TYPO3: How to properly setup RTE in custom content element - typo3

I created a custom content element with a "bodytext" field like this:
The text editor doesn't work properly. The links for example are formated like this:
<link 88 - internal-link>test</link>
which doesn't work in the frontend.
RTE is also throwing a lot of info and errors in the backend, here is a screenshot of firebug:
If I use a core content element like "text & media" RTE does work perfectly .. So I guess there is some configuration missing in my extension ?

How did you set up your custom content element? In which file did you set up your bodytext field shown above?
The link formatting like <link></link> is the normal and correct behavior of the RTE. By this way, links can be rendered dynamically having the pageid saved and they will still work even if the domain or pagetitle of the target page changes - this would not work if links would be saved "hard" like <a href="xy">.
However, those link tags have to be rendered using the lib.parseFunc_RTE when outputting the content. For example if you use Fluid for output, just use <f:format.html>{yourBodytextVariable}</f:format.html> and you will get correct links (f:format.html uses lib.parseFunc_RTE by default).
Check out your Typoscript Object Browser to find out more about the lib.parseFunc_RTE object and check out this doc: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Functions/Parsefunc/Index.html


Typo3 use of <f:link.page pageUid="xx" > in HTML content and typoscriptObjectPath

I want to use links with <f:link> in HTML element inside handler and in Typoscript with typoscriptObjectPath, for example:
<f:link.page pageUid="13" >Test Page Link</f:link.page>
But they always appear to me as plain text.
I'm using Typo3 11 and Fluid Template.
Do you have to activate something so that it renders as it was done before with the old old link parser?
Let's see if someone can help me
If you wanna get a text parsed as HTML, just use f:format.html() in your Fluid Template. It renders a string by passing it to a TYPO3 parseFunc. By default lib.parseFunc_RTE is used to parse the string.
I made it.
Set the links in Typoscript this way:
lib.redesp = TEXT
lib.redesp.value = Test Link
And in the Fluid template set:
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.redesp"/>
Don't know if this is the best way, but it works.

Getting the page title from the new PageTitle

I'm looking for a way to get the page title set via the new PageTitleProvider API to display it inside a FluidTemplate.
In one of our TYPO3 installations, the page title is used as title, displayed on the page itself. The main PAGE object is set up to render a FLUIDTEMPLATE object. I've implemented the examples on the new PageTitleAPI in the documentation, https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/master/en-us/ApiOverview/PageTitleApi/Index.html into my extensions and that works just fine for the tag.
However, within the page itself, the title set in the page is still displayed, not the title I've set in my extension.
I've figured out, that I can instantiate the PageTitleProviderManager, but getTitle still resolves to the page name, not the title I've set, most likely because this object is resolved before the PageTitleProviders are set up by the extensions.
$pageTitleProviderManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\PageTitle\PageTitleProviderManager::class);
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\DebuggerUtility::var_dump( $pageTitleProviderManager->getTitle() );
// -> outputs the page name, not the title custom page title
Is there a way to resolve the page title after all Providers are processed and display it in a fluid template?
I also assume it depends on order of execution. so you need to build an order where your plugin is executed before the page title is rendered in the page template.
nowadays most integrators use the f:cObject viewhelper to render the content with lib.content. that means the content (and your plugin is rendered very late), as the page title is probably rendered before any content in the page template (independend whether you use template variables from the page template or a viewhelper which executes PHP or typoscript in the moment of the rendering.
Here you get a hint how to change the order:
try to render the content (including plugins) into a fluid-variable with the page templating ( e.g.:
page.10.variables.content < styles.content.get
) and try to get the page title when the page fluid is rendered: use a viewhelper to get the page title when the initial FLUID variables are already computed.
of course you also can define a FLUID-variable for the content in the page FLUID template before accessing the page title by viewhelper:
<f:variable name="content"><f:cObject typoscriptObejctPath="lib.content" /></f:variable>

