How to rename large number of files using Powershell and a CSV - powershell

Ultimately, I need a solid PowerShell script that will take a folder with several hundred video files, import the existing file names into the program, lookup the new file name in a CSV, and rename it. The old filename is simply (ie. File1.mp4, File2.mp4, etc.) I would like to appended a date to the front of the file in the format of (YYYY-MM-DD).
For testing, I created a folder on my desktop with (10) text files, each with a unique file name.
My CSV file appears as follows:
Image of CSV
The "newfilename" column, was created by using the Concatenate command in Excel.
`(=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A2, "yyyy-mm-dd")," ", B2)`
As much as I would just like PowerShell to handle everything, I feel using Excel for most of this might be the best way.
In my testing, everything was in one folder. However, at work, I will have video files on one drive, and the script will have to be in a folder on my desktop. Because I am in a corporate network, I need a special batch file to run my scripts, which is nothing new. I just modify the script name, and away it goes!
So what commands do I need to do in order to have the script separate from the video files AND the CSV file?
Here is the code that I have so far. Everything works when it's in one folder.
PS C:\Users\ceran\Desktop\Rename Project> Import-Csv -Path .\MyFileList.csv | ForEach-Object {
>> $Src = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.filename
>> $Dst = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.newfilename
>> Rename-Item -Path $Src -NewName $Dst
>> }
Thanks in advance for the help!

I'm not sure what the date column is in your Excel file and if you want to rename all files in the folder, but if that is the case, you don't need a csv file at all and can do this:
$sourceFolder = 'X:\Path\to\the\video\files' # change this to the real path
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Filter '*.mp4' -File | # iterate through the files in the folder
Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'} | # don't rename files that already start with the date
Rename-Item -NewName { '{0:yyyy-MM-dd} {1}' -f $_.LastWriteTime, $_.Name } -WhatIf
This uses parameter -Filter '*.mp4', to get only files with an .mp4 extension. For the files in your testfolder (Desktop\Rename Project), change this to -Filter '*.txt'.
If you want all files renamed, no matter what the extension, simply remove the Filter from the cmdlet.
Because of the -WhatIf switch, no file is actually renamed and the code just shows in the console what would happen. Once satisfied that this is OK, remove the -WhatIf
Hope that helps.

Import-Csv -Path $pathtocsv | ForEach-Object {
$Src = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.filename
$Dst = Join-Path -Path $TargetDir -ChildPath $_.newfilename
Rename-Item -Path $Src -NewName $Dst
Why would this not work in any situation?

By the way, if the csv had the columns path and newname, it could be piped directly to rename-item:
import-csv ren.csv | Rename-Item -whatif
What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: /Users/js/foo/file.txt Destination: /Users/js/foo/file2.txt".


Powershell List Excel Files and Copy

I apologize for the naivety of this post, please forgive my newness.
I have approximately 20,000 network files to filter through and copy certain ones to a local drive.
File List Requirements:
Excel files of various type (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm)
Only files modified after 4/1/2022
Only files that contain "2022" in the filename
If the file meets those requirements then:
Copy the file to a local folder (original folder path structure doesn't matter, all files can go in one folder)
Output the original path and filename to a txt file, along with the lastwritedate
I have created the following code, which successfully obtains all excel files and creates the filename list
Get-ChildItem "D:\network_folder\" -Filter *.xls -Recurse | Select-Object -Property FullName, LastWriteTime |
Export-Csv -Path "C:\local_folder\file_list.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation
However I cannot figure out the following issues:
how and where to filter for the lastwritetime
how and where to filter for the "2022" in the name
how and where to copy the files to the local folder
right now I'm just putting this all in the command line, do I need to make some file to run this process?
Thank you for any assistance you can provide!
I guess you want something like this.
It searches for files in the source folder with 2022 in the name and having .xls (or anything following xls) as extension.
It then loops over these items, creates the subfolder structure where they were found in the destination folder, copies the files and finally writes out a CSV file with information of the original file.
$sourcePath = 'D:\network_folder'
$destination = 'D:\dest_folder'
$refDate = [datetime]::new(2022,4,2) # --> next day date as of midnight
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Filter '*2022*.xls*' -File -Recurse |
Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge $refDate} | ForEach-Object {
# create the destination folder if it does not already exist
$target = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $_.DirectoryName.Substring($sourcePath.Length)
$null = New-Item -Path $target -ItemType Directory -Force
# copy the file
$_ | Copy-Item -Destination $target
# output the wanted properties from the original file
$_ | Select-Object Name, FullName, LastWriteTime
} | Export-Csv -Path "C:\local_folder\file_list.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation

Copying files to specific folder declared in a CSV file using Powershell Script

i am quite new to powershell and i am trying to make a script that copy files to certain folders that are declared in a CSV file. But till now i am getting errors from everywhere and can't find nothing to resolve this issue.
I have this folders and .txt files created in the same folder as the script.
Till now i could only do this:
$files = Import-Csv .\files.csv
foreach ($file in $files) {
$name = $
$final = $file.destination
Copy-Item $name -Destination $final
This is my CSV
As the comments indicate, if you are not using default system delimiters, you should make sure to specify them.
I also recommend typically to use quotes for your csv to ensure no problems with accidentally including an entry that includes the delimiter in the name.
"# | ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter ';' -Header #('file','destination')
will output
file destination
---- -----------
taco1.txt C:\temp\taco2;.txt
The quotes make sure the values are correctly interpreted. And yes... you can name a file foobar;test..txt. Never underestimate what users might do. 😁
If you take the command Get-ChildItem | Select-Object BaseName,Directory | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation and review the output, you should see it quoted like this.
Sourcing Your File List
One last tip. Most of the time I've come across a CSV for file input lists a CSV hasn't been needed. Consider looking at grabbing the files you in your script itself.
For example, if you have a folder and need to filter the list down, you can do this on the fly very easily in PowerShell by using Get-ChildItem.
For example:
$Directory = 'C:\temp'
$Destination = $ENV:TEMP
Get-ChildItem -Path $Directory -Filter *.txt -Recurse | Copy-Item -Destination $Destination
If you need to have more granular matching control, consider using the Where-Object cmdlet and doing something like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path $Directory -Filter *.txt -Recurse | Where-Object Name -match '(taco)|(burrito)' | Copy-Item -Destination $Destination
Often you'll find that you can easily use this type of filtering to keep CSV and input files out of the solution.
Using techniques like this, you might be able to get files from 2 directories, filter the match, and copy all in a short statement like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\temp' -Filter '*.xlsx' -Recurse | Where-Object Name -match 'taco' | Copy-Item -Destination $ENV:TEMP -Verbose
Hope that gives you some other ideas! Welcome to Stack Overflow. 👋

How to copy all files in a folder to another folder and change the extension?

I have some files in a folder with no extension file. I want to copy all the files to another folder and change their extension to .txt.
I tried this code, but it still errors for creating the destination file.
$JOB = Copy-Item -Path C:\Users\XX\Documents\Folder1* -Destination "C:\Users\XX\Documents\Folder2"
Rename-Item -Path C:\Users\XX\Documents\Folder2\* -NewName *.TXT
Get-ChildItem -Path .\Folder1 -File |
ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination ".\Folder2\$($_.BaseName).txt" }
# Alternatively without ForEach-Object (see note below)
Get-ChildItem -Path .\Folder1 -File |
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination { ".\Folder2\$($_.BaseName).txt" }
That should do the job. Keep in mind it will work only for one level, if you want recursive copy of folder structure, you'll have to modify the script slightly.
Basically, what's happening here is you find all the files and then pipe them to Copy-Item constructing destination path with BaseName property of source file (which doesn't have extension included, in comparison to Name property).
NOTE: as -Path accepts pipeline input (see docs here), you don't need to use ForEach-Object. However, it might still be useful for visibility (depending on your preferences).
Credits to #LotPings for noticing the above.

