "android:initialLayout" element within the xml folder for defining the default layout of an Android homescreen widget. I want to be able to display a "loading your information" on my widget while I am waiting for do I do this. I have tried to display an error message on my widget if there is no connectivity, but it doesn't get past the "android:initialLayout" , so showing code I believe is irrelevant. Correct me if I am wrong please...don't bash me. Any help greatly appreciated!
Yes, the initialLayout is so that your widget displays something before Android has had a chance to call your widget-updating code. This is a great place to put a "Loading..." message.
Once your onUpdate method is called in your widget, that is your chance to get your data. If you have a connectivity problem at that point, you can display an error message at that point. Otherwise, if you successfully get your data, then you can draw you widget with the data.
I'm not sure if I've answered your question, so apologies if I have not. Please clarify a bit more if I have not. The main questions I have are:
Is Android calling your onUpdate function? Log statements can be really helpful for this.
Are you trying to load your data in the background, such as a separate Service, and then reading the results in the widget? Or are you loading the data inside the widget?

How to prevent Dashcode from renaming label-strings after save operation [iBook Author related]?

For use in iBooks Author, I created a widget with Dashcode.
The widget some labels:
If I save the widget within Dashcode, the windows flickers a bit (updates) - and all labels suddenly appear with the same text:
Please note, that the widget doesn't create any JS code yet.
How to prevent Dashcode from 'unifying' the string?
This post is probably helpful for Dashcode/iBook Author users too [and my similar question].
Figured out the cause of the problem:
Don't clone - copy & paste - a text label.
Somehow, they get connected :-(