Horizontal scrolling to identify hidden or dynamic element (with WDIO + Appium + JS) - appium-android

I came across this interesting problem related to appium UI automation. In my app I have few UI elements that are loading dynamically after user horizontal scroll action. I tried to build my custom method to perform horizontal action on UI elements but no luck (attached screenshot for error). I see that the (x,y) position works pretty well with the vertically scrolling and would like to know if anyone has done horizontal scrolling to make hidden elements visible (dynamically loaded elements)? If you have any pointers on this please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Note: In the screenshot below you can see the last visible element is 16x20 but there is one more button “20x30” after that and I am trying to select that.
I tried with below options:
browser.execute('mobile: scroll', {element: element, direction: 'left'});
The element i am passing in my custom method is last visible element i.e. 16x20:
console.log("Performing touch ops horizontally");
const xLocation = element.getLocation('x')
console.log(xLocation); // outputs: 150
const yLocation = element.getLocation('y')
console.log(yLocation); // outputs: 20
const swipeStart = {
y: <Number>yLocation,
const swipeEnd = {
x: <Number>(xLocation+20),
y: <Number>yLocation,
// scroll up-to numberOfSwipes
let counter = 0;
while (counter < numberOfSwipes) {
console.log('Swipe process started');
this.swipe(swipeStart, swipeEnd);
counter += 1;
if (counter >= numberOfSwipes) {
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/t893q.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/YMh9Z.png


Increase element opacity but accounting for the size of the element and position of it's bottom relative to "scrollTop"

I found a great example for this approach and it works fairly well but it starts changing the opacity when the TOP of the element scrolls off the page. Unfortunately with a larger element the visibility (opacity decrease) starts way too soon. I'm trying to figure out how to start lowering the opacity when the bottom of the element is in near proximity to the top of the top of the screen so that all elements start fading at the same time in relationship to their bottom (not their top).
Any ideas on how to accommodate that with this code? I like this code in terms of being able to control speed of the opacity change as well. Maybe leveraging element height?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var documentEl = $(document),
fadeElem = $('.fade-scroll');
documentEl.on('scroll', function() {
var currScrollPos = documentEl.scrollTop();
fadeElem.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
elemOffsetTop = $this.offset().top;
if (currScrollPos > elemOffsetTop) $this.css('opacity', 1 - (currScrollPos-elemOffsetTop)/200); /* this number effects speed of fade aka opacity reduction*/

Can I set an ag-grid full-width row to have autoHeight?