Powershell script to copy files based on filename

I have a folder that contains several thousand files. I would like to write a Powershell script that loops through the files and copies each file whose filename contains a specific keyword. In pseudocode:
For each file in C:\[Directory]
If filename contains "Presentation" Then
copy file in C:\[Directory 2]
Simply like this ?
copy-item "C:\SourceDir\*Presentation*" "C:\DestinationDir"
or like this :
copy-item "C:\SourceDir\*" "C:\DestinationDir" -Filter "*rrrr*"
But a risk exist if you have a directory with "presentation" in his name into the source directory. Then take all method proposed here and add -file in get-childitem command.
Like in this short version of Robdy code :
gci "C:\SourceDir" -file | ? Name -like "*Presentation*" | cpi -d "C:\DestinationDir"
That code should do the trick:
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\path\to\source\folder"
$files | Where-Object Name -Like "*Presentation*" | Copy-Item -Destination "C:\path\to\destination\folder"
Of course can be written in one line but I put in two for visibility.
Edit: as Esperento57 pointed out, you might want to add -ItemType File to Get-ChildItem cmdlet to not include folders with 'Presentation' in their name. Also, depending on your needs you might also want to use -Recurse param to include files in subfolders.
If you have files in subfolders and you want to keep the path in destination folder you'll have to change the script a bit to something like:
Copy-Item -Destination $_.FullName.Replace('C:\path\to\source\folder','C:\path\to\destination\folder')
And for the above you'll have to make sure that folders are actually created (e.g. by using -Force for Copy-Item.
This seems to work:
$src = "Dir1"
$dst = "Dir2"
Get-ChildItem $src -Filter "*Presentation*" -Recurse | % {
New-Item -Path $_.FullName.Replace($src,$dst) -ItemType File -Force
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $_.FullName.Replace($src,$dst) -Force
Try something like this:
Get-ChildItem "C:\Your\Directory" -File -Filter *YourKeyWordToIsolate* |
Foreach-Object { Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination "C:\Your\New\Directory" }
... but, of course, you'll need to fill in some of the blanks left open by your pseudocode example.
Also, that's a one-liner, but I inserted a return carriage for easier readability.

Need a script to publish build output to a staging server

I am trying to write a PowerShell script that will copy a subset of files from a source folder and place them into a target folder. I've been playing with "copy-item" and "remove-item" for half a day and cannot get the desired or consistent results.
For example, when I run the following cmdlet multiple times, the files end up in different locations?!?!:
copy-item -Path $sourcePath -Destination $destinationPath -Include *.dll -Container -Force -Recurse
I've been trying every combination of options and commands I can think of but can't find the right solution. Since I'm sure that I'm not doing anything atypical, I'm hoping someone can ease my pain and provide me with the proper syntax to use.
The source folder will contain a large number of files with various extensions. For example, all of the following are possible:
and so on
The script needs to only copy .exe, .dll and .exe.config files excluding any .test.dll and .vshost.exe files. I also need the script to create the target folders if they don't already exist.
Any help getting me going is appreciated.
$source = "C:\a\*"
$dest = "C:\b"
dir $source -include *.exe,*.dll,*.exe.config -exclude *.test.dll,*.vshost.exe -Recurse |
% {
$sp = $_.fullName.replace($sourcePath.replace('\*',''), $destPath)
if (!(Test-Path -path (split-path $sp)))
New-Item (split-path $sp) -Type Directory
copy-item $_.fullname $sp -force
As long as the files are in one directory, the following should work fine. It might be a bit more verbose than needed, but it should be a good starting point.
$sourcePath = "c:\sourcePath"
$destPath = "c:\destPath"
$items = Get-ChildItem $sourcePath | Where-Object {($_.FullName -like "*.exe") -or ($_.FullName -like "*.exe.config") -or ($_.FullName -like "*.dll")}
$items | % {
Copy-Item $_.Fullname ($_.FullName.Replace($sourcePath,$destPath))