I want to make my gsuit non admin account into noreply account - email

I am gsuit user, I have created many user accounts from my admin account of gsuit, i want to make one of the user account as a no-reply account,
i.e. when someone sends reply on that account it should automatically get rejected with reject message.

From your G Suite account go to Apps > G Suite > Gmail > Advanced Settings.
Choose the organizational unit to affect, I would recommend to have this users specifically on an organizational unit since by making this change it will affect all of the users within that OU.
After selecting the OU look for the option "Routing" within that option there is another one called the same "Routing"
Click on the "Configure" button.
A popup will appear
For "Messages to affect" select "Inbound"
For "For the above types of messages, do the following" select "Reject message"

In Google Admin (formerly Google Suite) navigate to:
Apps > Google Workspace > Settings for Gmail > Default Routing
Link: https://admin.google.com/ac/apps/gmail/defaultrouting
Add a new rule
(1.) Enter email address: no-reply#domain.com
(2.) Change "Accept message" to "Decline message"
(2.) You can optionally enter a decline message
(3.) Change to "Execute this action for recognized and unrecognized addresses"
Send a test e-mail to this address to see if it works
You should receive a reply Delivery Status Notification (Failure) after a few minutes


Drupal 8 - User Account Mail

I have some issue with User Account Settings. (Drupal 8)
Normaly there is a possibility to change the content on every mail...but it's does not work.
If an user register to my website (from a front form) a different email is send than the one i configure here:
enter image description here
Someone ?
The Welcome (new user created by administrator) email template (as its label says) is for accounts created by admin, not for users who manually register on your site.
The email template your users are receiving is Welcome (awaiting approval) or Welcome (no approval required), depending on whether administrator approval is required or not.

Docusign Email Notifications

In my docusign account as shown below, I have only the option of where I only want to final, completed document sent to the sender as confirmation. However, I am still receiving all the emails like viewing and such and do not want those email. I just want the completed one. Is there a way to set this up in the API (xml) or in the Docusign account somewhere?
enter image description here
You are showing the admin setting.
Instead, go to https://appdemo.docusign.com/preferences/notifications to find your personal preferences (which you can also find from the top menu of web app, select "preferences"
and it should look like this:

Re-activated users not receiving Google group emails

I'm an administrator of a Google apps domain and we recently reactivated an account which was suspended for around 6 months. Regular emails to this user are working well but emails to a group to which this user belongs does not seem to reach the user.
I tried deleting the user from the group and adding him again, but to no avail.
What might be the problem? And what is the solution to this?
You may refer with this thread. It suggested to check the email delivery setting and the spam folder. Here's another reference which might also help: Not getting a group’s emails
If you’re not getting emails from your group, check your email delivery setting:
Sign in to Google Groups.
Click My Groups.
Choose a group.
At the top right, click My settings.
Select Membership and email settings.
Check "Email delivery preference." Make sure that you haven’t selected "Don’t send email updates."
After making changes, click Save.

Google Groups public email

I'm setting up a group in my company GSuite account. I want the Email-address of the group:
to be public (i.e. Info# ...) so anybody can send email to it
I want all members to get the mail
I want that any member can answer the mail
and that by default the answer will be sent to the whole group and to the public email it came from.
I've succeeded with all but the last point. I can set it so the answer goes to the whle group, or to the external address, but I want both (why?: So all in the group know that that email has been taken care of). Is that possible?
As i could see the request you have made up is possible.
First 3 are very easy and basic requirement which is common in all big organizations. Make sure you have Paid Subscription to gsuite as under Legacy/Grandfathered/Free/Standard account the feature isn't included. For the last issue state the Solution is as follows
Login to Gsuite Admin
Click on Group on Dashboard
Select the Group you would like add the role to
Click on Access Settings
Once the page is load click On Settings then Under submenu click Email options
Find option called "Post replies" and select "To Entire Group"
After doing this when some other member of the group replies to an email it will send to entire group and to the sender is already under the reply algorithm.
Please let me know if need any other assistance. For better understandings i have attached an screenshot.
Hope this helps!
2021 - now you can find this in admin.google.com > groups > "group name" > settings, there "Publish posts" tick "External". See https://support.google.com/a/thread/63946400/cannot-set-who-can-post-permissions-to-anyone-on-the-web-for-new-groups?hl=en&msgid=70496603 .

Correcting Gmail's "sign-in attempt blocked"

I need my application to be able to log on to Gmail and send email on behalf of the user. The user supplies credentials. However, when I do so I get this message from Gmail:
Subject: Google Account: sign-in attempt blocked
Hi Jessica,
We recently blocked a sign-in attempt to your Google Account [...].
If this was you you can switch to an app made by Google such as Gmail
to access your account (recommended) or change your settings at
https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps so that your
account is no longer protected by modern security standards.
I would like my app to "protect users by modern security standards" but nowhere do I find any data on what "modern security standards" means in this context. The app uses SSL, user name and password.
The app works if you do click the link, but I really don't want my users to have to click the "lesssecureapps" link, though if that is the only option, so be it. But I'd rather modify my app to be compliant with what Gmail needs. However, nowhere does it say what I am missing.
Any help please? I want to do the right thing.