Omitting price property for sold products? -

I'm adding (using Microdata) to a product page. My client wants the price omitted for sold products - she doesn't want anyone to be able to see the price of sold products.
However this was showing up as an error in the Microdata for 'price': check page in Google SDTT
Obviously the average user will still not be able to see the price, but it's used by Google Shopping so might show up.
Should I just put a price of 0?

It’s perfectly fine to have an Offer without a price.
If Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool complains, it does not necessarily mean that you have an error in your Microdata or In your case Google’s error message just means:
If you don’t provide a price, we won’t be able to show our Products rich result for your product.
The point of this rich result is showing their users data about your product, including its price. If you don’t have a price, there is no point for Google to display it. Don’t provide a fake price (like 0), just omit the price property. Otherwise you convey that your product has a price (in case of 0, that the product is gratis), which would be misleading.


Contentful and get all city pages links that are in a particular state

I'm having a devil of a time modeling things in Contentful. I did the tutorials, but still don't even know where to begin.
I sell tutoring services, brokering, in many states. So, I want to display, on front page, all the states... but when click, you get all the cities... you click a city, you get all the tutoring topics.
This, as you can imagine, will get into the thousands as I am very SEO conscious and will need custom info per city etc..
How would/should I model the US, then then states, then cities...and each city could have like 4 or 5 separate tutoring pages. 1 specific for Math, or Spanish or Guitar etc..
I guess US & state will have one to many relationships, but how do I create "links", so I can:
List out all states
List out all cities
Get particular city page with tutorials. User would have selected something like /us/california/san-diego/lesson-guitar.
So, user lands on homepage
`1. Person clicks on California..
2. Person sees some California info, like a page:California
3. At bottom of page, a list of all the serviceable cities.
4. Person clicks city. Let's say San Diego. They see the page:sanDiego page.. with list of tutoring etc..`
There seems there will be page types, but not sure how to add links to the various cities, states etc...
Like, what field would I add to show all valid states in the US? Would that be a separate content type? Or would I add that to the various "pages" and would it be an array or ?
So confusing.
In this case, I'll create a separate content type for States and Cities. In the tutoring and brokering content types, I will then add a reference field that would refer to the City and State content type.
Hope this helps :)

Is there a way to display the Product Title before the Brand Name in Facebook Page Shop?

I exported all the tags required by Facebook from my third-party online store (Lightspeed) and the data stream works as expected in terms of automatic updates, but products on my facebook page shop (Shop tab) are displayed with the brand name first — L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph — followed by the product title.
See it live :
The unfortunate result is that the text under many products is exactly the same. Is there a way to display the Product Title before the Brand Name?
Lightspeed support told me I had to take it up with Facebook. I am awaiting their reply. See my questions in the fb developer forum here :
There are 3 ways to add products to Facebook Shop:
Data feed (e.g. CSV import)
Third party plugins (which you’re using).
Manually – the user is only able to enter 4 properties; title, description, image & variant. See There is no concept of product brand.
Data feed – this allows for additional properties, such as brand name. In the table, see example files and select product (csv, tsv or xml) However it looks like all Facebook does is concatenate string, that's the product title becomes "{brandName} – {productName}". It look like brand name is not used anywhere else. Nor is there an option to change the way it's displayed. If you edit the product, you should be able to see this in the Product Title.
Shop tab (third party plugin) – (May be it's me, but I found their documentation hard to follow) – They send an XML feed to Facebook They do not appear to have a concept of brand. Try and examine the data. I would expect the brand name to appear in the product title. Alternatively they allow for CSV, which also doesn't contain brand name
If possible, examine the data that is sent from Shop tab to Facebook.
Try and find out if you’re able to exclude / alter the string concatenation of brand name from product title in Shop tab. If not raise a support ticket with them.
Alternatively see if you can manually edit the product title in Facebook. It’s not a long-term fix, but helps understand how the system are integrated. - Structured data pulls in the wrong numbers
The markup shows 472 reviews. But, in SERP, only 1 review count is shown. Can someone advice?
SERP results
I agree with unor. Your many separate types Product contradict Google’s Guide for Product:
There are two types of pages where you would typically use this
markup: a product page that describes a single product a shopping
aggregator page that lists a single product, along with information
about different sellers offering that product
And further:
Use markup for a specific product, not a category or list of products. markup for a vacation rental website?

I have built a vacation rental website which allows users to add their home to my site, this will include all info, map, reviews and photos.
I am not sure how to mark up each property detail page with the correct data.
I have been looking and LodgingBusiness looks close, but these are not hotels, just someone's home to rent for a few weeks. I would ideally tag the name, photo, description, map, reviews, location too, but unsure about the actual main category.
For the places which get rented, you can use the Accommodation type. There are more specific types, like Apartment, Suite, House etc.
It offers the properties you are looking for:
name, image, description
address (or containedInPlace)
For documentation about all the accommodation-related types and properties, see Markup for Hotels.

Do I need to repeat all the categories on all sub-pages?

I am marking up the content on my website with microdata. I am a Local Business and use this hierarchy:
Do I need to repeat all the relevant Properties for each category: PLace, Organization, Local Buisness and Travel Agency in each page of my website?
I have many sub-pages and it is over-kill to repeat everytime on the page the location, address, telephone, etc. of the business.
For specific sub-pages can I cut out the higher categories?
For example: If I have a page: Special Offer Weekend in New York
Do I add all the Properties or can I just add the ones relevant for TravelAgency and potentially Price?
Thanks for your help
PS: I ask this because I have read that it is not good to have invisible content for the user. doesn’t define any required properties, so everything is optional.
But note that there is no concept of "website" in Microdata. The Microdata always gets parsed per document. So if a Microdata consumer parses your "Special Offer Weekend in New York" page, it will not get the telephone/address/etc. of the business, even if these would be specified on all of your other pages.
If you don’t want to markup all the visible content about your business on every page, you might want to link to a page where this data is marked up (e.g., the front page) by using an appropriate property.
Example: On "Special Offer Weekend in New York" (Offer), you could use the seller property to link to your front page (TravelAgency).
It’s not defined in Microdata that those links should be followed for parsing Microdata, but that way parsers can (if they want to) understand that all these pages belong to the same TravelAgency.