i was using travel wp coupons code problems - plugins

i was using travel wp-theme in WordPress. i have generated coupons using woocommerce smart coupons plugin the coupon code is applying for the product, but the coupon's discount is not varying according to prices for the same product with two price variations can anyone help me out to solve this problem

What is the coupon type you have generated?
The "fixed cart" and "Fixed Product" Coupon will not vary based on product price and "Percentage discount" amount will change based on product price.


Schema.org - Structured data pulls in the wrong numbers

The markup shows 472 reviews. But, in SERP, only 1 review count is shown. Can someone advice?
SERP results
I agree with unor. Your many separate types Product contradict Google’s Guide for Product:
There are two types of pages where you would typically use this
markup: a product page that describes a single product a shopping
aggregator page that lists a single product, along with information
about different sellers offering that product
And further:
Use markup for a specific product, not a category or list of products.

Product attribute on Checkout page summary magento 2

I want to display the product attribute on checkout summary
currently i am using " MageVision_Blog16 " Extension
Its only showing the product attribute on checkout shipping information page but its not showing on Checkout payment page.. Can you give me an idea on how to display the product attribute on both..??
Please check again the updated post. In payment step the totalData array is set again only with the Magento's default quote total values, so the quoteItemData array has to be used to set the product's manufacturer and display it in checkout order summary in both steps.

Omitting price property for sold products?

I'm adding Schema.org (using Microdata) to a product page. My client wants the price omitted for sold products - she doesn't want anyone to be able to see the price of sold products.
However this was showing up as an error in the Microdata for 'price': check page in Google SDTT
Obviously the average user will still not be able to see the price, but it's used by Google Shopping so might show up.
Should I just put a price of 0?
It’s perfectly fine to have an Offer without a price.
If Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool complains, it does not necessarily mean that you have an error in your Microdata or Schema.org. In your case Google’s error message just means:
If you don’t provide a price, we won’t be able to show our Products rich result for your product.
The point of this rich result is showing their users data about your product, including its price. If you don’t have a price, there is no point for Google to display it. Don’t provide a fake price (like 0), just omit the price property. Otherwise you convey that your product has a price (in case of 0, that the product is gratis), which would be misleading.

How do I add a discount code to my cart and send it to paypal checkout?

I'm trying to add a discount code field to my website in big cartel. I've set the available discount codes in bigcartel, but no discount field is shown when checking out. This is because I send users to PayPal to checkout. Is there a way to add a field for the discount code in my cart, then send that discount to paypal on checkout?
What I really need is an example of how to make an <input/> for the discount code such that it gets processed on form submission. I'm new to big cartel, and as far as I can tell I don't have the ability to change the code for how the cart form is processed.
I've been digging through bigcartel and PayPal's docs for a while now with no luck, and am hoping someone on here knows the solution, but any help would be appreciated.
You can add a discount field to the Cart page by using discount_code_input:
Enter discount: {{ cart.discount | discount_code_input }}
This is also documented here: https://help.bigcartel.com/developers/themes/#discountcodeinputdiscount-id-classname
Additionally there's a number of different variables used to check whether discounts are enabled, the amount, the code that was entered, etc: https://help.bigcartel.com/developers/themes/#variables-1
And finally, every Big Cartel theme is on GitHub, so you can download the theme code, run it locally with Dugway, and get a better idea of how our themes work. Here's Lunch Break for example: https://github.com/bigcartel-themes/lunch-break/blob/master/source/cart.html

how to show only one woocommerce product from every category?

I have multiple categories, like shoes, cloth, Book. So how can I show only one product from each category, means one product of shoes, one product of Book and one product of Cloth should be display.
Please help me how can I do that.
Thanks & Regards,
So simple.
You can do this by using widget like woocommerce featured products, just select products from each category and call this widget.