Iframes converted to image tags in TinyMCE inline mode

I have a content management system that uses TinyMCE to edit text, and I am using the inline option. The issue I have is when the content contains an iframe - when TinyMCE is initialised, it converts the iframes to an image tag:
<img data-mce-p-allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-mce-p-frameborder="0" data-mce-p-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xxxxx" width="560" height="315" src="" data-mce-object="iframe" class="mce-object mce-object-iframe" data-mce-src="">
I then need to get the edited HTML to save to the server. The docs for this functionality give no suggestion on how to do this, so currently I use jQuery to just get the HTML content of the element the TinyMCE editor was initialised on, however this contains the image tag instead of the original iframe, which is what then gets saved.
Is there a better way to get the HTML from n inline TinyMCE instance, or change how TinyMCE displays iframes?
Here is a TinyMCE Fiddle that shows TinyMCE running inline with an iFrame in the content. When I use getContent() to extract the content it just shows as an iFrame.
As a rule of thumb I would not use jQuery to try to get the raw HTML as TinyMCE does a variety of things to accommodate for how inline editing works. The getContent() API is documented here:

How to stop TYPO3 from stripping <p> tags from RTE content (or touching it at all)

I have a TYPO3 which strips any <p> tags from content I create when the RTE editor is enabled for the field in question before it saves it in the DB. And it seems I cannot find a way to disable this behavior with a TypoScript. As soon as I disable the RTE editor I can save <p> tags and they get correctly rendered in the frontend. They also get correctly rendered in the frontend when I simply add them directly in the database in the tt_content table in the bodytext field.
When I switch to the edit source mode of the RTE I see all <p> tags in place. Before and after a save (also they never make it to the DB) so it looks like they get converted to (linux) line breaks or something and get converted back to <p> tags when the editor loads them in the backend. But those line breaks of course have no effect to in the frontend.
I thought this behavior would be controlled by RTE.default.proc but everything there looks good to me (p is already in the allowed tags and there is no clue why it could be stripped). I've also tried to disable the RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db and RTE.default.proc.exitHTMLparser_db as I wouldn't mind it if the HTML content as you see it in the edit source mode of the RTE (so with RTE still enabled!) would not be touched at all - in fact I would prefer it - but this had no effect. On the other hand when I add tags to the allowed tags which weren't there before (like <button>) this works so the things I try to add to RTE.default.proc aren't ignored in general.
So how can I stop TYPO3 from stripping my <p> tags from RTE content or touching it at all? I'd prefer a solution with TypoScript but meanwhile I would also be happy about an ugly hack in a sys extension as long as it works...
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but the solution to my problem lies in p.rmTagIfNoAttrib = 1. At least in my TYPO3 version (v6.1.7 and nearly only built in extensions) I cannot find this setting in the preset TypoScript of the page or the RTE editor so I'm guessing it defaults to 0. In my logic 0 means false so I'd say the default would read as "remove tag if there is no attribute?: no!".
However TYPO3 seems to work after its own logic. Adding the following statement to the page TS sloves my problem and <p> tags are preserved:
RTE.default.proc {
entryHTMLparser_db {
tags {
p.rmTagIfNoAttrib = 1
The reasons for this behavior are explained in the TYPO3 manual:
Many of the transformations performed back and forth in the TYPO3 backend date back to when it was a challenge to incorporate a RTE in a browser. It was then sometimes needed to fall back an a simple <textarea> where rich text had to be presented in a simple enough way so that editors could work with it with no visual help.

Exporting org-mode to HTML: Include custom sitemap above the title

I would like to include a short sitemap like
[[./page1.org]] [[./page2.org]] [[./page3.org]]
which I have contained in a file called sitemap-banner.org, but I would like for this to appear at the top of the page, above the title. When I start an org-mode document with
#+INCLUDE: sitemap-banner.org
#+TITLE: pagetitle
and export as HTML, the title still appears above this banner. Is there a way to change this behavior, or are there any other suggestions for including such a sitemap?
I guess this must be solved through CSS placement rules.