Symfony2 custom form - forms

I have form with checkboxes loaded from database (I use entity field type). Checkboxes are regions and districts. I have following database schema:
| id | parent_id | name |
| 1 | NULL | Region |
| 2 | 1 | District |
| 3 | 1 | Another district |
| 4 | NULL | Another region |
| 5 | 4 | Next district |
Problem is that I need following form. How to do that?
<b>Region</b><!-- Loaded from database -->
<!-- Dictricts ordered by name -->
<input type="checkbox" id="someId" value="3"><label for="someId">Another district</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="someId" value="2"><label for="someId">District</label>
<b>Another region</b><!-- Loaded from database -->
<!-- Dictricts ordered by name -->
<input type="checkbox" id="someId" value="5"><label for="someId">Next district</label>

Thanks to this post I've solve this by custom rendering form template.

EntityType field with options :
multiple = true
expanded = true
property = 'name'
class = 'YourBundle:YourEntity'
query_builder = 'function (EntityRepository $er) {return $er->createQueryBuilder('r')
->where('r.parentId IS NOT NULL')
->orderBy('r.parentId', 'ASC')->orderBy('', 'ASC');}'


Check if a set of a field values is mapped against single value of another field in dataframe

Consider the below dataframe with store and books available:
| storename | book | price |
| S1 | B11 | 10$ | <<
| S2 | B11 | 11$ |
| S1 | B15 | 29$ | <<
| S2 | B10 | 25$ |
| S2 | B16 | 30$ |
| S1 | B09 | 21$ | <
| S3 | B15 | 22$ |
Suppose we need to find the stores which have two books namely, B11 and B15. Here, the answer is S1 as it stores both books.
One way of doing it is to find intersection of the stores having book B11 with the stores having book B15 using below command:
val df_select = df.filter($"book" === "B11").select("storename")
.join(df.filter($"book" === "B15").select("storename"), Seq("storename"), "inner")
which contains the name of stores having both.
But instead I want a table
| storename | book | price |
| S1 | B11 | 10$ | <<
| S1 | B15 | 29$ | <<
| S1 | B09 | 21$ | <
which contains all records related to that fulfilling store. Note that B09 is not left out. (Use case : the user can explore some other books as well in the same store)
We can do this by doing another intersection of above result with original dataframe:
df_select.join(df, Seq("storename"), "inner")
But, I see scalability and readability issue with step 1 as I have to keep on joining one dataframe to another if the number of books are more than 2. Lots of pain to do and that's error-prone too. Is there a more elegant way to do the same? Something like:
val storewise = Window.partitionBy("storename")
df.filter($"book".contains{"B11", "B15"}.over(storewise))
Found a simple solution using array_except function.
Add required set-of-field-values as an array in a new column, req_books
Add a column, all_books, storing all the books stored in a store using Window.
Using above two columns find if the store misses any required book, and filter them out if it misses anything.
Drop the excess columns created.
val df1 = df.withColumn("req_books", array(lit("B11"), lit("B15")))
.withColumn("all_books", collect_set('book).over(Window.partitionBy('storename)))
df1.withColumn("missing_books", array_except('req_books, 'all_books))
.filter(size('missing_books) === 0)
Using Window Functions to create array of all values and check if it contains all the necessary values.
val bookList = List("B11", "B15") //list of books to search
def arrayContainsMultiple(bookList: Seq[String]) = udf((allBooks: WrappedArray[String]) => allBooks.intersect(bookList).sorted.equals(bookList.sorted))
val filteredDF = input
.withColumn("allBooks", collect_set($"books").over(Window.partitionBy($"storename")))

Postgres : create JSON object from JSON array and add keys

I need to create json object with keys from json array, keys are first element inside json of array. Please check below for clarity.
customer :<br/>
**id** | **email** | **app_id** <br/>
1 | | abc <br/>
milestone : <br/>
**id** | **milestone_name** | **app_id** | **raised_at** <br/>
1 | PROFILE_COMPLETED | abc | 2019-05-06 <br/>
2 | ADDRESS_COMPLETED | abc | 2019-05-06 <br/>
select email,
milestone m
m.app_id = c.app_id
) d
) as milestones
from customer c;
Above query is giving output :
email | <br/>
milestones | [{"milestone_name":"PROFILE_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"},{"milestone_name":"ADDRESS_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"}]
I need json object with keys :
email | <br/>
milestones | { "PROFILE_COMPLETED":{"milestone_name":"PROFILE_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"}, "ADDRESS_COMPLETED":{"milestone_name":"ADDRESS_COMPLETED","raised_at":"2019-05-06"}}
You don't mention what version you are using, but this will work in recent versions:
select email,
milestone_name, json_build_object(
'milestone_name', milestone_name,
'raised_at', raised_at
FROM milestone
join customer on customer.app_id = milestone.app_id
GROUP BY email;
email |
json_object_agg | { "ADDRESS_COMPLETED" : {"milestone_name" : "ADDRESS_COMPLETED", "raised_at" : "2019-05-06"}, "PROFILE_COMPLETED" : {"milestone_name" : "PROFILE_COMPLETED", "raised_at" : "2019-05-06"} }

How do you do a "where in" sql query with an array data type?

I have a field:
dtype ==> character varying(3)[]
... but it's an array. So I have for example:
ID | name | dtype
1 | one | {'D10', 'D20', 'D30'}
2 | sam | {'D20'}
3 | jax | {'D10', 'D20'}
4 | pam | {'D10', 'D30'}
5 | pot | {'D10'}
I want to be able to do something like this:
select * from table where dtype in ('D20', 'D30')
This syntax doesnt work, but the goal is to then return fields 1,2,3,4 but not 5.
Is this possible?
Use the && operator as shown in the PostgreSQL manual under "array operators".
select * from table where dtype && ARRAY['D20', 'D30']

Update a single value in a database table through form submission

Here is my table in the database :
id | account_name | account_number | account_type | address | email | ifsc_code | is_default_account | phone_num | User
201 | helloi32irn | 55265766432454 | Savings | | | 5545 | f | 98654567876 | abc
195 | hello | 55265766435523 | Savings | | | 5545 | t | 98654567876 | axyz
203 | what | 01010101010101 | Current | | | 6123 | f | 09099990 | abc
On form submission in the view, which only posts a single parameter which in my case is name= "activate" which corresponds to the column "is_default_account" in the table.
I want to change the value of "is_default_account" from "t" to "f". For example here in the table, for account_name "hello" it is "t". And i want to deactivate it, i.e make it "f" and activate any of the other that has been sent trough the form
This will update your table and make account 'what' default (assuming that is_default_account is BOOLEAN field):
UPDATE table
SET is_default_account = (account_name = 'what')
You may want limit updates if table is more than just few rows you listed, like this:
UPDATE table
SET is_default_account = (account_name = 'what')
WHERE is_default_account != (account_name = 'what')
AND <limit updates by some other criteria like user name>
I think to accomplish what you want to do you should send at least two values from the form. One for the id of the account you want to update and the other for the action (activate here). You can also just send the id and have it toggle. There are many ways to do this but I can't figure out exactly what you are trying to do and whether you want SQL or Playframework code. Without limiting your update in somewhere (like id) you can't precisely control what specific rows get updated. Please clarify your question and add some more code if you want help on the playframework side, which I would think you do.

How to show all recursive results with hierarchyid sql

I have a table categories:
1 | root | -1 | 0x | 0 | 255
2 | cars | 1 | 0x58 | 1 | 10
5 | trucks | 1 | 0x68 | 1 | 10
13 | city cars | 2 | 0x5AC0 | 2 | 255
14 | offroad cars | 2 | 0x5B40 | 2 | 255
ID int ident
NAME nvarchar(255)
POSITION hierarchyid
LEVEL hierarchyid GetLevel()
ORDER tinyint
This table model specifies model name and category where it belongs. Example:
1 | Civic | 13
2 | Pajero | 14
3 | 815 | 5
4 | Avensis | 13
ID int ident
NAME nvarchar(255)
CATEGORY int link to ID category table
What I am trying to do is to be able to show:
all models - would show all models from root recursively,
models within category cars (cars included)
models from city cars (or its children if any)
How do I use hierarchyid for such filtering and how to join the table for results with models? Is that a quick way how to show all model results from certain level?
I believe this would have given you what you were looking for:
declare #id hierarchyid
select #id = Position from Categories where Name = 'root' -- or 'cars', 'city cars', etc.
select m.*
from Models m
join Categories c on m.Category = c.ID
where c.Position.IsDescendantOf(#id) = 1
For more information on the IsDescendantOf method and other hierarchyid methods, check the method reference.
You going to want to use a CTE: Common Table Expression
Introduced in SQL 2005 the allow for an easy way to do hierarchic or recursive relationships.
This is pretty close to your example: