Boot2Docker (on Windows) running Mongo with shared folder (This file system is not supported) - mongodb

I am trying to start a Mongo container using shared folders on Windows using Boot2Docker. When starting using run -it -v /c/Users/310145787/Desktop/mongo:/data/db mongo i get a warning message inside the container saying:
WARNING: This file system is not supported.
After starting mongo shutsdown immediately.
Any hints or tips on how to solve this?

Apparently, according to this gist and Sev (sevastos), mongo doesn't support mounted volume through the VirtualBox shared folder:
See mongoDB Productions Notes:
MongoDB requires a filesystem that supports fsync() on directories.
For example, HGFS and Virtual Box’s shared folders do not support this operation.
the easiest solutions of all and a proper way for data persistance is Data Volumes:
Assuming you have a container that has VOLUME ["/data"]
# Create a data volume
docker create -v /data --name yourData busybox true
# and use
docker run --volumes-from yourData ...
This isn't always ideal (but the following is for Mac, by Edward Chu (chuyik)):
I don't think it's a good solution, because the data just moved to another container right?
But it still inside the container rather than local system(mac disk).
I found another solution, that is to use sshfs to map data between boot2docker vm and your mac, which may be better since data is not stored inside linux container.
Create a directory to store data inside boot2docker:
boot2docker ssh
mkdir -p /mnt/sda1/dev
Use sshfs to link boot2docker and mac:
echo tcuser | sshfs docker#localhost:/mnt/sda1/dev <your mac dir path> -p 2022 -o password_stdin
Run image with mongo installed:
docker run -v /mnt/sda1/dev:/data/db <mongodb-image> mongod
The corresponding boot2docker issue points out to docker issue 12590 ( Problem with -v shared folders in 1.6 #12590), which points to the work around of using double-slash.
using a double slash seems to work. I checked it locally and it works.
docker run -d -v //c/Users/marco/Desktop/data:/data <image name>
it also works with
docker run -v /$(pwd):/data

As an workaround I just copy from a folder before mongo deamon starts. Also, in my case I don't care of journal files, so i only copy database files.
I've used this command on my docker-compose.yml
command: bash -c "(rm /data/db/*.lock && cd /prev && cp *.* /data/db) && mongod"
And everytime before stoping the container I use:
docker exec <container_name> bash -c 'cd /data/db && cp $(ls *.* | grep -v *.lock) /prev'
Note: /prev is set as a volume. path/to/your/prev:/prev
Another workaround is to use mongodump and mongorestore.
in docker-compose.yml: command: bash -c "(sleep 30; mongorestore
--quiet) & mongod"
in terminal: docker exec <container_name> mongodump
Note: I use sleep because I want to make sure that mongo started, and it takes a while.
I know this involves manual work etc, but I am happy that at least I got mongo with existing data running on my Windows 10 machine, and still can work on my Macbook when I want.

It's seems like you don't need the data directory for MongoDb, removing those lines from your docker-composer.yml should run without problems.
The data directory is only used by mongo for cache.


Docker Compose - Container Bash Forking

I am trying to run netbox based on their standard guide on Docker Hub with a slight difference that I need our existing postgres dump to be restored when the postgres container starts.
I have tried a few approaches like defining a command option in docker-compose file like (and a few more combinations):
sleep 2 && psql -U netbox -f netbox.sql
sleep is required to prevent psql command running before the postgres service is started.
Or defining a bash script that does the database restore but all these approaches cause the container to exit after that command/script is run.
My last resort was to utilize bash forking and this is what the postgres snippet of docker-compose looks like:
image: postgres:13-alpine
env_file: env/postgres.env
- sh
- -c
- (sleep 3 && cd /home && psql -U netbox -f netbox.sql) & su -c postgres postgres
- ./my_db:/home/
- netbox-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Sadly this throws results in:
postgres: could not access the server configuration file
"/var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
If I omit the command section of docker-compose, the container starts up fine and I can navigate and ls the directory in the error message but it is not what I really need because this container will go on to be part of a much larger jungle of an ecosystem with little to no control over it afterwards.
Could it be my bash forking or the problem lies somewhere else?
Thanks in advance
I was able to find a solution by going through the thread that David Maze shared in the comments.
In my case, placing the *.sql file inside /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d did not work but I wrote a bash script, placed it in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory and it got triggered.
The bash script was a very simple one, it would cd to the directory containing the sql dump and then restore it by running psql:
psql -U netbox -f netbox.sql

