How to show tooltip message for custom directive in vs code - visual-studio-code

I have created one custom directive like app-subscriber.If i mouse over on I want to show tool tip message like "This is for subscriber and need mail id". How we can do it? is it possible? Need to create new vs code extension? Anybody if know idea..please share with me.

You can use Material Tooltip for this. I see you already installed Angular Material so all you need to do is:
Import BrowserAnimationsModule in your AppModule
Import MatTooltipModule in your AppModule
use it in your component template like so: matTooltip="This is for subscriber and need mail id" on the element that should show the tooltip.
Updated Stackblitz


Using react-datepicker with agGrid

Im trying to incorporate react-date picker with ag-grid
ag-grid provides documentation on using custom date picker but with using flatpickr
was wondering if anyone has successfully attempted to use react-datepicker with ag-grid and if so, could provide and example?
Ag Grid example:
The react-datepicker is a bit more tricky to work with but I have a solution that works:
The portalId is key here, it allows us to append the popup to the root which allows the popup to be visible inside the filter menu:
Please see this example

Is "theme" global object available in all files in Material-ui?

I have been following Material-UI tutorial to learn Material-UI. At 9:25 it passes "theme" to makeStyles function. My question is "How is theme object's values are available there just so? such that they can be accessed in the subsequent body like theme.breakpoints.down("sm") for example.That "theme" is not defined so far in the file. I tried reading the documentation and it mentions nothing about it quite right. makestyles documentation.Can somebody explain to me what is happening there?
Material UI has a function called createMuiTheme and the main purpose of it, is to create a muiTheme, deep merging defaults with user custom theme options and store it in defaultTheme constant
and in makeStyles function it simply import that defaultTheme
hope this would be helpful

Bootstrap-vue file-form looks like plain text

I'm trying to use b-file-form from bootstrap-vue docs.
I've used vue-cli to create bootstrap-vue template project. And I
've tried to create file-form in my component. But file-form looks like plain text without css. Meanwhile file-form works as it should.
BootstrapVue has registered in vue app.
What can be wrong? And what I can to do to fix that?
Problem was decided after update bootstrap-vue to 2.0.0-rc.1

Hiding workflow re-assign button in Maximo

Is it possible to hide the re-assign button in the workflow dialog box for the users? and if so how?
my solution may not be the best one, but it works for me. I hid the button using CSS.
Just go to the Application Designer app and use Export system XML action from Select Action dropdown. Then pick LIBRARY XML and save it somewhere on your disk. Open it (using WordPad preferably, Notepad is causing some issues when importing back to Maximo) and CTRL+F find Complete workflow assignment dialog. Go down a bit and you'll see <pushbutton> with label Reassignment:
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" value="reassign"/>
Add textcss="reassign_btn" (the name is up to you of course)
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" textcss="reassign_btn" value="reassign"/>
Then save the file and import LIBRARY.xml back to the Maximo using Application Designer app again. Then just edit your maximo.css file (located somewhere in \applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\ depending on which skin you are using) and add:
.reassign_btn { visibility: hidden; }
Hope this helps :-)

CKEditor classes being stripped

I have a custom plugin that adds a link with a class attached. When I view this using the Source button it shows the class and looks as it should. However, when I go back to WYSYWIG view and then view the source again the class has been stripped out.
Any idea how to stop this happening?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Check this blog post.
In CKEditor 4.1 RC we've introduced ACF - Advanced Content Filter. You need to integrate your plugin with it, because otherwise special content created by it is stripped.
For CKEditor4 and for simple config.js modification, disabling the "default filters": see this new question/answer.
At config.js you can add something like,
see "Advanced Content Filter" (ACF) and how to enable/disable it.