Mysql- SELECT Column 'A' even with NULLS - mysqli

Table A contains student names, table B and C contain classes and the presence of students.
I would like to display all students and attend their presence. The problem is that I can not display all students who did not have a checked presence.
Where I checked the presence of students it is ok, but if there is no checked presence in a given class, on a given day and in a given subject- nothing is displayed.
My query:
SELECT student.id_student, CONCAT(,' ' ,student.surname) as 'name_surname',pres_student_present, pres_student_absent, pres_student_justified, pres_student_late, pres_student_rel, pres_student_course, pres_student_delegation, pres_student_note FROM student
LEFT JOIN class ON student.no_classes = class.no_classes
LEFT JOIN pres_student ON student.id_student = pres_student.id_student
WHERE (class.no_classes = '$class' OR NULL AND pres_student_data = '$data' AND pres_student_id_subject = $id_subject OR NULL)
GROUP BY student.surname
ORDER BY student.surname ASC
I want to display name_surname always and any other column should have NULL or 1
Name | present | absent | just | late | rel | delegation | note |
Donald Trump | 1 | | | | | | |
Bush | | | | | | | |
Someone | 1 | | | | | | |

You should move restrictions on class and pres_studenttables from the WHERE clause to the ON (LEFT join).
In your case when you perform a restriction in the WHERE clause on a table with an outer join, the sql engine consider you are performing an INNER join
SELECT student.id_student
, CONCAT(, ' ', student.surname) AS 'name_surname'
, pres_student_present
, pres_student_absent
, pres_student_justified
, pres_student_late
, pres_student_rel
, pres_student_course
, pres_student_delegation
, pres_student_note
FROM student
ON student.no_classes = class.no_classes
AND class.no_classes = '$class'
LEFT JOIN pres_student
ON student.id_student = pres_student.id_student
AND pres_student_data = '$data'
AND pres_student_id_subject = $id_subject
GROUP BY student.surname
ORDER BY student.surname ASC


How to query parent child in PostgreSQL?

I have the following table structure :
place_id | parent_place_id | name
1 | 2 | child
2 | 3 | dad
3 | | grandfather
I am trying to write a query so that my output data is as follows :
id_Grandfather | name_Grandfather | id_Dad | name_Dad | id_Child | name_child
3 | grandfather | 2 | dad | 1 | child
I have tried many ways but not getting the expected result. Can anyone help me to solve it? Thank !
There is a way to do it with double join. But does it make any sense is totally different question.
gf.place_id as id_Grandfather, as name_Grandfather,
d.place_id as id_Dad, as name_Dad,
c.place_id as id_Child, as name_Child
your_table c
LEFT JOIN your_table d ON c.parent_place_id = d.place_id
LEFT JOIN your_table gf ON d.parent_lace_id = gf.place_id
-- Add this if you want to have only lines which has Dad and Grandfather fields populated
WHERE d.place_id IS NOT NULL

SELECT DISTINCT on a ordered subquery's table

I'm working on a problem, involving these two tables.
isbn | title | author
1840918626 | Hogwarts: A History | Bathilda Bagshot
3458400871 | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | Newt Scamander
9136884926 | Advanced Potion-Making | Libatius Borage
id | patron_id | isbn | checked_out_date | checked_in_date
1 | 1 | 1840918626 | 2012-05-05 | 2012-05-06
2 | 4 | 9136884926 | 2012-05-05 | 2012-05-06
3 | 2 | 3458400871 | 2012-05-05 | 2012-05-06
4 | 3 | 3458400871 | 2018-04-29 | 2018-05-02
5 | 2 | 9136884926 | 2018-05-03 | NULL
6 | 1 | 3458400871 | 2018-05-03 | 2018-05-05
7 | 5 | 3458400871 | 2018-05-05 | NULL
the query "Make a list of all book titles and denote whether or not a copy of that book is checked out." so pretty much just the first table with a checked out column.
im trying to SELECT DISTINCT on a sub query with the checkout books first, but that doesn't work. I've researched and others say to accomplish this use a GROUP BY clause instead of DISTINCT but the examples they provide are one column queries and when more columns are added it doesn't work.
this is my closest attempt
title, checked_out
SELECT b.title, t.checked_in_date IS NULL AS checked_out
FROM transactions t
natural join books b
ORDER BY checked_out DESC
) t;
or you can join only transactions where books are not checked in:
SELECT b.title, t.isbn IS NOT NULL AS checked_out
, t.checked_out_date
FROM books b
LEFT JOIN transactions t ON t.isbn = b.isbn AND t.checked_in_date IS NULL
ORDER BY checked_out DESC
I adjusted your attempt a little bit. Basically I changed the way your data is joined
title, checked_out
SELECT b.title, t.checked_in_date IS NULL AS checked_out
FROM books b
LEFT OUTER JOIN transactions t USING (isbn)
ORDER BY checked_out DESC
) t;

