How to seed a docker container in Windows - mongodb

I intended to install a mongodb docker container from Docker Hub, and then insert some data into it. Obviously, a mongodb seed container is needed. So I did the following:
created a Dockerfile of Mongo seed container in mongo_seed/Dockerfile and the code in Dockerfile is the following:
FROM mongo:latest
COPY data/shops.json .
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source"]
The code of is the following:
ls .
mongoimport --host mongodb --db data --collection shops --file shops.json
the shops.json file contains the data to be imported to Mongo
created a docker-compose.yml file in the current working directory, and the code is the following:
version: '3.4'
image: mongo:latest
- "27017:27017"
container_name: mongodb
build: mongodb_seed
- mongodb
The code above successfully made the mongodb service execute the to import the json data - shops.json. It works perfectly in my Ubuntu. However, when I tried to run command docker-compose up -d --build mongodb_seed in Windows, the import of data failed with errors logs:
Attaching to linux_mongodb_seed_1
mongodb_seed_1 | ls: cannot access '.'$'\r': No such file or directory
: no such file or directory2T08:33:45.552+0000 Failed: open shops.json
mongodb_seed_1 | 2019-04-02T08:33:45.552+0000 imported 0 documents
Anyone has any ideas why it was like that? and how to fix it so that it can work in Windows as well?

You can try to change line endings to UNIX in your script file.

Notice the error ls: cannot access '.'$'\r': No such file or directory.
One of the issues with Docker (or any Linux/macOS based system) on Windows is the difference in how line endings are handled.
Windows ends lines in a carriage return and a linefeed \r\n while Linux and macOS only use a linefeed \n. This becomes a problem when you try to create a file in Windows and run it on a Linux/macOS system, because those systems treat the \r as a piece of text rather than a newline.
Make sure to run dos2unix on script file whenever anyone edit anything on any kind of editor on Windows. Even if script file is being created on Git Bash don’t forget to run dos2unix
In your case:
FROM mongo:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dos2unix
COPY data/shops.json .
RUN dos2unix / && apt-get --purge remove -y dos2unix
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source"]


Docker Compose - Container Bash Forking

I am trying to run netbox based on their standard guide on Docker Hub with a slight difference that I need our existing postgres dump to be restored when the postgres container starts.
I have tried a few approaches like defining a command option in docker-compose file like (and a few more combinations):
sleep 2 && psql -U netbox -f netbox.sql
sleep is required to prevent psql command running before the postgres service is started.
Or defining a bash script that does the database restore but all these approaches cause the container to exit after that command/script is run.
My last resort was to utilize bash forking and this is what the postgres snippet of docker-compose looks like:
image: postgres:13-alpine
env_file: env/postgres.env
- sh
- -c
- (sleep 3 && cd /home && psql -U netbox -f netbox.sql) & su -c postgres postgres
- ./my_db:/home/
- netbox-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Sadly this throws results in:
postgres: could not access the server configuration file
"/var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
If I omit the command section of docker-compose, the container starts up fine and I can navigate and ls the directory in the error message but it is not what I really need because this container will go on to be part of a much larger jungle of an ecosystem with little to no control over it afterwards.
Could it be my bash forking or the problem lies somewhere else?
Thanks in advance
I was able to find a solution by going through the thread that David Maze shared in the comments.
In my case, placing the *.sql file inside /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d did not work but I wrote a bash script, placed it in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory and it got triggered.
The bash script was a very simple one, it would cd to the directory containing the sql dump and then restore it by running psql:
psql -U netbox -f netbox.sql

Replacing postgresql.conf in a docker container

I am pulling the postgres:12.0-alpine docker image to build my database. My intention is to replace the postgresql.conf file in the container to reflect the changes I want (changing data directory, modify backup options etc). I am trying with the following docker file
FROM postgres:12.0-alpine
# create the custom user
RUN addgroup -S custom && adduser -S custom_admin -G custom
# create the appropriate directories
ENV APP_HOME=/home/data
ENV APP_SETTINGS=/var/lib/postgresql/data
# copy
# copy postgresql.conf
COPY ./postgresql.conf $APP_HOME/postgresql.conf
RUN chmod +x /home/data/
# chown all the files to the app user
RUN chown -R custom_admin:custom $APP_HOME
RUN chown -R custom_admin:custom $APP_SETTINGS
# change to the app user
USER custom_admin
# run
ENTRYPOINT ["/home/data/"]
CMD ["custom_admin"]
my looks like
rm /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
cp ./postgresql.conf /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
echo "replaced .conf file"
exec "$#"
But I get an exec error saying 'custom_admin: not found on the 'exec "$#"' line. What am I missing here?
In order to provide a custom configuration. Please use the below command:
docker run -d --name some-postgres -v "$PWD/my-postgres.conf":/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf postgres -c 'config_file=/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf'
Here my-postgres.conf is your custom configuration file.
Refer the docker hub page for more information about the postgres image.
Better to use the suggested answer by #Thilak, you do not need custom image to just use the custom config.
Now the problem with the CMD ["custom_admin"] in the Dockerfile, any command that is passed to CMD in the Dockerfile, you are executing that command in the end of the entrypoint, normally such command refers to main or long-running process of the container. Where custom_admin seems like a user, not a command. you need to replace this with the process which would run as a main process of the container.
Change CMD to
CMD ["postgres"]
I would suggest modifying the offical entrypoint which do many tasks out of the box, as you own entrypoint just starting the container no DB initialization etc.

How to build an image of Postgres:11 with HLL extension?

I want to make a Dockerfile to build an image of Postgres:11 that already installed postgresql-hll extension inside.
Im not experienced with Docker so Im have no idea to follow the instruction of installing this extension properly.
In order to do this you need to:
clone the git repository:
git clone
Create a file called Dockerfile (at the same level with the folder postgresql-hll created at step 1) with the contents:
ARG psversion=11
FROM postgres:$psversion
COPY postgresql-hll /postgresql-hll
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y postgresql-server-dev-${PG_MAJOR} make gcc g++
WORKDIR /postgresql-hll
RUN PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config make
RUN PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config make install
RUN echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'hll'" >> /usr/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample
COPY create_extension.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
Create a file create_extension.sql at the same level with the Dockerfile, with the contents:
Build your image:
# build for POSTGRES 11
docker build -t hll:1.0 --build-arg psversion=11 .
# build for POSTGRES 9.6
docker build -t hll:1.0 --build-arg psversion=9 .
NOTE: The version for POSTGRES 9.6 gives an error when trying to load the library. It is here for completeness and maybe somebody can contribute to fix it.
Run a container based on this image
docker run -d --name hll hll:1.0
Open a shell in the newly created container:
docker exec -ti hll bash
Inside the container run:
su postgres
The output should show the hll extension as installed.

Executing in python Docker container

I have a Python docker container that needs to wait until another container (postgres server) finishes setup. I tried the standard but several commands weren't included. I tried a basic sleep (again in an sh file) but now it's reporting exec: 300: not found when trying to finally execute the command I'm waiting on.
How do I get around this (preferably without changing the image, or having to extend an image.)
I know I could also just run a Python script, but ideally I'd like to use to wait for the server to turn up rather than just sleep.
Dockerfile (for stuffer):
FROM python:2.7.13
ADD ./stuff/bin /usr/local/bin/
ADD ./stuff /usr/local/stuff
WORKDIR /usr/local/bin
COPY requirements.txt /opt/updater/requirements.txt
COPY internal_requirements.txt /opt/stuff/internal_requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r /opt/stuff/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r /opt/stuff/other_requirements.txt
version: '3'
build: ./local_db
- "localhost:5432:5432"
build: ./
- local_db
command: ["./", "-t", "300", "localhost:5432", "--", "python", "./", "--file", "./afile"]
Script I want to use (but can't because no psql or exec):
set -e
until psql -h "$host" -U "postgres" -c '\l'; do >&2 echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
sleep 1
>&2 echo "Postgres is up - executing command"
exec $cmd
Sergey's comment. I had wrong argument order. This issue had nothing to do with docker and everything to do with my inability to read.
I made an example so you can see it working:
On the other hand also you can have errors inside the execution of the script to validate that the service is working. You should not refer as localhost .... because that is within the contexts of containers, if you want to point to another container has to be through the name of the service.

Boot2Docker (on Windows) running Mongo with shared folder (This file system is not supported)

I am trying to start a Mongo container using shared folders on Windows using Boot2Docker. When starting using run -it -v /c/Users/310145787/Desktop/mongo:/data/db mongo i get a warning message inside the container saying:
WARNING: This file system is not supported.
After starting mongo shutsdown immediately.
Any hints or tips on how to solve this?
Apparently, according to this gist and Sev (sevastos), mongo doesn't support mounted volume through the VirtualBox shared folder:
See mongoDB Productions Notes:
MongoDB requires a filesystem that supports fsync() on directories.
For example, HGFS and Virtual Box’s shared folders do not support this operation.
the easiest solutions of all and a proper way for data persistance is Data Volumes:
Assuming you have a container that has VOLUME ["/data"]
# Create a data volume
docker create -v /data --name yourData busybox true
# and use
docker run --volumes-from yourData ...
This isn't always ideal (but the following is for Mac, by Edward Chu (chuyik)):
I don't think it's a good solution, because the data just moved to another container right?
But it still inside the container rather than local system(mac disk).
I found another solution, that is to use sshfs to map data between boot2docker vm and your mac, which may be better since data is not stored inside linux container.
Create a directory to store data inside boot2docker:
boot2docker ssh
mkdir -p /mnt/sda1/dev
Use sshfs to link boot2docker and mac:
echo tcuser | sshfs docker#localhost:/mnt/sda1/dev <your mac dir path> -p 2022 -o password_stdin
Run image with mongo installed:
docker run -v /mnt/sda1/dev:/data/db <mongodb-image> mongod
The corresponding boot2docker issue points out to docker issue 12590 ( Problem with -v shared folders in 1.6 #12590), which points to the work around of using double-slash.
using a double slash seems to work. I checked it locally and it works.
docker run -d -v //c/Users/marco/Desktop/data:/data <image name>
it also works with
docker run -v /$(pwd):/data
As an workaround I just copy from a folder before mongo deamon starts. Also, in my case I don't care of journal files, so i only copy database files.
I've used this command on my docker-compose.yml
command: bash -c "(rm /data/db/*.lock && cd /prev && cp *.* /data/db) && mongod"
And everytime before stoping the container I use:
docker exec <container_name> bash -c 'cd /data/db && cp $(ls *.* | grep -v *.lock) /prev'
Note: /prev is set as a volume. path/to/your/prev:/prev
Another workaround is to use mongodump and mongorestore.
in docker-compose.yml: command: bash -c "(sleep 30; mongorestore
--quiet) & mongod"
in terminal: docker exec <container_name> mongodump
Note: I use sleep because I want to make sure that mongo started, and it takes a while.
I know this involves manual work etc, but I am happy that at least I got mongo with existing data running on my Windows 10 machine, and still can work on my Macbook when I want.
It's seems like you don't need the data directory for MongoDb, removing those lines from your docker-composer.yml should run without problems.
The data directory is only used by mongo for cache.