Rename file before copy to certain folder - powershell

I´m a newbie still and learning to create PowerShell scripts to make Life in IT easier.
At present I´m trying to build a script, which runs a certain Microsoft tool, scanning defined network shares in a csv file and creating an JSON output file.
Now as the pattern of this file is always the same like "Report_Username_Hostname.vba.JSON", I would like to append either the scanned directory name or even a range of numbers, fe. "Report_Username_Hostname(100).vba.JSON" or "Report_Username_Hostname(sharename).vba.JSON"
This is neccessaray as after this renaming step, I upload this and other files within this folder to another folder on different server to upload them into a Database.
I planned to run this script in in many different locations on most automatic level and they all copy the their collected files to just one upload folder.
I already tried several options I found somewhere in the deep of the Internet, but I only came to the point where the file was renamed to 0 or similar, but not to expected result.
The Powershell script doing the work is this:
$PSpath = 'C:\temp\FileRemediation\Scripts\'
$Rpath = $PSpath +'..\Reports\1st'
$localshare = $PSpath +'..\temp\1st'
$csvinputs = Import-Csv $PSpath\fileremediation_1st.csv
$uploadshare = '\\\upload\'
# This section checks if the folder for scan reports is availabe and if not will create necessary folder.
If(!(test-path $Rpath))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Rpath
If(!(test-path $localshare))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $localshare
Set-Location $Rpath
# This section reads input from configuration file and starts Ms ReadinessReportCreator to scan shares in configuration file.
ForEach($csvinput in $csvinputs)
$uncshare = $csvinput.sharefolder
$Executeable = Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft xxx\xxx.exe" `
-Argumentlist "-p ""$uncshare""", "-r", "-t 10000", "-output ""$localshare"""`
Get-ChildItem -Path $localshare -Filter '*.JSON' | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.FullName+$uncshare}
# This section copies the output *.JSON file of the xxx to the share, where I they will be uploaded to DB.
Get-ChildItem -Path $localshare -Filter '*.JSON' | Where {$_.Length -ge 3} | move-item -Destination '$uploadshare'
the fileremediation_1st.csv looks like
Can someone please help me on this, I don´t have a clue what I´m doing wrong.
Thank you!
Current error I get is
Rename-Item : Cannot rename the specified target, because it
represents a path or device name. At
C:\temp\FileRemediation\scripts\fileremediation_V2_1st.ps1:28 char:55
+ ... share -Filter '*.JSON' | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.FullName+$uncshare}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Rename-Item], PSArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Argument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand
As said before, I would also be fine with a dedicated range of numbers, which is append to the file name "Report_Username_Hostname(100).vba.JSON"
The perfect world would be if I could split the \server\sharename from csv file and append the sharename to my filename.

I think the issue is with:
Rename-Item -NewName {$_.FullName+$uncshare}
Your input file (Get-ChildItem) path is:
$PSpath = 'C:\temp\FileRemediation\Scripts\'
$localshare = $PSpath +'..\temp\1st'
The Rename-Item uses $_.FullName which resolves to something like this:
The variables then contain:
$_.FullName = C:\temp\FileRemediation\Scripts\..\temp\1st\MyFile.JSON
$uncshare = "\\server\sharename"
So Your Rename-Item ... $_.FullName+$uncshare will try to rename it to:
Which is not a valid path.


Rename-Item fails with 'Cannot rename because item at 'C:\Folder\ Example App Folder ' does not exist

