What is difference between prerequest, postrequest, preWebtest, and postWebTest? - azure-devops

Couldn't find any documentation on MSDN.
This is on VSTS2019
No Codes
No output

I think you mean web test plugin. They are event handlers that will be trigger before, after requesting, before after testting.


Deploying actions on google webhook on glitch

I want to deploy this example on glitch. I've added package.js and index.js to my glitch project and built successfully.
However, the code is missing a section to listen for HTTPS requests. In most node.js/express webapps, there is code to indicate which paths trigger which functions, but this is missing from the example. Can you explain to me how it should work and why that part is missing from this example?
It's not clear what do you mean by "the code is missing a section to listen" as the only main feature of index.js is to listen to requests and return information.
I suggest you check index.js and make sure that you getting requests to your end point on glitch.
Also, it would be helpful if you can share your glitch project over here at SO so we could see what you are doing.
Btw, you might want to double check that you have all the packages
I also created this simple example on Glitch - It's returning the current bitcoin price. Feel free to remix it and use the code there for your own action.
Good luck!
The part that "listens to requests" is
// The Entry point to all our actions
const actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(ACTION_PRICE, priceHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_TOTAL, totalHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_BLOCK, blockCountHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_MARKET, marketCaptHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_INTERVAL, intervalHandler);
where each ACTION is an action(in an intent) in Dialogflow and the handler is the corresponding function in your code.
I'd recommend you take a look at
If you want a good example of an assistant app, though this uses firebase instead of glitch.

What is the name of the Load event in Chrome DevTools protocol?

Does anyone know which of the events output by chrome.Tracing corresponds to the main loadEventFired event? Is there a reference for the events anywhere? I'd also like to work out how to extract the timestamp in seconds
Thanks for any tips.
It's loadEventEnd.
The blink.user_timing tracing category needs to be enabled for this to be generated.
Discovered after perusing source of the excellent Lighthouse project

Manatee.Trello: Webhook Code Sample

I am looking for a code sample on how to use Manatee.Trello Webhook feature.
I found some documentation here: https://bitbucket.org/gregsdennis/manatee.trello/wiki/Webhooks, but it's not clear enough for me.
It only demonstrates how to create a Webhook, but doesn't demonstrate how the real-time updates are received and processed. Tried the Updated event on the Webhook, Card and Actions - but clearly I am not doing something correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.
This article demonstrates webhooks in general:
Basically, there is a NuGet package Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Trello that you can install that does all the heavy lifting.
Once the NuGet package is installed I can override the built-in Controller and use Webhook.ProcessNotification() as Greg Dennis had suggested.
Hope someone out there finds this useful.
You'll need to set up the web portion yourself. This can be done with an ApiController (or others).
Once you receive a POST message, read the content as a string (don't deserialize), and pass that to Webhook.ProcessNotification(). Manatee.Trello well take care of the rest.
This will trigger the Updated events.
I have created some better docs. Here is the example you seek!

TeamCity - how to get currently running builds via REST API?

Does anyone know how to use the TeamCity REST API to find out which builds are currently running, and how far through they are (elapsed time vs estimated time)?
The URL returns what you are asking for, including percentage complete.
<builds count="1">
<build id="10" number="8" running="true" percentageComplete="24" status="SUCCESS" buildTypeId="bt3" startDate="20110714T210916+1200" href="/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:10" webUrl="http://phillipn02:29000/viewLog.html?buildId=10&buildTypeId=bt3"/>
Source: http://devnet.jetbrains.net/message/5291132#5291132.
The relevant line on the REST API documentation is the one that reads "http://teamcity:8111/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/?locator= - to get builds by "build locator"." in the "Usage" section.
This works with TeamCity version 6.5; I haven't tried it on earlier versions, but I suspect it will work back to version 5.
You can use "running:true/false/any" as one of the build dimensions for the build locator. (EDIT: added in TeamCity 6.0)
The TeamCity REST API documentation will give you some examples of some of the ways you can construct the URL. The Build Locator section on that page will list the different options you have for refining your results (one of which is running).
However, I don't know of a way to get information about the running builds elapsed/estimated time using the REST API. I'm not sure if this would be possible. If you did find a way to do this, I would be be very interested to read how!
Good luck!
I realise your question is more than five years old, but you wanted
to find out which builds are currently running, and how far through they are (elapsed time vs estimated time)
The method as suggested in the accepted answer only gives the percentageComplete attribute, which is not as useful without having to make another call to the API.
It can be achieved by supplying the fields request parameter to the url, e.g.:
where {buildFields} are properties of the builds object. For this, I am using:
The full url is then
which returns something like
<builds count="1">
<build id="128990" buildTypeId="{build type ID}" number="256" status="SUCCESS" branchName="{branch name}" href="/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:128990">
<running-info percentageComplete="6" elapsedSeconds="52" estimatedTotalSeconds="924" currentStageText="{status}" outdated="false" probablyHanging="false"/>
which will give you the percentage complete and elapsed/estimated total times in the running-info element.
Note: I am using TeamCity 9; the fields request parameter appears to be present in the documentation for TeamCity 5.x-7.x but the output may not be quite the same.
I did a little digging and a post on JetBrain's site stating that support for the running:true was actually added for TC6. TeamCity 5.X REST documentation just links to a different page which doesn't specify what was supported in TC5 and what is new to TC6.
EDIT: Hey Matt, I posted a question inquiring about REST documentation specific to TC 5.X. I know it would be very handy for me to know what exactly what I can do with REST for the version of TeamCity I am using and thought it may interest you as well!
You have a variant use not api -
So it's not good variant, but for me it's very good!

How do I use the Groups.pm in Request Tracker?

In lib\RT\CustomFieldValues\ there is the groups.pm file which is supposed to be an example of how to get data into a custom field, but how do I actually use that once I have written it? Does anyone have any documentation or a sample of this?
I have finally figured it out, to use the Groups.pm module you need to go to /opt/rt3/etc and edit the RT_SiteConfig.pm and add the line
Set(#CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::Groups");
Restart Apache and it will be available as a new field source.
I have written a blog post on doing this which also includes details on how to build your own module in case anyone is interested in doing this: AD Lookup Control in Request Tracker