Hybris Create Web Service with Intellij - rest

I'm really new in Hybris. I have Hybris commerce 6.4 and im working with Intellij.
Can anybody tell me how to create a web service rest?
I need the basic steps or a hello word example of a web service exposed from hybris.
Thank you so much.

Hybris is based on Spring, you can create rest web services just as you would do on a normal Spring MVC application.
You can also generate a web service extension using ant extgen, this way you will generate a Ycommercewebservices extension with some rest controllers that you can use as an example.

You can check webservice extension. Create new extension from it.


How to integrate Magento 2 in BPM/camunda engine

I am new in BPM/camunda engine. I need to know How to integrate Magento2 in BPMN 2.0.
I searched about BPMN 2.0 https://docs.camunda.org/get-started/bpmn20/project-setup/ its only setup java project.
Magento 2 need php and web servers(apache, nginx) support, see this link http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/install-gde/system-requirements.html
How can I setup magento 2 in Camunda-bpm tool? Suggest me any way to do this.
please see your answer here https://forum.camunda.org/t/how-to-integrate-magento-2-in-bpmn-2-0/1777/2
Camunda is running inside a java web container or application server, while Magento is using php. Which means that best you can get is running 2 servers, one with camunda and second one with Magento. Those servers may communicate with eachother using external Task and REST services.

Testing approach for AngularJS Java Spring Project

Sorry for the general question, but what is the best approach/tools for testing an AngularJS project with Spring JPA and Restful services backend, I am using Eclipse.
Do you do the angularJS testing using tools external to Eclipse such as node.js, testacular etc...is there a way to do unit and end to end testing for the front JS end and the backen all inside Eclipse?
Checkout $httpBackend in ngMock. You could set up a dedicated backend for testing, but if you're sure of the correct responses (just grab them via postman or something), $httpBackend is very simple to implement. We've been using it to develop a frontend asynchronously with a jersey backend, but it has testing functionality built in. Then you just need to set up seperate unit tests for your java and you'll be good to go.

Create JAX WS Web Service that Response XML using Netbeans

I'm newbie at web service stuff,
I have following the tutorial at https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/websvc/jax-ws.html
Now I want to create web service (like that tutorial) but it return a XML.
How I can build that?
Thank you for the answer

How to create Rest Web service client and server

Hi I need to use REST web service but not getting how to start. Although I have checked different articles but there is no proper example which tells flow of REST SERVER and REST CLIENT. Is there any good example link which tells how a REST server will be created with php and how this web service will be called with which technique. I need web service to show customers and then update customers using web service as well. I need to create my own web service for my application so I need to create both Rest server and Rest client.
REST isn't a technology, it's a style of software architecture
If you want some concrete examples and a simple framework to get started, try cherrypy, which is a minimal web framework written in python.
This should get you started with a web server that can help you adhere to REST design principles.
You Can Try PHP REST Data services https://github.com/chaturadilan/PHP-Data-Services

What is best recommended way to call an external web service from Web Application in java?

I am creating a web application in eclipse (via dynamic web project wizard). the Main job of this web app is to call an External web Service's Methods. to accomplish this task should i make an EJB which will call this web service or should i go with creating a Web Service Client. what are the best practices and recommendations.
Keep it simple - just create a web service client. Unless you have reasons for using EJBs (perhaps distributed transactions) you are over-engineering. You can always add this later if you need it.
you can simply use Java Jersey for this. Here goes a clean tutorial