I am trying to render a set of footnotes at the end of my data set. Each footnote should be a full-width row. On the docs page for row height, it says that you can set an autoHeight property for the column you want to use to set the height. Full-width rows, however, aren't tied to any column, so I don't think there's a place to set that autoHeight property.
For reference, here is my cell renderer, which gets invoked if a flag in the data object is true.
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { ICellRendererComp, ICellRendererParams } from '#ag-grid-community/core';
template: '',
export class FootnoteRendererComponent implements ICellRendererComp {
cellContent: HTMLElement;
init?(params: ICellRendererParams): void {
this.cellContent = document.createElement('div');
this.cellContent.innerHTML = params.data.title;
this.cellContent.setAttribute('class', 'footnote');
getGui(): HTMLElement {
return this.cellContent;
refresh(): boolean {
return false;
The footnote (the "title" property above) could be one line or several depending on its length and the browser's window size. There may also be several footnotes. Is there a way to set autoHeight for each footnote row? Thanks for any help!
Not sure of CSS autoHeight can be use, but here is some example for calculating height dynamically. Take a look to getRowHeight function, it's works for any rows (full-width too):
public getRowHeight: (
params: RowHeightParams
) => number | undefined | null = function (params) {
if (params.node && params.node.detail) {
var offset = 80;
var allDetailRowHeight =
params.data.callRecords.length *
var gridSizes = params.api.getSizesForCurrentTheme();
return (
allDetailRowHeight +
((gridSizes && gridSizes.headerHeight) || 0) +
Here is the solution I ended up with, though I like #LennyLip's answer as well. It uses some ideas from Text Wrapping in ag-Grid Column Headers & Cells.
There were two parts to the problem - 1) calculating the height, and 2) knowing when to calculate the height.
1) Calculating the Height
I updated the footnote's Cell Renderer to add an ID to each footnote text node, and used it in the function below.
const footnoteRowHeightSetter = function(params): void {
const footnoteCells = document.querySelectorAll('.footnote .footnote-text');
const footnoteRowNodes = [];
params.api.forEachNode(row => {
if (row.data.dataType === 'footnote') { // Test to see if it's a footnote
if (footnoteCells.length > 0 && footnoteRowNodes.length > 0) {
footnoteRowNodes.forEach(rowNode => {
const cellId = 'footnote_' + rowNode.data.id;
const cell = _.find(footnoteCells, node => node.id === cellId);
const height = cell.clientHeight;
To summarize, the function gets all HTML nodes in the DOM that are footnote text nodes. It then gets all of the table's row nodes that are footnotes. It goes through those row nodes, matching each up with its DOM text. It uses the clientHeight property of the text node and sets the row node height to that value. Finally, it calls the api.onRowHeightChanged() function to let the table know it should reposition and draw the rows.
Knowing when to calculate the height
When I set the gridOptions.getRowHeight property to the function above, it didn't work. When the function fires, the footnote rows hadn't yet been rendered, so it was unable to get the clientHeight for the text nodes since they didn't exist.
Instead, I triggered the function using these event handlers in gridOptions.
onFirstDataRendered: footnoteRowHeightSetter,
onBodyScrollEnd: footnoteRowHeightSetter,
onGridSizeChanged: footnoteRowHeightSetter,
onFirstDataRendered covers the case where footnotes are on screen when the grid first renders (short table).
onBodyScrollEnd covers the case where footnotes aren't on screen at first but the user scrolls to see them.
onGridSizeChanged covers the case of grid resizing that alters the wrapping and height of the footnote text.
This is what worked for me. I like #LennyLip's answer and looking more into it before I select an answer.

Echart bind different click event handler for different part of rich-text of xAxis.axisLabel in?

I need to bind click event handler for the icon in the red rectangle zone,bind different click event handler for the blue rectangle zone.
right now ,i have no idea how to make it work, any help will be appreciate
example and codes
I figure out an solution.
You can add an icon dom after the label by manual, like below codes.
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
var option = {
// your options
const parent = myChart.getDom().parentElement;
const xPixel = myChart.convertToPixel({ xAxisIndex: 0 }, 2) // to get the x postion of target category
var div = document.createElement('img')
div.style = `position: absolute;top: 366px;height: 12px;left:${xPixel + 2 * 14}px` // 2 * 14 is in order to correct the left
div.src = 'image path'
div.addEventListener('click', () => {})
if (parent) parent.appendChild(div)
You can change top or left to correct the icon position.
If somebody have greater solution, plz let me know.

