Product attribute on Checkout page summary magento 2 - magento2

I want to display the product attribute on checkout summary
currently i am using " MageVision_Blog16 " Extension
Its only showing the product attribute on checkout shipping information page but its not showing on Checkout payment page.. Can you give me an idea on how to display the product attribute on both..??

Please check again the updated post. In payment step the totalData array is set again only with the Magento's default quote total values, so the quoteItemData array has to be used to set the product's manufacturer and display it in checkout order summary in both steps.


Magento 2 checkout sidebar

Need to link this
Magento 2 sidebar on checkout. issue is Right side bar show number of product added thumbnails and name i want thumbnails and name of the product to be linked to actual product.
I would turn on "Template Path Hints" to locate the template file where the image is loaded.
Then check if you can access the cart item and the products URL so that you can then insert a link right there on the image.

How do I add a discount code to my cart and send it to paypal checkout?

I'm trying to add a discount code field to my website in big cartel. I've set the available discount codes in bigcartel, but no discount field is shown when checking out. This is because I send users to PayPal to checkout. Is there a way to add a field for the discount code in my cart, then send that discount to paypal on checkout?
What I really need is an example of how to make an <input/> for the discount code such that it gets processed on form submission. I'm new to big cartel, and as far as I can tell I don't have the ability to change the code for how the cart form is processed.
I've been digging through bigcartel and PayPal's docs for a while now with no luck, and am hoping someone on here knows the solution, but any help would be appreciated.
You can add a discount field to the Cart page by using discount_code_input:
Enter discount: {{ | discount_code_input }}
This is also documented here:
Additionally there's a number of different variables used to check whether discounts are enabled, the amount, the code that was entered, etc:
And finally, every Big Cartel theme is on GitHub, so you can download the theme code, run it locally with Dugway, and get a better idea of how our themes work. Here's Lunch Break for example:

Paypal php passing handling fee parameter

Now I'm addind parameter - handling, but in Paypal page gedding label Shipping and handling , this label is not correct form me bacause I sell inteligence items and there is no shipping.
What parameter is same as handling but have label Handling
I try all items from this official page, but no one is what I need.
As far as I know you can't change the name of the parameter corresponding on the checkout page . Instead you use the cart upload button and pass the "handling" as line item so that it will be shown as another item on the checkout page .
Kindly refer the below link :
You can click the below link to see how it will look like :

Woocommerce - How can I create an order form/quote to be added to a cart?

I'm working for a client who prints on canvases, he needs the site to request the user's information/preferences of what kind of print job is to be done.
The user fills a form attaching an image of what should be printed on a canvas with predefined prices for different canvases or print surfaces of different sizes, on submission of the form, the fields of the form are transferred to the cart.
When an order has been placed, the user can checkout by paying for the products once ready.
I'm trying to recreate the order form here at the bottom of the page, exempting the Instagram login part.
I'm aware of a plugin like Gravity form with an add-on that might be able to do this, but I'm not sure it can do as I intend.
Products are actually a custom post type, so you can use wp_insert_post to insert a new product. After you insert, you get the id of the new product post type, use update_post_meta to set a meta key and meta value as _visibility and visible respectively. you can set the visibility also.
This answer shows how to insert product .
To add to cart
global $woocommerce;
$woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id );

How to add new fields in cart of VirtueMart (Joomla!)

I am working on joomla and using joomla VirtueMart component.I created new fields in product detail page like color and size (drop down), Now I want to add that POST value (ex. $_POST["cmbColor"]) in shopping cart process and finally to be saved in database of VirtueMart.Please help me how to add these fields in cart.
Did you use the attribute system to add the optional color and size? Using either child products or attributes will get the options to show in the cart and saved on a sale. The VM documentation is pretty good on this topic, you can find how to use attributes here -