Flatten hierarchy on self-join table

I have data in a self-join hierarchical table where Continents have many Countries have many Regions have many States have many Cities.
Self-joining table structure:
| ID | Name | Type | ParentID | IsTopLevel |
| 1 | North America | Continent | NULL | 1 |
| 12 | United States | Country | 1 | 0 |
| 113 | Midwest | Region | 12 | 0 |
| 155 | Kansas | State | 113 | 0 |
| 225 | Topeka | City | 155 | 0 |
| 2 | South America | Continent | NULL | 1 |
| 22 | Argentina | Country | 2 | 0 |
| 223 | Southern | Region | 22 | 0 |
| 255 | La Pampa | State | 223 | 0 |
| 777 | Santa Rosa | City | 255 | 0 |
I have been able to successfully use a recursive CTE to get the tree structure and depth of each node. Where I am failing is using a pivot to create a nice list of all bottom locations and their corresponding parents at each level.
The expected results:
| Continent | Country | Region | State | City | Bottom_Level_ID |
| North America | United States | Midwest | Kansas | Topeka | 234 |
| South America | Argentina | Southern | La Pampa | Santa Rosa | 777 |
There are a few key points I should clarify.
Every single entry has a bottom level and a top level. There are no
cases where all five Types are not present for a given location.
If I filled out this data, I'd have 50 entries for North America at the
State level, so you can imagine how immense this table is at the
City level for every continent on the planet. Billions of rows.
The reason this is a necessity is because I need to be able to join onto a historical table of all addresses a person has lived at, and journey up the tree. I figure if I have the LocationID from that table, I can just LEFT JOIN onto a View of this query and nab the appropriate columns.
This is an old database, 2005, and I don't have sysadmin or control of the schema.
My CTE Code
;WITH Tree
AS (
SELECT ID, Name, ParentID, Type, 1 as Depth
FROM LocationTable
WHERE IsTopLevel = 1
SELECT L.ID, L.Name, L.ParentID, L.Type, T.Depth+1
JOIN LocationTable L
Good solid data, in a mostly useful format. BUT then I got to thinking about it and isn't the table structure already in this format, so why would I bother doing a depth tree search if I wasn't going to join the entries together at the same time?
Anyway, here was the rest.
The Pivot Attempt
;WITH Tree
AS (
SELECT ID, Name, ParentID, Type
FROM LocationTable
WHERE IsTopLevel = 1
SELECT L.ID, L.Name, L.ParentID, L.Type
JOIN LocationTable L
select *
from Tree
pivot (
for Type in ([Continent],[Country],[Region],[State],[City])
) pvt
And now I have everything by Type in a column, with nulls for everything else. As I have struggled with before, I need to filter/join the CTE data before I attempt my pivot, but I have no idea where to start with that piece. Everything I have tried is soooooooooo sloooooooow.
Everytime I think I understand CTEs and Pivot, something new makes me extremely humbled. Please help me. ; ;
If your structure is as clean as you describe it (no gaps, 5 levels always) you might go the easy way:
This data really demands for a classical 1:n-table-tree, where your Countries, States etc. live in their own tables and link to their parent record
Make sure there's an index on ParentID and ID!
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(ID INT,Name VARCHAR(100),Type VARCHAR(100),ParentID INT,IsTopLevel BIT);
(1,'North America','Continent',NULL,1)
,(12,'United States','Country',1,0)
,(2,'South America','Continent',NULL,1)
,(255,'La Pampa','State',223,0)
,(777,'Santa Rosa','City',255,0);
SELECT Level1.Name AS Continent
,Level2.Name AS Country
,Level3.Name AS Region
,Level4.Name AS State
,Level5.Name AS City
,Level5.ID AS Bottom_Level_ID
FROM #tbl AS Level1
INNER JOIN #tbl AS Level2 ON Level1.ID=Level2.ParentID
INNER JOIN #tbl AS Level3 ON Level2.ID=Level3.ParentID
INNER JOIN #tbl AS Level4 ON Level3.ID=Level4.ParentID
INNER JOIN #tbl AS Level5 ON Level4.ID=Level5.ParentID
The result
Continent Country Region State City Bottom_Level_ID
North America United States Midwest Kansas Topeka 225
South America Argentina Southern La Pampa Santa Rosa 777
Another solution with CTE could be :
;WITH Tree
AS (
SELECT cast(NULL as varchar(100)) as C1, cast(NULL as varchar(100)) as C2, cast(NULL as varchar(100)) as C3, cast(NULL as varchar(100)) as C4, Name as C5, ID as B_Level
FROM LocationTable
WHERE IsTopLevel = 1
SELECT T.C2, T.C3, T.C4, T.C5, L.Name, L.ID
JOIN LocationTable L
ON L.ParentID = T.B_Level
select *
from Tree
where C1 is not null

