How do I post the property content with umbraco? - metadata

Our website has been made so that the meta title only changes very little, and the meta description doesn't change at all on the different pages.
I'm very much a noob with Umbraco, so I don't know how to handle this problem:
This is the current template code:
#Model.Content.Name - Højskolen på Kalø
In each page, there is a tab called Meta Data
, where I can add Meta Title, but the content is not displayed anywhere.
How can I pull that content and display in in the code above?
Do I need some info from the document type?

You'll have to decode the special characters:
#HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Model.Content.HasValue("metaTitle") ? Model.Content.GetPropertyValue("metaTitle") : Model.Content.Name) - slutning ÆØÅ
You may or may not have to wrap the above with Html.Raw, but that should work.


TYPO3: How to properly setup RTE in custom content element

I created a custom content element with a "bodytext" field like this:
The text editor doesn't work properly. The links for example are formated like this:
<link 88 - internal-link>test</link>
which doesn't work in the frontend.
RTE is also throwing a lot of info and errors in the backend, here is a screenshot of firebug:
If I use a core content element like "text & media" RTE does work perfectly .. So I guess there is some configuration missing in my extension ?
How did you set up your custom content element? In which file did you set up your bodytext field shown above?
The link formatting like <link></link> is the normal and correct behavior of the RTE. By this way, links can be rendered dynamically having the pageid saved and they will still work even if the domain or pagetitle of the target page changes - this would not work if links would be saved "hard" like <a href="xy">.
However, those link tags have to be rendered using the lib.parseFunc_RTE when outputting the content. For example if you use Fluid for output, just use <f:format.html>{yourBodytextVariable}</f:format.html> and you will get correct links (f:format.html uses lib.parseFunc_RTE by default).
Check out your Typoscript Object Browser to find out more about the lib.parseFunc_RTE object and check out this doc:

TinyMCE - editor changing pasted content

Two questions and maybe they are caused by the same thing/setting.
Using TinyMCE with full corporate account. Many of the publishers are just pasting HTML into the HTML Source Editor... we are just getting this going the results are very mixed.
So if someone has a well coded page it works well - as far as we think.
But if you create a page with a couple of (or one) open div tag. Holy cow! The editor can throw divs everywhere - 30 extra on one page someone sent me. Why is the editor changing content? Can we keep this from happening? If a publisher makes an HTML mistake we would rather that the mistake shows - not be scrubbed.
Also I noticed myself when creating menus that if you put in anything inside a link tag (like a div, ul, li, dd, dt, dl, h1-6... pretty much any tag) other than a span, that the editor will either push the tag content outside of the link tag or it will change the tag to a span.
Looks like the verify html is the new setting. Will report back after testing.
David - I would have marked yours as right if you answered. Looks like that works for 3.4 and below.
For version 3, use
verify_html : false
From here

Facebook Update Status thumb issue

The Facebook "Update Status" is not getting right image of the page. When I paste the link on my "Update Status" it only shows on thumbnail of "Charity Navigator" and completely ignores the main image. On other urls like, it shows the main image and gives options of other thumbnails.
Both pages as basically done the same way with cms, the only difference I see is the image ratio. Is that the reason why it's not getting the main image. Is there a way to show the main image without chaining the aspect ratio?
You don't have any open graph data so facebook is just guessing what images, description, title etc you want to show. You need to add open graph meta data to your head, and check it with the url linter to make sure it is reading the things you want it to show, correctly.
Use a tag like this:
<link rel="image_src"
href="" />
Note, this doesn't work for everyone. It did work, but many are saying it doesn't anymore. Trying doesn't hurt.

if rss feed has only one item how to go straight to its detail view without using a table

I have an rss feed with only one item in it.I am trying to go straight to showing its details without having to go through a table view to do it.
I have a different rss feed working in my app that has multiple items. I have this working with a table view.I was looking online and all I could find was how to display a feed through a table view.
Does anyone know how to display the singular item from the feed in an app?
or of any online tutorials?
Any and all help much appreciated.
Just parse the feed and insted of showing in tableview ,show it in a label or textview .
I don't understand what u trying to ask through your question. It sounds simple but can you elaborate or give url of Rss feed links for understaning ur query...
If you've parsed your data already, you have it stored in a set of variables, right?
So now you just want a particular data to display in detail view for this if you use (UIWebView for DetailView) used this or a particular you wish to publish in the details view:-
– loadHTMLString:baseURL:
Sets the main page content and base URL.
- (void)loadHTMLString:(NSString *)string baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
The content for the main page.
The base URL for the content.

html code appears in my text view in RSS feed app

i got an rss feed app. All is working ok apart from the fact that in my "description" textView
(detail of the rss) the text appears in html!
any ideas in what is going on?
i have found the solution using a wbview with loadHTMLString.
however i would like to ask what is the difference between these two rss feeds:
and this for example:
in the first one i can get the textview to display the contents as they should appear while in the second one i get html code in the textview!
my code remains the same in both cases...
The key difference between them is that the latter contains prefix tags
e.g. and
Do you use NSXMLParser or libxml2 ? are you doing a strcmp with the element name ?