I have problem in using the drag function in testcafe - drag-and-drop

I am using testcafe for my end to end testing. I am currently testing my slider component and use the drag function, but for some reason it is not moving even though it shows the cursor moving.
This is my rough code:
const slider = Selector('#slider');
const sliderThumb = Selector('#slider-thumb');
test('Dragging Slider', async t => {
await t
.drag(sliderThumb, 30, 0)
I expect the slider thumb to move, but it is not moving. Any tips will be appreciated, thanks!

Try to add a .click('#i-tried-testcafe'); after the await.
const slider = Selector('#slider');
const sliderThumb = Selector('#slider-thumb');
test('Dragging Slider', async t => {
await t
.drag(sliderThumb, 30, 0)
For more information: https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/test-api/actions/drag-element.html


Is there a way to make an ion-modal-sheet to snap the header in Ionic V6

I'm currently developing an app using Ionic V6 and i'm figured out if it was possible to make an ion-modal-sheet snap the header when it fully swiped like the Uber eats application ?
Thanks in advance for your answers and have a nice day !
For those who wondering how to do it, here's how i managed to get something similar:
first of all i've added an id to my header (my ion-header is wrapped inside a component called header) if your header is always in the same page of where you're creating the modal, use a template reference variable instead of an id:
[title]="'Solutions disponibles'"
then i've created a helper to:
Get the height of the header (can be different between iOS and Android)
Get the body height
Use the body height and the header height to return the height my modal should have in px and in %
export const getContentHeight = (): any => {
const header = document.querySelector('#getHeight');
const body = document.querySelector('body');
if (body && header) {
const percent = (100 - (header.clientHeight * 100 / body.clientHeight));
return {
height: body.clientHeight - header.clientHeight,
percent: percent
After that i've created another helper to change the visual aspect of my modal when breakpoint reach 0.9:
export const setModalSheetContentHeight = (modal: HTMLIonModalElement, breakpoint: number, expand: boolean): any => {
if (breakpoint >= 0.9 && !expand) {
expand = true;
} else if (breakpoint <= 0.9 && expand) {
expand = false;
return expand;
The boolean "expand" avoid the helper to always set the modal breakpoint to 1.
Then i've created a method that add some listeners on the modal:
initModalListener(): void {
let expand = false;
// Define if the modal is fully expand
const content = getContentHeight();
// Return an object with content height in px and in %
addEventListener('ionModalWillPresent', () => {
this.modal.setAttribute('style', `--height: ${content.height}px`);
// Set the modal height before it shown to avoid visual bug
addEventListener('ionBreakpointDidChange', (e: any) => {
const breakpoint = e.detail.breakpoint;
expand = setModalSheetContentHeight(this.modal, breakpoint, expand);
And after all of that i call this method inside of the method that create my modal:
private async presentModal(): Promise<void> {
this.modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: YourModalComponent,
breakpoints: [0.3, 0.65, 1],
initialBreakpoint: 0.3,
backdropBreakpoint: 1,
showBackdrop: false,
canDismiss: false,
keyboardClose: true,
id: 'modalSheet',
await this.modal.present();
This is a first shot so i'm sure that there is plenty of thing to adjust but for now, it work pretty well with Ionic 6.

How can i stop this onClick event from rerendering the entire treemap echart i have?

How can i stop this onClick event from rerendering the entire treemap echart i have?
I have basically a echarts treemap https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=treemap-disk as a functional component in react. I need to be able to apply filters and "grey out" certain tree nodes that dont fit the criteria. This functionality works currently but it rerenders the echart so that the user must restart from the top level and clicktheir way through all the way to the bottom level. How can i avoid the rerendering? This is a similar example i have where clicking the node displays data but also rerenders the chart losing where the node was in the map.
const onChartClick = params => {
if (params.treePathInfo.length === 9) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [drawerData]);
const onEvents = {
click: onChartClick,
}; ```
you can try to put your chart on useMemo it works for me :
const [dataLoaded, setdataLoaded] = useState(true);
const onChartClick = params => {
if (params.treePathInfo.length === 9) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [drawerData]);
const onEvents = {
click: onChartClick,
const MemoChart = useMemo(() => <Charts
/>, [dataLoaded]);

Horizontal scrolling to identify hidden or dynamic element (with WDIO + Appium + JS)

I came across this interesting problem related to appium UI automation. In my app I have few UI elements that are loading dynamically after user horizontal scroll action. I tried to build my custom method to perform horizontal action on UI elements but no luck (attached screenshot for error). I see that the (x,y) position works pretty well with the vertically scrolling and would like to know if anyone has done horizontal scrolling to make hidden elements visible (dynamically loaded elements)? If you have any pointers on this please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Note: In the screenshot below you can see the last visible element is 16x20 but there is one more button “20x30” after that and I am trying to select that.
I tried with below options:
browser.execute('mobile: scroll', {element: element, direction: 'left'});
The element i am passing in my custom method is last visible element i.e. 16x20:
console.log("Performing touch ops horizontally");
const xLocation = element.getLocation('x')
console.log(xLocation); // outputs: 150
const yLocation = element.getLocation('y')
console.log(yLocation); // outputs: 20
const swipeStart = {
y: <Number>yLocation,
const swipeEnd = {
x: <Number>(xLocation+20),
y: <Number>yLocation,
// scroll up-to numberOfSwipes
let counter = 0;
while (counter < numberOfSwipes) {
console.log('Swipe process started');
this.swipe(swipeStart, swipeEnd);
counter += 1;
if (counter >= numberOfSwipes) {
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/t893q.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/YMh9Z.png

How to add a horizontal scrollbar on top of the ag-grid

I have an ag-grid set up with a series of components in place for cell rendering. When my dataset loads the vertical scroll works well but the horizontal scroll isn't obvious unless using a trackpad or horizontal scroll enabled mouse.
I would like to be able to add a scroll bar to the top of the grid as well as the automatically generated one at the bottom?
Has anyone encountered this, come up with as solution?
Thanks in advance
This question is old but I struggled with the same issue and came up with something working.
💡 The Idea
The main idea behind my solution is to...
clone AgGrid scrollbar when grid is ready
insert the cloned scrollbar on top of the grid
add event listeners on both scrollbars to keep the scroll position synchronized
use MutationObserver to observe style attribute changes on original AgGrid scrollbar element (and child) to keep the size of the cloned scrollbar synchronized
⚡ The Code
The following code is for Angular but the concept is the same for Vanilla JS, React or Vue.
First, get a hook on gridReady event:
In the function associated to the event use the following code to clone the AgGrid scrollbar and keep the scrollbars synchronized:
// hold the `MutationObserver` to be disconnected when component is destroyed
private mutationObserver: MutationObserver;
onGridReady() {
// css class selectors
const headerSelector = '.ag-header';
const scrollSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll';
const scrollViewportSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-viewport';
const scrollContainerSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-container';
// get scrollbar elements
const scrollElement = document.querySelector(scrollSelector);
const scrollViewportElement = document.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const scrollContainerElement = document.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// create scrollbar clones
const cloneElement = scrollElement.cloneNode(true) as Element;
const cloneViewportElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const cloneContainerElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// insert scrollbar clone
const headerElement = document.querySelector(headerSelector);
headerElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', cloneElement);
// add event listeners to keep scroll position synchronized
scrollViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => cloneViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: scrollViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
cloneViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => scrollViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: cloneViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
// create a mutation observer to keep scroll size synchronized
this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationList => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
switch (mutation.target) {
case scrollElement:
cloneElement.setAttribute('style', scrollElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollViewportElement:
cloneViewportElement.setAttribute('style', scrollViewportElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollContainerElement:
cloneContainerElement.setAttribute('style', scrollContainerElement.getAttribute('style'));
// start observing the scroll elements for `style` attribute changes
this.mutationObserver.observe(scrollElement, { attributeFilter: ['style'], subtree: true });
When destroying the component, disconnect the MutationObserver to avoid memory leaks.
ngOnDestroy() {
// stop observing
It's tricky and all based on keeping the cloned scrollbar synchronized with the original scrollbar but so far it works great for my use cases.
Good luck 😎
Update 2022
order: 1;
order: 2;
order: 3;
order: 4;
order: 5;
order: 6;

Change leafletLayers after a dragend event

I need to delete all the leafletLayers and add others after a 'dragend' event. So, i proceeded as below :
template: '<app-map [leafLetmarkers]="markers" (refreshMap)="refresh($event)"></app-map>'
markers: L.Layer[] = [];
refresh(position) {
//delete all markers
var markers = [];
//set the new markers
this.markers= newMarkers;
template: '<div leaflet style="height: 100%;"
#Input('leafLetmarkers') markers: L.Layer[];
#Output() refreshData = new EventEmitter<L.LatLng>();
onMapReady(map: L.Map) {
map.on('dragend', e => this.refreshMap.emit(map.getCenter()));
Is this the right way to do this ?
Your general approach is correct.
The issue you might run into is that you are changing a bound property this.markers inside of a callback from Leaflet. Leaflet callbacks are outside of the Angular zone (Angular doesn't try to track changes outside of its zone). This is a design choice on the part of ngx-leaflet to prevent excessive change detection that might impact application performance.
The solution is to manually trigger change detection:
fitBounds: any = null;
circle = circle([ 46.95, -122 ], { radius: 5000 });
// Inject the Change Detector into your component
constructor(private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {}
ngOnInit() {
// The 'add' event callback happens outside of the Angular zone
this.circle.on('add', () => {
// Because we're outside of Angular's zone, this change won't be detected
this.fitBounds = this.circle.getBounds();
// But, it will if we tell Angular to detect changes
For more details, you can see this section of the ngx-leaflet README: