I need to delete all the leafletLayers and add others after a 'dragend' event. So, i proceeded as below :
template: '<app-map [leafLetmarkers]="markers" (refreshMap)="refresh($event)"></app-map>'
markers: L.Layer[] = [];
refresh(position) {
//delete all markers
var markers = [];
//set the new markers
this.markers= newMarkers;
template: '<div leaflet style="height: 100%;"
#Input('leafLetmarkers') markers: L.Layer[];
#Output() refreshData = new EventEmitter<L.LatLng>();
onMapReady(map: L.Map) {
map.on('dragend', e => this.refreshMap.emit(map.getCenter()));
Is this the right way to do this ?
Your general approach is correct.
The issue you might run into is that you are changing a bound property this.markers inside of a callback from Leaflet. Leaflet callbacks are outside of the Angular zone (Angular doesn't try to track changes outside of its zone). This is a design choice on the part of ngx-leaflet to prevent excessive change detection that might impact application performance.
The solution is to manually trigger change detection:
fitBounds: any = null;
circle = circle([ 46.95, -122 ], { radius: 5000 });
// Inject the Change Detector into your component
constructor(private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {}
ngOnInit() {
// The 'add' event callback happens outside of the Angular zone
this.circle.on('add', () => {
// Because we're outside of Angular's zone, this change won't be detected
this.fitBounds = this.circle.getBounds();
// But, it will if we tell Angular to detect changes
For more details, you can see this section of the ngx-leaflet README:
I am interested in showing the tooltip only for a specific zoom range (>=12) at any time. With the help of this other article I could manage to almost get there but I still have the problem that the tooltip come to appear when I activate the layer in my OverlayMaps-menu, disregarding the current zoom level.
In my leaflet map I have implemented a OverlayMaps-menu, in which almost all layers are deactivated from the start. For one of these deactivated layers, my aim is to show the tooltips for all features only from a zoom level of 12 or bigger. The code is as follows:
Declaration of the variable from a geoJSON object:
var vibro_offshore = L.geoJson (vbc_offshore, {
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return new L.Circle (latlng, {
onEachFeature: enCadaVBC
In the onEachFeature function, beside some other code regarding popup, I also have defined the tooltips:
function enCadaVBC (feature, layer) {
//declaramos un tooltip
var tooltip = L.tooltip({
content: feature.properties.Location,
permanent: true,
//introducimos un tooltip
Finally, I have managed to govern the visibility of the tooltips depending on the zoom level with the code suggested in the article referred above:
var lastZoom;
map.on('zoomend', function() {
var zoom = map.getZoom();
if (zoom < 12 && (!lastZoom || lastZoom >= 12)) {
map.eachLayer(function(l) {
if (l.getTooltip) {
var toolTip = l.getTooltip();
if (toolTip) {
} else if (zoom >= 12 && (!lastZoom || lastZoom < 12)) {
map.eachLayer(function(l) {
if (l.getTooltip) {
var toolTip = l.getTooltip();
if (toolTip) {
lastZoom = zoom;
All this works pretty good, but when I activate the layer via mouseclick on the OverlayMaps-menu, lets say when the zoom level is 9, all the tooltips suddenly appear. I want to avoid this.
I have tried to add a closeTooltip() command right after the bindTooltip-command, but this hasnt have any effect. A consol.log for Is Tooltipopen leads to an undefined...(?)
I also tried to relocate the layer.bindTooltip command into the if-loop, but here I do get some other error related to Mercator projection and latlng, which I do not really understand...
I start my application with expand Layer-Control:
L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlays, { collapsed:false } ).addTo(mymap);
I found no Mouse-Action to minimize the Layer-Control. I want to minimize the Layer-Control. But I don't know the handler. Could anybody give me a tip?
I had the same requirement for Leaflet. I needed to have the layer control expanded at first and then return to its normal hiding after someone realizes what it does.
I am using JQuery, but you could probably manipulate the DOM as well.
I have a function that instantiates the layer control object, and then I immediately reset the mouseenter and mouseleave events for the expanded control and the smaller toggle widget.
let layerControl = L.control.layers(basemap_items, { 'specialLayer': layer}, { collapsed: false }).addTo(map);
$('.leaflet-control-layers').on('mouseleave', () => {
$('.leaflet-control-layers-toggle').on('mouseenter', () => {
I just starting to learn about Leaflet.js for my upcoming project.
What i am trying to accomplish:
I need to make a list of marker which displayed on the map, and when the list item is being hovered (or mouseover) it will show where the position on the map (for single marker, it should change its color. For Clustered marker, it should display Coverage Line like how it behave when we hover it.. and perhaps change its color too if possible).
The map should not be changed as well as the zoom level, to put it simply, i need to highlight the marker/ Cluster on the map.
What i have accomplished now : I am able to do it on Single Marker.
what i super frustrated about : I failed to find a way to make it happen on Clustered Marker.
I use global var object to store any created marker.
function updateMapMarkerResult(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var a = data[i];
var myIcon = L.divIcon({
className: 'prop-div-icon',
html: a.Description
var marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(a.Latitude, a.Longitude), {
icon: myIcon
}, {
title: a.Name
marker.bindPopup('<div><div class="row"><h5>Name : ' + a.Name + '</h5></div><div class="row">Lat : ' + a.Latitude + '</div><div class="row">Lng : ' + a.Longitude + '</div>' + '</div>');
marker.on('mouseover', function(e) {
if (this._icon != null) {
marker.on('mouseout', function(e) {
if (this._icon != null) {
markersRef[a.LocId] = marker; // <-- Store Reference
updateMapListResult(a, i + 1);
But i don't know which object or property to get the Clustered Marker reference.
And i trigger the marker event by my global variable (which only works on single marker).
li.addEventListener("mouseover", function(e) {
markersRef[this.getAttribute('marker')].fire('mouseover'); // --> Trigger Marker Event "mouseover"
// TODO : Trigger ClusteredMarker Event "mouseover"
This is my current https://jsfiddle.net/oryza_anggara/2gze75L6/, any lead could be a very big help. Thank you.
Note: the only js lib i'm familiar is JQuery, i have no knowledge for others such as Angular.js
You are probably looking for markers.getVisibleParent(marker) method, to retrieve the containing cluster in case your marker is clustered.
Unfortunately, it is then not enough to fire your event on that cluster. The coverage display functionality is set on the Cluster Group, not on its individual clusters. Therefore you need to fire your event on that group:
function _fireEventOnMarkerOrVisibleParentCluster(marker, eventName) {
var visibleLayer = markers.getVisibleParent(marker);
if (visibleLayer instanceof L.MarkerCluster) {
// In case the marker is hidden in a cluster, have the clusterGroup
// show the regular coverage polygon.
markers.fire(eventName, {
layer: visibleLayer
} else {
var marker = markersRef[this.getAttribute('marker')];
_fireEventOnMarkerOrVisibleParentCluster(marker, 'mouseover');
Updated JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/2gze75L6/5/
That being said, I think another interesting UI, instead of showing the regular coverage polygon that you get when "manually" hovering a cluster, would be to spiderfy the cluster and highlight your marker. Not very easy to implement, but the result seems nice to me. Here is a quick try, it would probably need more work to make it bullet proof:
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/2gze75L6/6/
function _fireEventOnMarkerOrVisibleParentCluster(marker, eventName) {
if (eventName === 'mouseover') {
var visibleLayer = markers.getVisibleParent(marker);
if (visibleLayer instanceof L.MarkerCluster) {
// We want to show a marker that is currently hidden in a cluster.
// Make sure it will get highlighted once revealed.
markers.once('spiderfied', function() {
// Now spiderfy its containing cluster to reveal it.
// This will automatically unspiderfy other clusters.
} else {
// The marker is already visible, unspiderfy other clusters if
// they do not contain the marker.
} else {
// For mouseout, marker should be unclustered already, unless
// the next mouseover happened before?
function _unspiderfyPreviousClusterIfNotParentOf(marker) {
// Check if there is a currently spiderfied cluster.
// If so and it does not contain the marker, unspiderfy it.
var spiderfiedCluster = markers._spiderfied;
if (
&& !_clusterContainsMarker(spiderfiedCluster, marker)
) {
function _clusterContainsMarker(cluster, marker) {
var currentLayer = marker;
while (currentLayer && currentLayer !== cluster) {
currentLayer = currentLayer.__parent;
// Say if we found a cluster or nothing.
return !!currentLayer;
We have multiple charts with zoom. Is there a way to link all this charts so they always have the same zoom factor when the user zoom in one of the charts?
When having multiple grids in the same chart is not a possibility, I use this trick to do the job:
myChart.on('datazoom', function (evt) {
var zoom = myChart.getOption().dataZoom[0];
type: 'dataZoom',
dataZoomIndex: 0,
startValue: zoom.startValue,
endValue: zoom.endValue
Both charts have dataZoom, in my case I hide the one in myOtherChart.
If you've got more events to track, creating the action can be simplified by letting echarts create it:
["datazoom", "legendselectchanged", /* more events*/].forEach((eventType: string) => {
this.chartInstance1.on(eventType, (event) => {
// Automatically create an action from the event
let newEvent = this.chartInstance1.makeActionFromEvent(event);
// Dispatch it directly
For everyone who wants to go further, also synchronizing mouse, legend and magic events, its easier to use the connect function.
// chart 1
<div echarts (chartInit)="onChartInit($event)"></div>
// chart 2
<div echarts (chartInit)="onChartInit($event)"></div>
import { connect, ECharts } from "echarts";
// ...
onChartInit(chart: ECharts) {
if (this.charts.length === 2)
// This will do the magic out of the box
connect([charts[0], charts[1]]);
The SelectFeature method in Control class provides a way of adding and removing popups on the Vector layer by listening to events featureselected and featureunselected respectively. Below shows a sample code that I obtained from an example in the openlayers website:
// create the layer with listeners to create and destroy popups
var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Points",{
var feature = evt.feature;
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("popup",
"<div style='font-size:.8em'>Feature: " + feature.id +"<br>Foo: </div>",
feature.popup = popup;
var feature = evt.feature;
feature.popup = null;
// create the select feature control
var selector = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector,{
hover:true, # this line
The code above will allow a popup to be shown upon mouseover on the Geometry object (icon or marker on the map). If the line hover:true is removed, the popup will be shown only upon a mouse click on the Geometry object.
What I want, is to be able to display one type of popup (example, an image plus a title) upon mouseover and another type (example, detailed description) upon a mouse click. I am not sure how this could be done. Some help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Also, there another way, it's rather hack than correct usage of API, but seems to work. You can overwrite over and out callbacks.
var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectorLayer, {
callbacks: {
over: function(feat) {
console.log('Show popup type 1');
out: function(feat) {
console.log('Hide popup type 1');
eventListeners: {
featurehighlighted: function(feat) {
console.log('Show popup type 2');
featureunhighlighted: function(feat) {
console.log('Hide popup type 2');
Here's working example: http://jsfiddle.net/eW8DV/1/
Take a look on select control's source to understand details.