Postgres : create JSON object from JSON array and add keys - postgresql

I need to create json object with keys from json array, keys are first element inside json of array. Please check below for clarity.
customer :<br/>
**id** | **email** | **app_id** <br/>
1 | | abc <br/>
milestone : <br/>
**id** | **milestone_name** | **app_id** | **raised_at** <br/>
1 | PROFILE_COMPLETED | abc | 2019-05-06 <br/>
2 | ADDRESS_COMPLETED | abc | 2019-05-06 <br/>
select email,
milestone m
m.app_id = c.app_id
) d
) as milestones
from customer c;
Above query is giving output :
email | <br/>
milestones | [{"milestone_name":"PROFILE_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"},{"milestone_name":"ADDRESS_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"}]
I need json object with keys :
email | <br/>
milestones | { "PROFILE_COMPLETED":{"milestone_name":"PROFILE_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"}, "ADDRESS_COMPLETED":{"milestone_name":"ADDRESS_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"}}

You don't mention what version you are using, but this will work in recent versions:
select email,
milestone_name, json_build_object(
'milestone_name', milestone_name,
'raised_at', raised_at
FROM milestone
join customer on customer.app_id = milestone.app_id
GROUP BY email;
email |
json_object_agg | { "ADDRESS_COMPLETED" : {"milestone_name" : "ADDRESS_COMPLETED", "raised_at" : "2019-05-06"}, "PROFILE_COMPLETED" : {"milestone_name" : "PROFILE_COMPLETED", "raised_at" : "2019-05-06"} }


Postgresql - Filter object array and extract required values in a json object

I have a PostgreSQL table like below:
| data |
| -------------- |
| {"name":"a","tag":[{"type":"country","value":"US"}]} |
| {"name":"b","tag":[{"type":"country","value":"US"}]}, {"type":"country","value":"UK"}]} |
| {"name":"c","tag":[{"type":"gender","value":"male"}]} |
The goal is to extract all the value in "tag" array with "type" = "country" and aggregate them into a text array. The expected result is as follows:
| result |
| -------------- |
| ["US"] |
| ["US", "UK"] |
| [] |
I've tried to expand the "tag" array and aggregate the desired result back; however, it requires a unique id to group up the results. Hence, I add a column with row number to serve as unique id. Here is what I've done:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS id, * INTO data_table_with_id FROM data_table;
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(tag_value) AS result
json_array_elements("data"::json->'tag')->>'type' as tag_type,
json_array_elements("data"::json->'tag')->>'value' as tag_value
FROM data_table_with_id
) tags
WHERE tag_type = 'country'
Is it possible to use a single select to filter the object array and get the required results?
You can do this easily with a JSON path function:
select jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$.tag[*] ?(#.type == "country").value')
from data_table;

Mysql- SELECT Column 'A' even with NULLS

Table A contains student names, table B and C contain classes and the presence of students.
I would like to display all students and attend their presence. The problem is that I can not display all students who did not have a checked presence.
Where I checked the presence of students it is ok, but if there is no checked presence in a given class, on a given day and in a given subject- nothing is displayed.
My query:
SELECT student.id_student, CONCAT(,' ' ,student.surname) as 'name_surname',pres_student_present, pres_student_absent, pres_student_justified, pres_student_late, pres_student_rel, pres_student_course, pres_student_delegation, pres_student_note FROM student
LEFT JOIN class ON student.no_classes = class.no_classes
LEFT JOIN pres_student ON student.id_student = pres_student.id_student
WHERE (class.no_classes = '$class' OR NULL AND pres_student_data = '$data' AND pres_student_id_subject = $id_subject OR NULL)
GROUP BY student.surname
ORDER BY student.surname ASC
I want to display name_surname always and any other column should have NULL or 1
Name | present | absent | just | late | rel | delegation | note |
Donald Trump | 1 | | | | | | |
Bush | | | | | | | |
Someone | 1 | | | | | | |
You should move restrictions on class and pres_studenttables from the WHERE clause to the ON (LEFT join).
In your case when you perform a restriction in the WHERE clause on a table with an outer join, the sql engine consider you are performing an INNER join
SELECT student.id_student
, CONCAT(, ' ', student.surname) AS 'name_surname'
, pres_student_present
, pres_student_absent
, pres_student_justified
, pres_student_late
, pres_student_rel
, pres_student_course
, pres_student_delegation
, pres_student_note
FROM student
ON student.no_classes = class.no_classes
AND class.no_classes = '$class'
LEFT JOIN pres_student
ON student.id_student = pres_student.id_student
AND pres_student_data = '$data'
AND pres_student_id_subject = $id_subject
GROUP BY student.surname
ORDER BY student.surname ASC

Linq: dynamic Where clause inside a nested subquery get latest records of each group

