NServiceBus writes to the logs into the folder where the host process is. How can I write my application specific log to a separate file using log4net so that I look at the application logs and then if there is a NServiceBus issue, I go look at the NServiceBus logs.
If I go the IWantCustomLogging route, everything gets written to the destination file.
Any suggestions?
You can configure that in app.config. http://particular.net/articles/generic-host-sample
I'm using Console.WriteLine in a Guest Executable service.
I enabled ConsoleRedirection as instructed here and am able to see logs locally.
When I log into the Cloud VM I see the log files, but they are empty.
Any ideas?
It is possible that the process is still running and has not flushed the buffers?
When using the nekotools server for development, I get all messages in the console. Is it be possible to activate those messages in Apache logs on a server, for debugging purposes?
Answering own question since no answers yet.
In Haxe API I found neko.Web.logMessage(msg:String):Void, it allows sending custom messages to the webserver file logs. Not exactly what I was looking for though.
I have deployed my application on JBOSS7.2. It is working fine on some servers. But on some servers, application log is not working. It just creates the file and writes "successfully created memcache client
" and nothing else is logged. The same build in working fine on some JBOSS 7 servers. Tried whatever is written on internet, not helping.
could be a problem with your:
the general logging level
Which log level are you using in your application?
I host my Catalyst web application with Apache2 and ModPerl. The web application uses the Log4perl modul to generate logfiles.
The problem is that only log entries are generated when the apache service is starting. Afterwards no new entries were generated.
If I use the integrated development server of catalyst instead, log entries are generated normaly.
I already checked the access rights and these seem ok: the apache process is owner and can write.
Anyone a idea what causes this problem???
This is my log4perl config:
log4perl.logger.myapp=INFO, LOGFILE
log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [%p] %m%n
I setup a test application running on Apache2 and mod_perl and I got this to work. Here were the notes that I took about it.
I used Log::Log4perl::Catalyst to do the logging within Catalyst. You mentioned using Log4perl, but I didn't know if you were using the Catalyst extension or not. In my main package, I had these lines:
use Log::Log4perl::Catalyst;
I did have to specify the full path to the log configuration file. I added a few logging statements to make sure that worked.
I used your sample above, but I did change one thing. I had to specify a full path to the log location again:
Once I did those things, hitting the main site updated the log file.
I've got a solution which I setup / cleanup using batch files ...
- there are a pair of MSMQ ports, send and receive, with another application on the end of the queues
I'm finding I can't properly stop the orchestration in the batch file ... the error is the send port is unenlisted
- I'm using the StopOrch.vbs script from the SDK samples
But I can go into BizTalk Admin Console and manually stop the orchestration with Full Terminate Ok
The setup / cleanup works Ok if I don't actually push any messages down the MSMQ queues
You might also take a look at the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.dll. It is contains business level objects that are pretty nice to interact with in .NET code. You can find the dll in the installation directory, mine is at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\Developer Tools
Here is the MSDN documentation on it:
And a good high level walk through of its use:
I would look at using a powershell script to handle terminating all the suspended messages and also shutdown the the orchestration the proper way. I believe there's a set of these scripts on codeplex if you search. Also look at the SDC MSBuilt components on complex for doing that as well.