How to add a horizontal scrollbar on top of the ag-grid

I have an ag-grid set up with a series of components in place for cell rendering. When my dataset loads the vertical scroll works well but the horizontal scroll isn't obvious unless using a trackpad or horizontal scroll enabled mouse.
I would like to be able to add a scroll bar to the top of the grid as well as the automatically generated one at the bottom?
Has anyone encountered this, come up with as solution?
Thanks in advance
This question is old but I struggled with the same issue and came up with something working.
💡 The Idea
The main idea behind my solution is to...
clone AgGrid scrollbar when grid is ready
insert the cloned scrollbar on top of the grid
add event listeners on both scrollbars to keep the scroll position synchronized
use MutationObserver to observe style attribute changes on original AgGrid scrollbar element (and child) to keep the size of the cloned scrollbar synchronized
⚡ The Code
The following code is for Angular but the concept is the same for Vanilla JS, React or Vue.
First, get a hook on gridReady event:
In the function associated to the event use the following code to clone the AgGrid scrollbar and keep the scrollbars synchronized:
// hold the `MutationObserver` to be disconnected when component is destroyed
private mutationObserver: MutationObserver;
onGridReady() {
// css class selectors
const headerSelector = '.ag-header';
const scrollSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll';
const scrollViewportSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-viewport';
const scrollContainerSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-container';
// get scrollbar elements
const scrollElement = document.querySelector(scrollSelector);
const scrollViewportElement = document.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const scrollContainerElement = document.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// create scrollbar clones
const cloneElement = scrollElement.cloneNode(true) as Element;
const cloneViewportElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const cloneContainerElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// insert scrollbar clone
const headerElement = document.querySelector(headerSelector);
headerElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', cloneElement);
// add event listeners to keep scroll position synchronized
scrollViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => cloneViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: scrollViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
cloneViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => scrollViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: cloneViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
// create a mutation observer to keep scroll size synchronized
this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationList => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
switch (mutation.target) {
case scrollElement:
cloneElement.setAttribute('style', scrollElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollViewportElement:
cloneViewportElement.setAttribute('style', scrollViewportElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollContainerElement:
cloneContainerElement.setAttribute('style', scrollContainerElement.getAttribute('style'));
// start observing the scroll elements for `style` attribute changes
this.mutationObserver.observe(scrollElement, { attributeFilter: ['style'], subtree: true });
When destroying the component, disconnect the MutationObserver to avoid memory leaks.
ngOnDestroy() {
// stop observing
It's tricky and all based on keeping the cloned scrollbar synchronized with the original scrollbar but so far it works great for my use cases.
Good luck 😎
Update 2022
order: 1;
order: 2;
order: 3;
order: 4;
order: 5;
order: 6;

jqplot tooltip display on touch instead of jqplotDataHighlight or higlightMouseOver or highlightMouseDown

I am using the jqplotDataHighlight option to display the tooltip on a chart on MouseOver.
function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
var chart_left = $("#"+sTargetId).offset().left,
chart_right = ($(window).width() - ($("#"+sTargetId).offset().left + $("#"+sTargetId).outerWidth())),
chart_top = $("#"+sTargetId).offset().top,
x = oPlot.axes.xaxis.u2p(data[0]), // convert x axis units to pixels
y = oPlot.axes.yaxis.u2p(data[1]);;
var tooltipData = data[1]*scale;
$('#tooltip').css({left:chart_left+x, top:chart_top+y, marginRight:chart_right});
$('#tooltip').html('<span style="font-family: Arial;font-size:'+sTooltip+';font:bold;color:#000000;">' +sXDisplay+': '+ tooltipData + '</span>');
function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
It works fine.On iPad, i want the tooltip to be displayed on some touch event.How can i implement it?
// prop: highlightMouseOver
// True to highlight slice when moused over.
// This must be false to enable highlightMouseDown to highlight when clicking on a slice.
this.highlightMouseOver = true;
// prop: highlightMouseDown
// True to highlight when a mouse button is pressed over a slice.
// This will be disabled if highlightMouseOver is true.
this.highlightMouseDown = false;
I have observed that only the above two options are available. How can I implement it on touchstart or so?
Displaying the tooltip on doubleclick or any other event would also be helpful
Maybe you already figured this out. Here's what works for me. I am using jquerymobile, in jquery.jqplot.js version 0.9.7r635 line No: 2290 change mousemove to vmousemove. If you are using cursor: {followMouse: true} , then things should work out of the box, I have a fixed position for my tooltip, but on mousemove the top and left values did not get applied so i hardcoded the top and left for the tooltip div .jqplot-cursor-tooltip to appear in the same position as it does on click. Although its not a very good solution but I havent seen weird behavior till now. Hope this helps !