how to integrate app id to my existing microservice - ibm-cloud

I have a microservice which is running in docker container, can I integrate app id into my application? and do not change the application code.
Also, I only saw google and facebook login item on the log in widget,
how can I add IBM w3id to the widget?
can I store a username and password into appid? then clients can login using the pre-stored credential. how to implement this? thanks.

There should be no any problem to secure your application using App ID, but you need to update the application (backend) code if you need to protect REST APIs. If you need to authenticate your mobile app users only, there is no need to change the backend code (you can review our iOS and Android onboarding samples available in the service dashboard).
IBMid is not released to production yet, so currently there is no option to add it.
About customer credentials - we're working on Cloud Directory feature now, this scenario will be supported once we release it to production.


Spring Security OAuth2 with iOS app for Apple or Google Sign In

My team and I are currently developing an iOS app that connects to our Spring Boot backend, unfortunately there is little to no documentation online on how to manage authentication between the two.
Here is what we aim to achieve:
User opens app and is prompted to sign in with Apple.
App then sends some sort of token that can be used to retrieve the users email to the backend with all requests.
Backend then verifies email using token with each request.
Is this possible to do? If so, a resource on how to do it would be greatly appreciated! I have spent hours looking online to figure out how to do this with not much out there.

How to implement proper External Authentication in Cordova, Ionic w/ ASP .NET WebApi - Google/Facebook

I have a mobile application built upon Ionic Framework which uses many Cordova packages. We are upgrading the app from Ionic3 to Ionic5. In the Ionic3 application our .NET API was responsible to managing user logins. Going forward, in the Ionic5 app we will NOT be managing user credentials - we will be using 3rd party Identity Providers such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
We have implemented the Cordova packages to handle external authentication with Facebook and Google and it works fine. How do we tie the token that is received from Google/Facebook to our .NET API? When we try to use the token provided from Google/Facebook we - of course - get a 401 because our .NET API doesn't know about that token as it was issued from an external source.
I am aware of the process of how to enable the schema described here (External Authentication Services w/ASP.NET Web Api) but in this case the user agent browses to the Web Application in the browser. This is not true in my case as the user agent will be using a mobile application not a web site.
But I hope the principal is the same. But I'm missing something here.
The user will open the mobile app, authenticate with Google/Facebook and be issued a token. Now, what needs to happen to get that token to be recognized by my ASP.NET Web Api?
For example. When I registered my mobile app with Google Developer's Console I selected that the type of app is an Android application and was issued a Client ID for Android now how can I use this token in my ASP .NET Web API? There MUST be some way to tie the two together or some article out there.
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Also, I looked at this post and see its 11 years old. Is there something here that I should be doing? Please help point me in the right direction. how-can-i-verify-a-google-authentication-api-access-token
It is about data ultimately, and identifying users in a consistent manner, then tracking their history with your app / business.
These are often cheap and nasty solutions that add complexity to your apps as you are finding.- especially when you need to look things up by user.
Your API could look at the token issuer (ISS claim in the token) and download token signing keys from either Facebook or Google - if JWKS endpoints exist. Then create a user from the access token's sub claim if required.
Deal with only a single type of token in your UIs and APIs, which will work like this. It moves the complexity to your Authorization Server (AS):
You have an Authorization Server (use Google maybe) to deal with token issuing and other central OAuth concerns
You have multiple Identity Providers (eg Facebook + Google) to support different login methods for users
During login Facebook posts a token to the AS
Then the AS issues its own token to your UI
The AS may be able to use Account Linking to provide a consistent user id regardless of login method
There is a learning curve in getting this working, but once done it can easily be scaled to many apps with zero code changes.
The proper answer is Auth0... see the below sequence diagram!

How can i test Facebook webhooks in a development environment?

In my app we have webhooks setup so Facebook notifies us of changes in an ad account.
It looks like you can only set 1 URL for webhooks so i cant remove the production endpoint because that would mess up the production environment.
Is there any way i can send webhooks to another URL?
The only option i can think of is just hardcoding some fake payloads and testing my code that way.
Does anyone know if there is a way to set some type of development endpoint?
For anyone that comes back to this, a test app can never be "live" this means that calls that require an app that is not in development will not work. Maybe the best workaround is to create a duplicate app and get it approved.
Facebook has introduced a feature called Test Apps a while ago.
You can create a test version of your production app, that will get its own app id, and have its own app dashboard where you can change most of the settings - including webhook endpoints.

Common Authentication Between Different Rails Apps

I have an existing rails app which is running on mongoDB and devise for authentication. Now i want to configure an open source forum (forem) at the subdomain of my app.
All i want is the common authentication for both of these. If my users are logged in my main_app then click on forum then they should don't need to sign in again for the forum.
I could have integrate the forum directly with same User model but the problem is my app is using mongoDB and the forum is built up on ActiveRecord.
So now both apps have their independent databases. What is the best approach to merge their authentication and every request from forum app is authenticated using my main_app (running on mongoDB) ??
Make an authentication api in the Rails app and let forum call it for authentication instead of managing it's own users

Intuit Anywhere Development versus Production Authentication/Authorization

I am successfully using OpenID and OAuth in development mode. Once I am ready to move to Production will the process change in a way that the authentication/authorization process will not require manual intervention? Today I click on the "signin" button to authenticate using OpenID. I then click on the "Authorize Quickbooks" button to authorize using OAuth. During these two processes I am redirected to Intuit where I click on buttons to allow authentication/authorization. Will I be able to achieve this process through code? I am working on a SaaS application and need to authenticate/authorize in code because the manual steps will not work with the application I am working on.
Your app should work the same way in development as in production.
Make sure you have gone through the requirements checklist -
There are different requirements if you are just doing the Connect to QuickBooks flow or you are also wanting to be listed on Appcenter.
Do the free trial on a couple of the apps in the app center to see what they are doing. I tried out eBillity, their app picks up OpenID and OAuth without user interaction during the subscription process.
Based on that, yes, I think you can achieve it all in code. Personally I have not been able to get the OAuth tokens without user intervention.
Update: Use this JS method to do the OAuth authorization during the subscription process: