Embedding a powershell script in JAX-RS / Jersey - powershell

I'm relatively new to the JAX-RS / Jersey and I am trying to execute a powershell script in my REST Web Service but I don't want to inline my script into my Java code. Is it possible to embed a powershell script into a Jersey Restful Web Service and read it as a stream during runtime like how it is done by embedding it as a text resource in Visual Studio project? I have tried search online but I'm able to find any reference on embedding resource in JAX-RS/Jersey
Thanks in advance.


Is there a .Net Client library for the SophosLabs Intelix API?

I can't seem to locate any nuget packages for it.
I'm feeling a little obtuse, but I am finding myself iterating over every status code for the calls to each endpoint, mapping out the returned objects.
Is there a Visual Studio tool that creates the client interface from the YAML files that consumes the API?
Good question, unfortunately at time of writing there isn't a client library for Intelix in .NET.

Hybris Create Web Service with Intellij

I'm really new in Hybris. I have Hybris commerce 6.4 and im working with Intellij.
Can anybody tell me how to create a web service rest?
I need the basic steps or a hello word example of a web service exposed from hybris.
Thank you so much.
Hybris is based on Spring, you can create rest web services just as you would do on a normal Spring MVC application.
You can also generate a web service extension using ant extgen, this way you will generate a Ycommercewebservices extension with some rest controllers that you can use as an example.
You can check webservice extension. Create new extension from it.

How to create multiple endpoints through powershell for New AzureML WebServices

I have created a ML WebService on portal.azure.com. I wish to create multiple endpoints programmitically for this webservice using Powershell.
However all the cmdlets available (Add-AmlWebServiceEndpoint) involve using the Old or Classic WebServices.
Is there anyway to achieve this for New Azure ML WebServices
What version of PowerShell are you using, and have you imported the Azure-RM module? See here.
You can see updated documentation for all the cmdlets that can be used with ARM-based Azure Machine Learning web services here.

Adding a Groovy web console into eclipse(j2ee) and run it at apache tomcat

Is there anyone that has done a java interpreter using groovy-all jar file? Maybe sample or example can share it to me or teach me? I meant a interpreter that can parse string(java code) into the textarea and output it as a result like(hello world)
As you need some sample code to implement a web-console using groovy-all.jar, it would strongly recommend taking a look at Groovy Web Console.
Although it's not exactly a Java EE / Tomcat app and it is fairly similar as its a standard Java Servlets API 2.5 based web app. It runs on Google App Engine, which you can try out here. All you need from it is the script execution logic which for most of the part is not app engine specific. Keep in mind, it has dependencies on GAE Apis (through Gaelyk) so you should prune that part out of it to run in it outside Google App Engine.

Create JAX WS Web Service that Response XML using Netbeans

I'm newbie at web service stuff,
I have following the tutorial at https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/websvc/jax-ws.html
Now I want to create web service (like that tutorial) but it return a XML.
How I can build that?
Thank you for the answer