Example code for Stripe Connect [Flutter] - flutter

Is there an example code/documentation for Stripe Connect that handle business onboarding/registration for flutter application?
I can't find it on the package documentation flutter_stripe

Stipe is simplest way to integrate payment gateway solution.
Here is a tutorial to implement this. LINK
When you go onboard just need to change the api keys and code will remains the same.

you can call Stripe API to create an account link (see doc), and open the account link's URL in a Webview inside your Flutter application.
However, I think it's better to let your user experience the onboarding flow in a keyboard friendly environment such as desktop, because they need to fill up lots of information.


How to Integrate skrill with flutter?

I know how to Integrate stripe with flutter. But i want to know how to Integrate Skrill payment gateway with my flutter app.
if you want to integrate any platforms or services into your platform, you have to go to the bottom of the official web-site and find the links through the section API or Developer guide. I found this link for your reference.

How to make profile as link to share

I am going to create a chat application using flutter with the firebase database, I want to add a profile sharing feature that opens a specific profile by its profile link, e.g. In Telegram, we have our own profile id and we can share it as https://t.me/username, just of one click it opens with telegram app with that specific user profile. Then how do I do this?
Firebase Dynamic Links
Firebase Dynamic Links is the service that does what you're describing. The documentation states the following:
You create a Dynamic Link either by using the Firebase console, using
a REST API, iOS or Android Builder API, or by forming a URL by adding
Dynamic Link parameters to a domain specific to your app. These
parameters specify the links you want to open, depending on the user's
platform and whether your app is installed.
First, you will need to enable it for your Firebase project through your Firebase console.
Then, you will include its official package for Flutter called firebase_dynamic_links in your app.
You can create Dynamic Links programmatically with your app or maybe Cloud Functions or by using the Firebase console.
Use the firebase_dynamic_links package to check if a Dynamic Link was passed to it when your app opens.
You can view the analytics data to track the performance of your Dynamic Links in the Firebase console.

How to create integration test for app with Firebase Auth?

I created a Flutter app. My app uses Firebase Auth.
I need to create integration tests for my app, but I don’t know how to do this if I need to enter my login and password.
I'm new to flutter and this is a problem for me. I will be grateful for any help.
For integration testing, Flutter provides FlutterDriver.
To get started, you can view the official guide.
Once you are familiar with how FlutterDriver works, you will be able to login using a combination of FlutterDriver.tap and most importantly FlutterDriver.enterText.

What is the simplest way to create a custom google assistant action that returns a piece of date from a web page

I want to develop a custom google assistant action that will get a web page, extract a piece of information, and read it aloud.
I'm looking for pointers for relevant sources.
If it's possible through services such as ifttt it's even better (though from what I saw the google assistant support in ifttt doesn't appear to support this scenario).
You're looking to create an Action with the Actions-on-Google API. The easiest way would probably be to create a Firebase Function with node.js that handles the AoG request from Google, makes the call to the web page, extracts the information you need in a form that can be read aloud, and sends that back.

Creating a non-web-view-based sign-in screen for Microsoft SkyDrive

I am trying to implement a sign in view like the one displayed below to allow users to sign into their Microsoft Live account and then allow the app to pull down their SkyDrive data.
I have been reading the API documentation at msdn and it seems that the documentation is centered on you using a standard web UI login form which I would like to avoid (pictured below).
So I am looking for documentation or an example of implementing a custom login form to login to windows live to get SkyDrive data. Any information would be extremely helpful as I am pretty stuck.
Note: There is also an issue open on github regarding the this same topic.
After doing some digging I discovered that microsoft will only allow you to log in using OAuth 2.0 through their interface (pictured above). What I originally wanted goes completely against the design of their SDK and isn't/wont be supported.
According to an issue posted on github, there may eventually be a way to allow authentication through the Skydrive iOS app. As of now however, there is only one way to authenticate, through their SDK or API.
This is also stated in the documentation:
Your app must initiate the sign-in process by contacting the Live Connect authorization web service.
Github Issue