Is there a .Net Client library for the SophosLabs Intelix API? - sophoslabs-intelix

I can't seem to locate any nuget packages for it.
I'm feeling a little obtuse, but I am finding myself iterating over every status code for the calls to each endpoint, mapping out the returned objects.
Is there a Visual Studio tool that creates the client interface from the YAML files that consumes the API?

Good question, unfortunately at time of writing there isn't a client library for Intelix in .NET.


How to update generated AutoRest code, after server REST API changed?

I am writing client code to access Web API REST service. I am using typed client classes by using Visual Studio 2015 "Add"/"REST API client..."
Now the serverside API changed and I would like to update my generated client code accordingly.
Besides of the obvious solution of deleting all the generated classes, then starting the Visual Studio 2015 "Add"/"REST API client..." from ground zero, is there any better way to do this?

Get Build Definition response body is missing properties

I'm trying to run a request through the TFS REST API v2.0 because I would like to be able to modify the 'ProcessParameters' of a specific BuildDefinition before triggering it. This is so I can pass an argument to the specific BuildDefinition's deployment script.
Doing this work through the TFS SDK works fine, but I've had to refactor to use the REST API instead because this has to run on a production machine without Visual Studio and TFS Team Explorer.
The documentation says I should be able to specify a propertyFilter in my query, but I'm unable to get it to return more information. What I am getting is very light compared to what I'm used to working through the SDK.
Here is my request: https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/build/definitions/{id}?api-version=2.0&propertyFilters=processParameters
The response is exactly the same whether or not the "&propertyFilters=processParameters" part is set. It should be able to handle a comma-delimited list of property names but seemingly it is just ignored.
Have I found a bug, or shall we say, a discrepancy between the API documentation and the actual API? Is the 'propertyFilters' query parameter actually implemented? I can't get it to work...
Any help is highly appreciated!
It seems that you are working with XAML build definition as vNext build definition does not have ProcessParameters. However, the RestAPI Build 2.0 is mainly designed for vNext build, it can only get some basic information for XAML build definition. That means, Rest API cannot achieve the features you want for now if you are working with XAML build definition. You have to install VS&Team Explorer and use TFS SDK to do it.

Azure - generating REST SDKs from IDL

I want to build REST-based web services on Microsoft Azure. I want to define my web service APIs using some kind of IDL from which client SDKs for various programming languages can be generated. Ideally, even client documentation, test code, and client sample code could be generated.
Outside the Azure world, there are tools like Swagger and RAML that attempt to do this. Does anyone know of an equivalent, existing or planned, in the Azure space?
Yes, this is coming very soon -

Hosting NuGet repository via Apache / http server

Is there any way that I can setup and host a NuGet repository on an Apache or related http server? I have code that I would like made available, and it turns out that I have an apache server as well. I know that there are public places that I could publish to, but I was curious about my own. Any ideas? Is it possible?
If you need it i made a little nuget server with php. It works on apache with mod_rewrite and IIS: :)
I needed this recently too and have started implementing it at
There are some limitations, like you can't push to it (yet?). To have that, it'd need some server side upload handler and that would mean picking a technology like PHP, Node, Python, etc which compromises the current simplicity. I also haven't made any effort yet around NuGet api v3 support.
Right now it relies on some other copy process uploading the .nupkg files and triggering the manifest and html generators.
There's nothing stopping you come creating a NuGet server that runs on Apache, but I don't think there's anything currently available that'll do this.
The command-line nuget.exe runs on Mono, but I suspect getting the ASP.NET NuGet server running is a whole new ballgame :-(

Source control for MS Dynamics CRM

I'm undecided about CRM at the moment. It's a great tool for the business users but so far for development it's been a bit against the grain. The next problem I need to tackle is how to easily source control javascript used within forms. We use TFS for our source control.
Anyone had an experience or have any ideas on how to do this?
Obvious choice would be to copy and paste the JS in to your source control, but it's also an obvious pain in the rear.
A couple of things that we do in our projects:
We use the Web Resource Utility included with the CRM SDK (actually a modified version of it) to deploy JavaScript web resources to a particular solution. Makes it very easy to keep script files checked in to source control as normal and avoid copying and pasting.
We wrote a custom HTTP Module that we use on local deployments. It intercepts requests for JavaScript libraries and redirects them to a location on local disk. That way, we don't have to actually redeploy the web resources as we test, just the JavaScript files to disk. (Note that this would be unsupported in a production environment. We just do it in our development environments to ease the pain of JavaScript deployment).
I answered a very similar question here - Version Control for Visual Studio projects and MS Dynamics CRM (javascript)
My choice for source control is TFS holding each of the 2011 JScript libraries.
We try to mirror the file structure that Dynamics uses for Web resources in a basic Library project. So version control works as normal, we just don't use the output from the project.
You can also try using the new "CRM Solution" project template (installed from the SDK) and have the ability to deploy from the context menu of the project.
I've had some issues with the template but something to check out.
Hope this helps.
You can take a look on my answer on my own question here.
MS Dynamics CRM 2011 SDK has solutionpackager.exe utility what could split all CRM resources into file tree and you can store them either in git or in tfs.
Any web resource in CRM 2011 is a pain to manage. We just end up doing a lot of copy pasting in and out of TFS 2010 (which has actually caused some problems with poor pastes).
Currently out of the box there isn't an easy way to do it.
Only worry about this if you really need the ability to go back to old versions of web resources. I've found that I don't often have to do this. Remember that the web resources are stored in SQL Server just like they would be if you put them in TFS, so as long as your CRM database is being backed up, you won't lose the web resources. In traditional development, it is important to keep the source in TFS because you can't easily get back to it once you compile and release. With CRM development, your web resources are mostly HTML or JavaScript, so you can always get at the source.
If you really need version control, why not build a quick little console app that downloads all customizations every night and stores that zip file in TFS? True, it wouldn't be as easy to get at older versions, but you should gain a lot of productivity by not having to manually keep TFS in sync. This also has the benefit of storing all customizations in TFS, not just web resources.
Silverlight is the obvious exception here - I would definitely store Silverlight web resource source code in TFS, because it is a "compiled" web resource. You are already in Visual Studio, so TFS is a natural fit anyway.
Hope that helps!