I currently get problem to dynamic linq expression below
My Models
public class Orders
public int OrderId ;
public ICollection<OrderStatuses> Statuses;
public class Statuses
public int StatusId;
public int OrderId;
public string Note;
public DateTime Created;
My Sample data :
| ID | Name |
| 1 | Order 01 |
| 2 | Order 02 |
| 3 | Order 03 |
|ID | OrderId | Note | Created |
| 1 | 1 | Ordered | 2016-03-01|
| 2 | 1 | Pending | 2016-04-02|
| 3 | 1 | Completed | 2016-05-19|
| 4 | 1 | Ordered | 2015-05-19|
| 5 | 2 | Ordered | 2016-05-20|
| 6 | 2 | Completed | 2016-05-19|
| 7 | 3 | Completed | 2016-05-19|
I'd like to get number of orders which have note value equal to 'Ordered' and max created time.
Below is sample number of orders that I expect from query
| Name | Note | Last Created|
| Order 01 | Ordered | 2016-03-01 |
| Order 02 | Ordered | 2016-05-20 |
Here my idea but it's seem to wrong way
var outer = PredicateBuilder.True<Order>();
var orders = _entities.Orders
.GroupBy(x => x.OrderId)
.Select(x => new { x.Key, Created = x.Max(g => g.Created) })
var predicateStatuses = PredicateBuilder.False<Status>();
foreach (var item in orders)
predicateStatuses = predicateStatuses.Or(x => x.OrderId == item.Key && x.Created == item.Created);
var predicateOrders = PredicateBuilder.False<JobOrder>();
predicateOrders = predicateOrders.Or(predicateStatuses); (I don't how to passed expression which different object type (Order and Status) here or I have to write an extension method or something
outer = outer.And(predicateOrders);
Please suggest me how to solve this dynamic linq expression in this case.
Thanks in advance.
There's nothing dynamic about your query, at least, it doesn't need to be. You can express it as a regular query.
var query =
from o in db.Orders
join s in db.Statuses on o.Id equals s.OrderId
where s.Note == "Ordered"
orderby s.Created descending
group new { o.Name, s.Note, LastCreated = s.Created } by o.Id into g
select g.First();
p.s., your models doesn't seem to match the data at all so I'm ignoring that. Adjust as necessary.
Thanks so much for #Jeff Mercado answer. Finally, I customized your answer to solve my problem below:
var predicateStatuses = PredicateBuilder.False<Order>();
predicateStatuses = predicateStatuses.Or(p => (
from j in db.Statuses
where j.OrderId == p.ID
group j by j.OrderId into g
select g.OrderByDescending(t=>t.Created)
).FirstOrDefault().Note == 'Ordered'

cassandra 2.0.7 cql SELECT Secific Value from map

ALTER TABLE users ADD todo map;
UPDATE users SET todo = { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3' ,.... } WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
now ,i want to run the follow cql ,but failed ,is here any other method ?
SELECT user_id, todo['1'] FROM users WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
the length my map can change. for example : { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3' } or { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3', '4':'4444'} or { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3', '4':'4444' ...}
If you want to use a map collection, you'll have the limitation that you can only select the collection as a whole (docs).
I think you could use the suggestion from the referenced question, even if the length of your map changes. If you store those key/value pairs for each user_id in separate fields, and make your primary key based on user_id and todo_k, you'll have access to them in the select query.
For example:
user_id text,
todo_k text,
todo_v text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, todo_k)
| user_id | todo_k | todo_v |
| frodo | 1 | 1111 |
| frodo | 2 | 2222 |
| sam | 1 | 11 |
| sam | 2 | 22 |
| sam | 3 | 33 |
Then you can do queries like:
select user_id,todo_k,todo_v from users where user_id = 'frodo';
select user_id,todo_k,todo_v from users where user_id = 'sam' and todo_k = 2;

Symfony2 custom form

I have form with checkboxes loaded from database (I use entity field type). Checkboxes are regions and districts. I have following database schema:
| id | parent_id | name |
| 1 | NULL | Region |
| 2 | 1 | District |
| 3 | 1 | Another district |
| 4 | NULL | Another region |
| 5 | 4 | Next district |
Problem is that I need following form. How to do that?
<b>Region</b><!-- Loaded from database -->
<!-- Dictricts ordered by name -->
<input type="checkbox" id="someId" value="3"><label for="someId">Another district</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="someId" value="2"><label for="someId">District</label>
<b>Another region</b><!-- Loaded from database -->
<!-- Dictricts ordered by name -->
<input type="checkbox" id="someId" value="5"><label for="someId">Next district</label>
Thanks to this post I've solve this by custom rendering form template.
EntityType field with options :
multiple = true
expanded = true
property = 'name'
class = 'YourBundle:YourEntity'
query_builder = 'function (EntityRepository $er) {return $er->createQueryBuilder('r')
->where('r.parentId IS NOT NULL')
->orderBy('r.parentId', 'ASC')->orderBy('', 'ASC');}'