Query to combine two tables into one based on timestamp

I have three tables in Postgres. They are all about a single event (an occurrence, not "sports event"). Each table is about a specific item during the event.
table_header columns
gid, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, location, positions
table_item1 columns
gid, side, visibility, item1_timestamp
table_item2 columns
gid, position_id, name, item2_timestamp
I've tried the following query:
SELECT h.gid, h.location, h.start_timestamp, h.end_timestamp, i1.side,
i1.visibility, i2.position_id,, i2.item2_timestamp AS timestamp
FROM tablet_header AS h
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_item1 i1 on (i1.gid = h.gid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_item2 i2 on (i2.gid = i1.gid AND
i1.item1_timestamp = i2.item2_timestamp)
WHERE h.start_timestamp BETWEEN '2016-03-24 12:00:00'::timestamp AND now()::timestamp
The problem is that I'm losing some data from rows when item1_timestamp and item2_timestamp do not match.
So if I have in table_item1 and table_item2:
gid | item1_timestamp | side gid | item2_timestamp | name
---------------------------- -----------------------------------
1 | 17:00:00 | left 1 | 17:00:00 | charlie
1 | 17:00:05 | right 1 | 17:00:03 | frank
1 | 17:00:10 | left 1 | 17:00:06 | dee
I would want the final output to be:
gid | timestamp | side | name
1 | 17:00:00 | left | charlie
1 | 17:00:03 | | frank
1 | 17:00:05 | right |
1 | 17:00:06 | | dee
1 | 17:00:10 | left |
based purely on the timestamp (and gid). Naturally I would have the header info in there too, but that's trivial.
I tried playing around with the query I posted used different JOINs and UNIONs, but I cannot seem to get it right. The one I posted gives the best results I could manage, but it's incomplete.
Side note: every minute or so there will be a new "event". So the gid will be unique to each event and the query needs to ensure that each dataset is paired with data from the same gid. Which is the reason for my i1.gid = h.gid lines. Data between different events should not be compared.
select t1.gid, t1.timestamp, t1.side,
from t1
left join t2 on t2.timestamp=t1.timestamp and t2.gid=t1.gid
select t1.gid, t1.timestamp, t1.side,
from t2
left join t1 on t2.timestamp=t1.timestamp and t2.gid=t1.gid

Replacing a comma seperate value in table with another in select query (postgres)

I have two tables, table A has ID column whose values are comma separated, each of those ID value has a representation in table B.
Table A
| Name | ID |
| A1 | 1,2,3|
| A2 | 2 |
| A3 | 3,2 |
Table B
| ID | Value |
| 1 | Apple |
| 2 | Orange |
| 3 | Mango |
I was wondering if there is an efficient way to do a select where the result would as below,
Name, Value
A1 Apple, Orange, Mango
A2 Orange
A3 Mango, Orange
Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
You need to first "normalize" table_a into a new table using the following:
select name, regexp_split_to_table(id, ',') id
from table_a;
The result of this can be joined to table_b and the result of the join then needs to be grouped in order to get the comma separated list of the names:
select, string_agg(b.value, ',')
from (
select name, regexp_split_to_table(id, ',') id
from table_a
) a
JOIN table_b b on =
group by;
There are two regex related functions that can be useful:
Code below is untested, but you'd use something like it to match A and B:
select name, value
from A
join B on = ANY(regexp_split_to_array(, E'\\s*,\\s*', 'g')::int[]))
You can then use array_agg(value), grouping by name, and format using array_to_string().
Two notes, though:
It won't be as efficient as normalizing things.
The formatting itself ought to be done further down, in your views.