The OrientDB Studio (web interface) has a very short timeout before it wants you to log in again. Where can I change the timeout duration? Google did not help and searching through the config directory also came up with nothing.
Edit the file <orientdb_folder>/config/orientdb-server-config.xml and add the following entries in the <orient-server><properties>...</properties></orient-server> section:
<entry value="9999999" name="network.http.sessionExpireTimeout"/>
<entry value="9999999" name="network.token.expireTimeout"/>
And restart the server. That worked for me.
In SAP HANA index server and statistics server stopped suddenly and not running.
I tried to stop and restart the server by the following commands.
HDB stop
HDB start
But still it is not working. Does anyone know what causes this problem and what is the solution? Thanks in advance.
If the indexserver doesn't start, you cannot logon as SYSTEM (or any other user for that matter). A good way to find out what the reason for the failed start is to check the tracefile for the nameserver, the indexserver and the statisticsserver.
Logon as <sid>adm and change to the tracefile folder via cdtrace.
Then find the tracefiles and use e.g. less to read through them to find the actual error messages.
Alternatively you can use SAP HANA Studio with the emergency connection to review the trace files without terminal access.
I am using Entity Framework Code First to create my database.
Here is the current connection string
"Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;Data Source=(localdb)\\v11.0;Initial Catalog=Inventory"
However this database is not visible when I try to attach it inside SQL Server Management Studio.
This is because the account that runs the SQL Server service would need to have access to my user folder in order to see it.
I tried giving this account access but had problems due to permissions of other things in my user folder.
Thus I thought I should perhaps specify a folder name for the database to be created in, but I am unsure on how to do this, and what other problems this approach may bring.
I am now investigating setting the AttachDbFilename in app.config
this link is helpful however I aren't clear on how to set up |DataDirectory| for a winforms app.
The following connection string works
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=c:\databases\MyDatabase.mdf;"/>
It would be helpful to know how to configure the path to be the same as the exe file location.
You may first use sql server management studio (ssms) to connect to your localdb instance (server name: (localdb)\v11.0, Windows authentication)
make a backup of your localdb database (right click db -> task -> backup)
then share the db backup file with other system.
I wound up placing the following in Main()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
and the following in app.config
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MyDatabase.mdf;"/>
NServiceBus writes to the logs into the folder where the host process is. How can I write my application specific log to a separate file using log4net so that I look at the application logs and then if there is a NServiceBus issue, I go look at the NServiceBus logs.
If I go the IWantCustomLogging route, everything gets written to the destination file.
Any suggestions?
You can configure that in app.config.
I host my Catalyst web application with Apache2 and ModPerl. The web application uses the Log4perl modul to generate logfiles.
The problem is that only log entries are generated when the apache service is starting. Afterwards no new entries were generated.
If I use the integrated development server of catalyst instead, log entries are generated normaly.
I already checked the access rights and these seem ok: the apache process is owner and can write.
Anyone a idea what causes this problem???
This is my log4perl config:
log4perl.logger.myapp=INFO, LOGFILE
log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [%p] %m%n
I setup a test application running on Apache2 and mod_perl and I got this to work. Here were the notes that I took about it.
I used Log::Log4perl::Catalyst to do the logging within Catalyst. You mentioned using Log4perl, but I didn't know if you were using the Catalyst extension or not. In my main package, I had these lines:
use Log::Log4perl::Catalyst;
I did have to specify the full path to the log configuration file. I added a few logging statements to make sure that worked.
I used your sample above, but I did change one thing. I had to specify a full path to the log location again:
Once I did those things, hitting the main site updated the log file.
How can I get log information from PostgreSQl server?
I found ability to watch it in pgAdmin Tolls->ServerStatus. Is there a SQL way, or API, or consol way, to show content of log file(s)?
I am command line addict, so I prefer “console” way.
Where you find logs and what will be inside those depends on how you've configured your PostgreSQL cluster. This the first thing I change after creating a new cluster, so that I get all the information I need and in the expected location.
Please, review your $PGDATA/postgresql.conf file for your current settings and adjust them in the appropriate way.
The adminpack extension is the one providing the useful info behind pgAdmin3's server status functionality.