Add-in button shows error in office online server - ms-wopi

I have opened the add-in button in my office online server but when I push it, there shows an error "Sorry, there is an problem" in Chinese.
I typed the code to open the add-in button:
Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -OfficeAddinEnabled:$true
and have set the wopi server "AllowExternalMarketplace" to true.
But it still shows the error.

I have fixed the problem by update the OOS to the latest version. Hope this answer can help other developers.


Laravel Backpack devtools add-on not working?

I'm having an issue with devtools.
I just did a clean install of Laravel followed by new backpack install. During the install when I was prompted to install paid add-ons, I went to the backpack site and purchased "backpack pro" and "devtools". Went back to installer and installed both add-ons. Everything worked as expected with no errors.
Then went to http://project.test/admin. Registered an admin account. Logged in. Then went to http://project.test/admin/devtools. App/Models/User is shown on the models screen so I clicked the generate CRUD button. It seemed like it was doing something, but I didn't see anything change.
Now on the Models screen, the "Generate button" under actions is disabled and the disabled class is present on the button in the inspector. The CRUDs link in the top navbar links to nothing (a href="#").
So now I click the "Generate All CRUDs button". It pops up the green notification which displays "CRUD generated for: " nothing, it doesn't show a CRUD name.
When I click the "See files" button on the model, it shows a list of all the files it created except the Route link and the Menu link are disabled.
I'm not sure if missing something - what do I do now?
I finally found an error. Creating a new model with migration works. However, when trying to generate a CRUD for any model, I get this error:
str_repeat(): Argument #2 ($times) must be greater than or equal to 0
It's happening in the middleware:
in the handle function on line 66. Line 66 is: return $next($request);
I've just create a new Laravel app and followed the steps to add the PRO and Devtools repo.
I did the same as you did, opened the "Models" and saw only User. I made sure I deleted the user migration before as you said that Models without migration wouldn't work.
I clicked Generate CRUD, and got the green notifications.
This is what I get when I click on See Files
Route and Menu are disabled because it's a feature we are still working on, nothing that impacts the application.
If your issue persist please open a issue report on
UPDATE: We found a situation where that str_repeat could trigger, we are working on it and will patch it ASAP. I will let you know here when we do it
UPDATE 2: It was fixed. Thanks for the report!

AppDomains Not Working for Office (Word) Add-in in preventing domains from opening in new window on Mac

I have something like the following in my Word Add-in
When navigating to in my Word add-on on Mac it always opens in a new window.
In the browser it opens in the taskpane. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
AppDomains seems to work fine for Outlook Add-ons, as well as when I side-load the add-on on
Typing the full domain should work (i.e. add to AppDomains) also I am assuming you are navigating using windows.location.href = ""

How to debug ExecuteFunctions for word add-in?

I'm implementing a functionality which runs in background(without Taskpanel), where I can POST the word document data to REST API through the ExecuteFunctions. my question here is How can I debug the Function file? I tried printing through the console logs and also tried to debug through F12 and Visual studio tools, but didn't work. I have created word add-in using YO Office generator.
To answer the question as is, simplest way of debugging the functions is through the Web experience (, where they will print stuff on the console.
You should probably check out this answer though: Run add-in without showing taskpane?
You really can't run background tasks without having a TaskPane. Functions are meant to just plainly execute something and exit. That means; upon clicking the Function button, you can make a request and upload some data, but you can't really keep a connection open and upload periodically after just one click.

Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL

We have faced this type of problem.We are Developing phonegap app.We don't changed any code.But unfortunately my eclipse stop.And then we changed project location.then we open html page in browser.We got error like this
Please guide to us.
You can test your app inside a web server, that solved my problem, or you can simply delete "history.replaceState()" in your file, if you don't use the browser history in your mobile app
Waiting for chrome developers to fix this issue from the last update.

Java webstart replaces jnlp with wifi login page html

My webstart runs fine whenever there is internet connection. It also runs fine when I disconnect from wifi. But it does not work if my computer is connected to public wifi (ie. coffeeshop, airport, etc) such that if I open a browser it forwards me to a html page that asks me to click on a button to connect to internet.
Basically Java webstart thinks that the html welcome page is the new update to my jnlp file so it replaces my jnlp with the welcome page html. Of course that will fail to parse, so I get a parse error and I cannot recover from it unless I completely remove my webstart application from cache and re-download and re-install it.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to prevent this issue?
I submitted a bug report to OpenJDK:
Unfortunately it's marked as incomplete. Evidently I wasn't clear about what the problem is. I'll try to get in touch with them to see which part is not clear.