I have a folder that has 100s of subfolders and files within those subfolders that have names with leading and trailing spaces. These folders and files were created using a Node JS app. I need to now remove the leading and trailing spaces from the file names of the folders and files.
I found this script which seems to be built for this purpose.
If I use the function to create files/folders with leading spaces mentioned on the same blog, the script is able to rename those.
However, it does not work with files/folders created using the node JS app. When renaming the folder/file, it fails with -
Rename-Item : Cannot rename because item at 'C:\Folder\ Example App Folder ' does not exist.
At C:\renamefileswithspaces.ps1:25 char:13
+ Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.fullname -NewName (“{0}{1}{2} ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Rename-Item], PSInvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperation,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand
If I run the following cmdlets for just one folder (outside the script), it fails with the same error -
$f = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Folder' -Filter "*Example*"
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $f.FullName -NewName $f.Name.Trim()
Rename-Item : Cannot rename because item at 'C:\Folder\ Example App Folder ' does not exist.
At line:1 char:1
+ Rename-Item -LiteralPath $f.FullName -NewName $f.Name.Trim()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Rename-Item], PSInvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperation,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand
Why does Rename-Item fail for files/folders created using the app whereas it works for files/folders created using PowerShell?
Edit: Running on Windows Server 2016 Standard. PowerShell version - 5.1.14393.3866
Edit 2: Updated to PowerShell 7.1.4 from here and the issue still exists.
Trailing spaces in file / directory names are problematic on Windows (unless a filename extension is also present, and the trailing spaces are only in the base file name):
PowerShell, .NET, cmd.exe, and File Explorer:
can NOT create items with such names, because the given name invariably has trailing whitespace removed before it is used.
can NOT copy, rename, or delete such items (if they were created through other means, such as Node.js - see below), for the same reason: the given name / path has trailing spaces removed, and looking for the resulting, modified name fails.
CAN enumerate such items (Get-ChildItem, [System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateDirectories(), dir, lists of files in File Explorer).
While the file-system itself allows such names, it's clearly not a good idea to create them.
Node.js allows you to create them, but fortunately also allows you to target them later for renaming or deletion.
Thus, the workaround is to use Node.js for renaming too; e.g.:
node -e "fs.renameSync(' Example App directory ', 'Example App directory')"
Here's a self-contained example that uses a temporary folder to enumerate all subdirectories and rename them by removing leading and trailing whitespace from their names, if needed:
# Switch to a temporary directory.
Push-Location -ea Stop ($tmpDir = (New-Item -Type Directory -Force (Join-Path $env:TEMP/ $PID)).FullName)
try {
# Create a test directory whose name has trailing (and leading) spaces.
# Note:
# * You cannot do this with PowerShell / cmd.exe commands.
# * To delete or rename such a directory, use Node.js too:
# node -e "fs.rmdirSync(' Example App directory ')"
# node -e "fs.renameSync(' Example App directory ', 'Example App directory')"
node -e "fs.mkdirSync(' Example App directory ')"
if ($LASTEXITCODE) { throw }
# Create another directory, but without leading or trailing whitespace.
$null = New-Item -Type Directory 'Example without surrounding spaces'
# Enumerate all directories and rename them, if needed,
# by trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
# Note: The Get-ChildItem call is enclosed in (...) to guard against renamed directorys
# re-entering the enumeration.
(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath . -Directory -Filter *) | ForEach-Object {
# Determine the full path with the name part trimmed.
$trimmedPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -LiteralPath $_.FullName) ($_.BaseName.Trim() + $_.Extension.Trim())
if ($trimmedPath -ne $_.FullName) { # Trimming is needed.
Write-Verbose -vb "Renaming '$($_.FullName)' to '$($trimmedPath)'..."
# Perform the renaming via Node.js
node -e ("fs.renameSync('{0}', '{1}')" -f ($_.FullName -replace "[\\']", '\$0'), ($trimmedPath -replace "[\\']", '\$0'))
if ($LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Renaming '$($_.FullName)' to '$($trimmedPath)' failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." }
else { # Trimming not needed.
Write-Verbose -vb "Name has no leading or trailing spaces: '$($_.FullName)'"
Write-Verbose -vb "Names after:"
finally {
# Clean up.
Pop-Location; Remove-Item $tmpDir -Recurse
Sample output:
VERBOSE: Renaming 'C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Local\Temp\3712\ Example App directory ' to 'C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Local\Temp\3712\Example App directory'...
VERBOSE: Name has no leading or trailing spaces: 'C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Local\Temp\3712\Example without surrounding spaces'
VERBOSE: Names after:
[Example App directory]
[Example without surrounding spaces]
The approach of calling the Node.js CLI, node, for every input directory isn't efficient, but for a one-time cleanup operation that probably won't matter.
As workaround you can use the .MoveTo() method that both DirectoryInfo and FileInfo objects have.
For me this works:
# get both files and directories
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Folder' -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.BaseName -ne $_.BaseName.Trim() } |
ForEach-Object {
# the DirectoryName property does not exist on DirectoryInfo objects..
$path = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($_.FullName)
$trimmed = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath ('{0}{1}' -f $_.BaseName.Trim(), $_.Extension.Trim())

PowerShell 7Zip4Powershell zipping .zip error

Currently have a PSscript that does 1.65tb of .bmp files sorted into folders by yyyy/MM/dd/HH, replaces the # in the file name then converted to .jpg.
What I can't get past is the next step which gives me an error because it tries to zip the zip file that was created.
How to I prevent that? I tried the -Exclude but I think it has to be done just before the actual compression happens.
tried -Append and it fails for file not found.
(last step is delete the files that were zipped but I believe that can be done with a Remove-Item)
Directory structure looks like this with files in youngest child directory:
PowerShell script
$sourceRootPath = "D:\Test\Processed\2020\01\13"
$targetRootPath = "D:\Test\Processed\2020\Archived"
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceRootPath -Recurse -Exclude *.zip | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | ForEach-Object {
$directoryFullName = $_.FullName
$directoryName = $_.Name
#$folderPathToCompress - redundant but keeps my thinking straight for now
$folderPathToCompress = $directoryFullName
# This creates an error that the .zip file does not exist and exits
#Compress-7Zip -Path $folderPathToCompress -ArchiveFileName $directoryFullName\$ -Format Zip -CompressionLevel Ultra -Append
# This creates the .zip file BUT creates an error when it tries to zip the .zip file it is creating
#Compress-7Zip -Path $folderPathToCompress -ArchiveFileName $directoryFullName\$ -Format Zip -CompressionLevel Ultra
I will get this posting stuff figure out, sorry for the errors, I am open to learning two things at once but it takes 4x longer... so back at it.
1.) I am using the 7Zip4Powershell Module - it looked like a good idea, but maybe I should stick with passing everything to a variable and then Invoke-Expression thus not use the module but the 7zip command directly(?)
2.) Made a few attempts with same results but issue not resolved ... yet
This is what the error looks like and the different attempts below.
Compress-7Zip : The process cannot access the file 'D:\Test\Processed\2020\01\13\13\' because it is being used by another process.
At C:\Users\moe3srv\Desktop\test2.ps1:19 char:6
+ (Compress-7Zip -Path $folderPathToCompress -ArchiveFileName $dire ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (SevenZip4PowerS...+CompressWorker:CompressWorker) [Compress-7Zip], IOException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : err01,SevenZip4PowerShell.Compress7Zip
(Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceRootPath -Recurse)
(Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceRootPath -Recurse -Exclude .zip )
(Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceRootPath -Recurse -Exclude *.zip )
Alternatively in PowerShell we can user Compress-Archive
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference\* -DestinationPath C:\Archives\

How to rename large number of files using Powershell and a CSV

Ultimately, I need a solid PowerShell script that will take a folder with several hundred video files, import the existing file names into the program, lookup the new file name in a CSV, and rename it. The old filename is simply (ie. File1.mp4, File2.mp4, etc.) I would like to appended a date to the front of the file in the format of (YYYY-MM-DD).
For testing, I created a folder on my desktop with (10) text files, each with a unique file name.
My CSV file appears as follows:
Image of CSV
The "newfilename" column, was created by using the Concatenate command in Excel.
`(=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A2, "yyyy-mm-dd")," ", B2)`
As much as I would just like PowerShell to handle everything, I feel using Excel for most of this might be the best way.
In my testing, everything was in one folder. However, at work, I will have video files on one drive, and the script will have to be in a folder on my desktop. Because I am in a corporate network, I need a special batch file to run my scripts, which is nothing new. I just modify the script name, and away it goes!
So what commands do I need to do in order to have the script separate from the video files AND the CSV file?
Here is the code that I have so far. Everything works when it's in one folder.
PS C:\Users\ceran\Desktop\Rename Project> Import-Csv -Path .\MyFileList.csv | ForEach-Object {
>> $Src = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.filename
>> $Dst = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.newfilename
>> Rename-Item -Path $Src -NewName $Dst
>> }
Thanks in advance for the help!
I'm not sure what the date column is in your Excel file and if you want to rename all files in the folder, but if that is the case, you don't need a csv file at all and can do this:
$sourceFolder = 'X:\Path\to\the\video\files' # change this to the real path
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Filter '*.mp4' -File | # iterate through the files in the folder
Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'} | # don't rename files that already start with the date
Rename-Item -NewName { '{0:yyyy-MM-dd} {1}' -f $_.LastWriteTime, $_.Name } -WhatIf
This uses parameter -Filter '*.mp4', to get only files with an .mp4 extension. For the files in your testfolder (Desktop\Rename Project), change this to -Filter '*.txt'.
If you want all files renamed, no matter what the extension, simply remove the Filter from the cmdlet.
Because of the -WhatIf switch, no file is actually renamed and the code just shows in the console what would happen. Once satisfied that this is OK, remove the -WhatIf
Hope that helps.
Import-Csv -Path $pathtocsv | ForEach-Object {
$Src = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.filename
$Dst = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.newfilename
Rename-Item -Path $Src -NewName $Dst
Why would this not work in any situation?
By the way, if the csv had the columns path and newname, it could be piped directly to rename-item:
import-csv ren.csv | Rename-Item -whatif
What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: /Users/js/foo/file.txt Destination: /Users/js/foo/file2.txt".

Compress-Archive Error: Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

I would like to zip a path (with a service windows running inside).
When the service is stopped, it works perfectly, when the service is running, I have the exception:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another
However, when I zip with 7-zip, I don't have any exception.
My command:
Compress-Archive [PATH] -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath("[DEST_PATH]") -Force
Do you have any idea to perform the task without this exception?
Copy-Item allows you to access files that are being used in another process.
This is the solution I ended up using in my code:
Copy-Item -Path "C:\Temp\somefolder" -Force -PassThru |
Get-ChildItem |
Compress-Archive -DestinationPath "C:\Temp\"
The idea is that you pass through all the copied items through the pipeline instead of having to copy them to a specific destination first before compressing.
I like to zip up a folder's content rather than the folder itself, therefore I'm using Get-ChildItem before compressing in the last line.
Sub-folders are already included. No need to use -recurse in the first line to do this
A good method to access files being used by another process is by creating snapshots using Volume Shadow Copy Service.
To do so, one can simply use PowerShells WMI Cmdlets:
$Path = "C:/my/used/folder"
$directoryRoot = [System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectoryRoot($Path).ToString()
$shadow = (Get-WmiObject -List Win32_ShadowCopy).Create($directoryRoot, "ClientAccessible")
$shadowCopy = Get-WmiObject Win32_ShadowCopy | ? { $_.ID -eq $shadow.ShadowID }
$snapshotPath = $shadowCopy.DeviceObject + "\" + $Path.Replace($directoryRoot, "")
Now you can use the $snapshotPath as -Path for your Compress-Archive call.
This method can also be used to create backups with symlinks.
From there on you can use the linked folders to copy backed up files, or to compress them without those Access exceptions.
I created a similiar function and a small Cmdlet in this Gist: Backup.ps1
There was a similar requirement where only few extensions needs to be added to zip.
With this approach, we can copy the all files including locked ones to a temp location > Zip the files and then delete the logs
This is bit lengthy process but made my day!
$filedate = Get-Date -Format yyyyMddhhmmss
$zipfile = 'C:\Logs\logfiles'+ $filedate +'.zip'
New-Item -Path "c:\" -Name "Logs" -ItemType "directory" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Robocopy "<Log Location>" "C:\CRLogs\" *.txt *.csv *.log /s
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Logs\" -Recurse | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $zipfile -Force -ErrorAction Continue
Remove-Item -Path "C:\Logs\" -Exclude *.zip -Recurse -Force

I need to remove folders by a specific name, if it exist

I have a file server where the users have their own diskspace. And I need to delete a certain folder on each users diskspace, but not all users have this folder. Also the users are divided into department, so the layout of the folders looks like this:
How can I make this happen? Im thinking of using Poweshell, and I have been reading about Test-Path, but I dont know how to work with this then the path is different for all the users.
This is fairly straightforward with PowerShell:
$TargetName = "foldertodelete"
$BaseDir = "D:\Users"
# Iterate over each department directory
foreach($Department in #(Get-ChildItem $BaseDir -Directory)){
# Within each department, iterate over each user directory
foreach($User in #(Get-ChildItem $Department -Directory)){
# Check if the undesirable folder exists
if([System.IO.Directory]::Exists(($TargetPath = Join-Path -Path $User -ChildPath $TargetName))){
# If so, remove the directory and all child items
Remove-Item $TargetPath -Recurse
The -Directory parameter on Get-ChildItem is available in PowerShell 3.0 and above. For PowerShell 2.0 you could use:
Get-ChildItem $BaseDir |Where {$_.PSIsContainer}
Thank you for your answer. I do have some problem making the script work. It looks like the script don't understand the BaseDir part. The department folder where the users have their folder is located on D:\Users. I copied the script to C:\skript. And the error message show that it is looking for the userfolder on my C drive. It should look on D:\users\AAL-users\username
Here is the error message:
PS C:\skript> .\RemoveFolder.ps1
Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'C:\skript\AAL-users' because it does not exist.
At C:\skript\RemoveFolder.ps1:7 char:22
+ foreach($User in #(Get-ChildItem $Department -Directory)){
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\skript\AAL-users:String) [Get-ChildItem], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand
I did try to copy the script to my D:\users folder. This time I got no error messages, but the script did not delete any folders as it is suposed to.
Try the below...
Remove-Item -path D:\Users\* -Filter *specificnameof the folder* -WhatIf --(Whatif allows you to test a command before you run)
Remove whatif and execute the delete
Remove-Item -path C:\users\* -Filter *specificnameof the folder*
Here is the exact code I run now:
PS D:> Remove-Item -path "D:\DU Users*" -Filter notes85
PS D:>
No error messages, but also, the folder in question is not removed.