Dockerized PGAdmin Mapped volume + COPY not working

I have a scenario where a certain data set comes from a CSV and I need to allow a non-dev to hit PG Admin and update this data set. I want to be able to put this CSV in a mapped folder from the host system and then use the PG Admin GUI to run a COPY command. So far PG Admin is telling me:
ERROR: could not open file "/var/lib/pgadmin/data-files/some_data.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
Here are my steps so far, along with a sanity check inspect:
docker volume create --name=data-files
docker run -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL="" -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=some_pass -v data-files:/var/lib/pgadmin/data-files -d -p 5050:80 --name pgadmin dpage/pgadmin4
docker volume inspect data-files --format '{{.Mountpoint}}'
docker cp ./updated-data.csv pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin/data-files
And, now I think that PG Admin could see the updated-data.csv, so I try COPY, which I know works locally on my dev system where PG Admin is on baremetal:
FROM '/var/lib/pgadmin/data-files/updated-data.csv'
ENCODING 'windows-1252';
Is there any glaring mistake here? When I do docker cp there's no feedback to stdout. No error, no mention of success or a hash or anything.
It looks like you thought the file should be inside the pgadmin container however the file you are going to copy must be inside the postgres container so the query you run will find the file. I suggest you copy the file to postgres container :
docker cp <path_from_your_local>/file.csv <postgres_container_name>:/file.csv
Then in the query tool from your pgadmin you can copy without problems !
I hope this help to others came here...

Custom postgres shared_preload_libraries dir - how to configure?

I am trying to install pg_cron extension in postgres in alpine linux docker.
When running
in psql console I get:
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/local/share/postgresql/extension/pg_cron.control": No such file or directory
The problem is that the actual pg_cron.control is not under /usr/local/share/... but under /usr/share/..
Where in postgresql.conf I can define the path?
Steps taken:
docker run --name postgres-0 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Password1 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:10-alpine
docker exec -it postgres-0 /bin/bash
apk update
apk add postgresql-pg_cron --repository=
cat <<EOT >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
pg_ctl reload
PostgreSQL expects to find the extension files in the SHAREDIR/extension/ directory associated with the installation (execute pg_config --sharedir to confirm the value of SHAREDIR for your particular installation).
There is however no facility for specifying an alternative location for extension files; it looks like something is wrong with the packaging.
I'm not familiar with Alpine Linux, but a quick Google search brings up e.g. this issue: Postgres extensions are installed into incorrect path and the suggested solution is to use a bare Alpine Linux image and install PostgreSQL via the apk command, so you might want to try that.

Copy folder with wildcard from docker container to host

Creating a backup script to dump mongodb inside a container, I need to copy the folder outside the container, Docker cp doesn't seem to work with wildcards :
docker cp mongodb:mongo_dump_* .
The following is thrown in the terminal :
Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/SomeHash/mongo_dump_*: no such file
or directory
Is there any workaround to use wildcards with cp command ?
I had a similar problem, and had to solve it in two steps:
$ docker exec <id> bash -c "mkdir -p /extract; cp -f /path/to/fileset* /extract"
$ docker cp <id>:/extract/. .
It seems there is no way yet to use wildcards with the docker cp command
You can create the mongo dump files into a folder inside the container and then copy the folder, as detailed on the other answer here.
If you have a large dataset and/or need to do the operation often, the best way to handle that is to use docker volumes, so you can directly access the files from the container into your host folder without using any other command:
Today I have faced the same problem. And solved it like:
docker exec container /bin/sh -c 'tar -cf - /some/path/*' | tar -xvf -
Hope, this will help.

How to fill in a Docker mongodb image

I don't really understand how I can fill in my mongodb image with a simple script like demoInstall.js.
I have my image and I can launch a mongodb instance. But I can not access to the docker image "mongo shell" to fill this one with the script.
I tried this command :
sudo docker run --entrypoint=/bin/cat mongo/ubuntu /tmp/devInstall.js | mongo --host IPAdress
But it's using the local mongo and not the image :/
Finally my aim is simple, I need to pull my image on a virgin server and launch a basic bash script who fill some informations in the Docker db.
The command you use does pipe on the output of the docker locally. You might call with explicit bash -c instead:
sudo docker run -it --rm mongo/ubuntu /bin/bash -c '/bin/cat /tmp/devInstall.js | mongo --host IPAdress'
I am not sure the IPAdress will be available though. You might want to define it via environmental parameter or container linking.
I would mount a volume with this argument:
-v /local_init_script_folder:/bootstrap
And then with a similar commandline like you proposed, you cann access the contents of the folder as /bootstrap from within the container.