How to create integration test for app with Firebase Auth? - flutter

I created a Flutter app. My app uses Firebase Auth.
I need to create integration tests for my app, but I don’t know how to do this if I need to enter my login and password.
I'm new to flutter and this is a problem for me. I will be grateful for any help.

For integration testing, Flutter provides FlutterDriver.
To get started, you can view the official guide.
Once you are familiar with how FlutterDriver works, you will be able to login using a combination of FlutterDriver.tap and most importantly FlutterDriver.enterText.


Login with google account fire base

I have developed an app that should allow users to login with their Google account using Firebase authentication. However, after I run the app and try to log in, the account is taken and I see that it is present in the Firebase authentication, but the app does not navigate to the home page. What is wrong with my code?
I have followed the steps provided in the Firebase documentation for integrating Google sign-in with Firebase authentication. I have also tried to troubleshoot the issue by checking for syntax errors and debugging the code, but it still does not work.
Please provide the code or relevant portions of the code that you have written for the authentication process to better understand the issue and provide a solution.

How to access same firebase authentication using two different apps? + flutter

I have two different apps in same firebase (one for android and one for web). If an user triggers forgot password in my android app it will send a custom link to his mail. when he clicks that link he will be directed to my web app where he can enter the new password. But as he confirms the new password it is not getting updated in the firebase. I have tried all the methods mentioned in similar questions. Have added same google-services . Have initialized the web app with proper api. Is there any solution for this?

Example code for Stripe Connect [Flutter]

Is there an example code/documentation for Stripe Connect that handle business onboarding/registration for flutter application?
I can't find it on the package documentation flutter_stripe
Stipe is simplest way to integrate payment gateway solution.
Here is a tutorial to implement this. LINK
When you go onboard just need to change the api keys and code will remains the same.
you can call Stripe API to create an account link (see doc), and open the account link's URL in a Webview inside your Flutter application.
However, I think it's better to let your user experience the onboarding flow in a keyboard friendly environment such as desktop, because they need to fill up lots of information.

how to integrate app id to my existing microservice

I have a microservice which is running in docker container, can I integrate app id into my application? and do not change the application code.
Also, I only saw google and facebook login item on the log in widget,
how can I add IBM w3id to the widget?
can I store a username and password into appid? then clients can login using the pre-stored credential. how to implement this? thanks.
There should be no any problem to secure your application using App ID, but you need to update the application (backend) code if you need to protect REST APIs. If you need to authenticate your mobile app users only, there is no need to change the backend code (you can review our iOS and Android onboarding samples available in the service dashboard).
IBMid is not released to production yet, so currently there is no option to add it.
About customer credentials - we're working on Cloud Directory feature now, this scenario will be supported once we release it to production.

Get Facebook Access Token in unity3d Desktop App

I am new in unity3d and i am trying to create an app with social connect for unity3d desktop app.I read some tutorial like unity-and-facebook. My problem is how to get an access token of user.I follow same steps as i read getting-started on facebook. When facebook-unity package import to my new package and change app id from facebook setting.I am getting a default access token and dummy user logedin.
Sorry for my English.
I'm afraid we don't directly support desktop applications at the moment. If you are testing in the editor we put dummy data in to help with testing, but you must run your app on, or run it on ios or android.
I'm studying this solution recently,
I Got a solution form this page
The addition condition is that you may have to setup a webpage to parse the authorize code.
Then your desktop app can get the code form the webpage you setup.