Unity 3D Tools - Kit Tools not showing - unity3d

Basically, I've imported the 3D Tool Kit via Unity Asset Store, but I cannot find the Kit Tools menu. I've been looking everywhere to a fix for this issue, but I can't find anything about it.
Any ideas on how to fix this? This has been going on for a couple of days.
Unity version: Unity 2019.1.0f2
What I see:


Unity 3D GameObjects not visible in HoloLens2, MRTK

I followed this tutorial https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/learn-mrtk-tutorials/1-1-introduction and did every step. But when I run it on the HoloLens, I don't see anything.
Build configurations are as in the tutorial, HoloLens2 is in Developer mode and has been paired before. Tools are as in https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/mixed-reality/develop/install-the-tools?tabs=unity
I am building the app over WIFI.
When the app starts on HoloLens, mesh appears for a moment and I get a question asking if it is allowed to use on my microphone.
"Build with Unity" or similar does not appear, and no objects either. I see "nothing".
What could be the problem?
I use:
Unity 2021.1.20f
MRTK v1.0.2206. Preview (from Microsoft Download Center)
It was actually the wrong Unity version.
I am now using Unity 2020.3.4 and I can see and move the objects.

Vuforia Engine AR not visible in package manager in Unity 2020

I'm new to unity and vuforia to complete a project i need vuforia engine AR in package manager, the steps shown in the video for unity are Window->Package Manager -> All Packages ->Vuforia Engine AR.
I couldn't access the AllPackages menu so someone suggested that i preview all the packages,i used player setting and selected preview packages, for all the other packages, this doesn't work either.
So i downloaded the vuforia sdk form the site, and i imported all of them into the project,it still didn't show me anything in the GameObject window, i tried to search for the required components like ARCamera and GroundPlaneFinder in the file i imported and they weren't in there.
Can anyone help me with this?
Nevermind, i figured it out, apparently in versions above 2020 in unity it is labelled as vuforia engine to access it go to window->package manager-> my assets->vuforia engine-> import(these were my settings don't know if it changes from version to version)
Be careful and don't try to import it in middle of a project though apparently it needs to be initialized/imported at the start of the project to avoid dependencies. you can create your project later.

What packages do i have to download to make unity interact with hololens in order to detect and get positions of my hand?

i have a code written on visual studio 2017 and put into unity 2018 scripts that allows me to get the position of my hand with hololens glasses through Interaction Manager and its events. But my issue is: what package(s) should i import into the unity scene (unity 2018.4.17) in order to make the whole work and to make hololens glasses really interact with my hand when it is in its field of view ? Thank you very much in advance.
Therefore, what you really want is an SDK with an implementation of hand interaction, so that you can invoke that function directly to implement your ideas?
If so, MRTKv2 be always recommended for accelerating cross-platform MR app development in Unity. It provides a set of components and features including Hand tracking,Interactable,Object manipulator. Besides, if you're new to MRTK or Mixed Reality development in Unity, we recommend you start at the beginning of our Unity development journey in the Microsoft Docs.

Vuforia & Unity: Build UWP Successfully but No Live Camera Feed (Black Screen)

Unity Version: Unity 2019.3.9f1
Vuforia Version: 9.0.12
The app works fine in unity editor, it builds and runs successfully without error but no camera feed (black screen). Can't seem to find up to date solutions online.
Updated the Vuforia version to 9.2.7 does not seem to solve the problem.
I don't think to check the "Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported" under the "XR Settings" is an option, because it's able to deprecate. Also Checking the "Windows Mixed Reality" plug-in under XR Plug-in Management didn't solve the problem.
I already checked the "InternetClient" and "WebCam" in the publish setting for UWP.
Do I need to change anything in ARCamera's "Open Vuforia Engine configuration"? Some solutions mention disabling the Vuforia play mode will help, but I can't seem to find the option anywhere.
Anyone encountered the same issue and find a solution? Thanks.
I don't have a current solution, but would like to share my experience working with vuforia, UWP.
I found that there are varying breaking versions of unity and vuforia's SDK.
The latest version may not necessarily work I had to trial and error before I found a compatible version, so you might want to try that out. perhaps a older version of either unity/vuforia in reference with https://library.vuforia.com/platform-support/supported-versions.html
And yeah, definitely run your "hello world" tests on the sample projects first.
Best of luck, it's a great SDK ,once you get it to work.

can we make an ios app using unity 3D with xcode4?

Is there any SDK available for Unity 3D for making an ios game .I am new to this unity 3D,I have found many things while searching as download unity development tool then we can make apps which can run on both Windows and Mac.
My doubts are
1.How we can make an unity 3D app using xcode?
2.Can we use objective c code?(I got informations like we can only use javascript/c# for mobile app development in unity 3D)
Please help me...
thanks in Advance