TeamCity - how to get currently running builds via REST API? - rest

Does anyone know how to use the TeamCity REST API to find out which builds are currently running, and how far through they are (elapsed time vs estimated time)?

The URL returns what you are asking for, including percentage complete.
<builds count="1">
<build id="10" number="8" running="true" percentageComplete="24" status="SUCCESS" buildTypeId="bt3" startDate="20110714T210916+1200" href="/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:10" webUrl="http://phillipn02:29000/viewLog.html?buildId=10&buildTypeId=bt3"/>
The relevant line on the REST API documentation is the one that reads "http://teamcity:8111/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/?locator= - to get builds by "build locator"." in the "Usage" section.
This works with TeamCity version 6.5; I haven't tried it on earlier versions, but I suspect it will work back to version 5.

You can use "running:true/false/any" as one of the build dimensions for the build locator. (EDIT: added in TeamCity 6.0)
The TeamCity REST API documentation will give you some examples of some of the ways you can construct the URL. The Build Locator section on that page will list the different options you have for refining your results (one of which is running).
However, I don't know of a way to get information about the running builds elapsed/estimated time using the REST API. I'm not sure if this would be possible. If you did find a way to do this, I would be be very interested to read how!
Good luck!

I realise your question is more than five years old, but you wanted
to find out which builds are currently running, and how far through they are (elapsed time vs estimated time)
The method as suggested in the accepted answer only gives the percentageComplete attribute, which is not as useful without having to make another call to the API.
It can be achieved by supplying the fields request parameter to the url, e.g.:
where {buildFields} are properties of the builds object. For this, I am using:
The full url is then
which returns something like
<builds count="1">
<build id="128990" buildTypeId="{build type ID}" number="256" status="SUCCESS" branchName="{branch name}" href="/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:128990">
<running-info percentageComplete="6" elapsedSeconds="52" estimatedTotalSeconds="924" currentStageText="{status}" outdated="false" probablyHanging="false"/>
which will give you the percentage complete and elapsed/estimated total times in the running-info element.
Note: I am using TeamCity 9; the fields request parameter appears to be present in the documentation for TeamCity 5.x-7.x but the output may not be quite the same.

I did a little digging and a post on JetBrain's site stating that support for the running:true was actually added for TC6. TeamCity 5.X REST documentation just links to a different page which doesn't specify what was supported in TC5 and what is new to TC6.
EDIT: Hey Matt, I posted a question inquiring about REST documentation specific to TC 5.X. I know it would be very handy for me to know what exactly what I can do with REST for the version of TeamCity I am using and thought it may interest you as well!

You have a variant use not api -
So it's not good variant, but for me it's very good!


Does Strongbox have a REST API and where can I find the specification?

I was wondering where I could find the REST API documentation for Strongbox and if at all it has one? Could somebody please tell me where to find this?
There are currently two ways to get the REST API documentation for Strongbox:
Get the strongbox-distribution and start it locally.
Clone the Strongbox project, (if you're interested in developing new functionality for Strongbox) and build it (by following the build instructions here) and start it locally.
You can then navigate to http://localhost:48080/docs/rest/api.html (as explained here in our wiki).
Disclaimer: I am the project owner of Strongbox.

TeamCity REST Api supported requests and names of parameters

I was trying to use the REST API of TeamCity but i can't find a list of all supported requests and the names of parameters. I wanted to look it up in their official documentation (
where a link to exactly this list is provided
but i just can't connect to it. Seems like the page is down.
I have googled all kinds of stuff in the hope to find this list somewhere else but i couldn't find anything smart.
Does anyone know where to find such a list or can provide one? That would be fantastic.
You can find available API on the public teamcity:
You can navigate through the response inside the paths and look at supported methods, and required parameters for each API.
You can also access to the .wadl on the public teamcity server:
When you are inside the documentation of teamcity, they use teamcity:8111 as your own teamcity, installed on your server.
The URL examples on this page assume that your TeamCity server web UI is accessible via the http://teamcity:8111 URL.
If you download a copy of teamcity, start a copy of the server, and then connect to /app/rest/application.wadl, you will probably get a copy of representation.

Collecting GitHub project issues statistics programmatically?

I'm collecting GitHub issue statistics over time on our project: total number of issues, number of issues with a particular label, number of issues in a given state (open/closed). Right now, I have a Python script to parse the project webpage with the desired labeling/state for the info I want, e.g.,<projectname>/issues?label=<label_of_interest>&state=<state_of_interest>
However, parsing the HTML is fragile since if the GitHub API changes, more often than not, my code fails.
Does someone describe how to use the GitHub API (or barring that, know of some other way, preferably in Python) to collect these statistics without relying on the underlying HTML?
May I be so forward as to suggest that you use my wrapper around the GitHub API for this? With, you can do the following:
import github3
github = github3.login("braymp", "braymp's super secret password")
repo = github.repository("owner", "reponame")
open_issues = [i for i in repo.iter_issues()]
closed_issues = [i for i in repo.iter_issues(state='closed')]
A call to refresh may be necessary because I don't honestly recall if GitHub sends all of the issue information upon the iteration like that (e.g., replace i.refresh() for i in <generator> as the body of the list comprehensions above).
With those, you can iterate over the two lists and you will be able to use the labels attribute on each issue to figure out which labels are on an issue. If you decide to merge the two lists, you can always check the status of the issue with the is_closed method.
I suspect the actual statistics you can do yourself. :)
The documentation for can be found on ReadTheDocs and you'll be particularly interested in Issue and Repository objects.
You can also ask further questions about by adding the tag for it in your StackOverflow question.
I'd take a look at Octokit. Which doesn't support Python currently, but does provide a supported interface to the GitHub API for Ruby.
Although this doesn't fully meet your specifications (the "preferably Python" part), Octokit is a fantastic (and official - it's developed by GitHub) way of interacting with the GitHub API. You wrote you'd like to get Issues data. It's as easy as installing, requiring the library, and getting the data (no need for authentication if the project is public).
gem install octokit
Add this to your Ruby file to require the Octokit library:
require 'octokit'
Although there are a lot of things you can get from Octokit::Client::Issues, you may want to get a paginated list of all the issues in a repository:
# => [Array<Sawyer::Resource>] A list of issues for a repository.
If you're really keen on using Python, you might want to have a look at the GitHub API docs for Issues. Really, it's as easy as getting a URL like: and get the JSON data (although I'm not familiar with Python, I'm sure these some JSON parsing library); no need for authentication for public repos.

Creating Build Configuration via REST in Teamcity

Is it possible to create a new build configuration for an existing project via REST api(POST method) in Teamcity?
If so, how to create? (some guidelines )
It's for sure possible on 8.x, haven't the need to care about early versions.
Here's a really simple python snippet that will copy an existing build config into a given project using this as a guide
import requests
xml = """<newBuildTypeDescription name='NewBuildConfigName'
copyAllAssociatedSettings='true' shareVCSRoots='false'/>
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} # set what your server accepts
print'http://YOURTEAMCITYWEBADDRESS:YOURTEAMCITYPORT/httpAuth/app/rest/projects/id:PROJECTIDWHERENEWBUILDCONFIGSHOULDBECREATED/buildTypes', data=xml, headers=headers, auth=('TeamCityUserName','TeamCityPassword')).text
Its now possible in 8.x REST. You can do something like:
POST plain text (name) to http://teamcity:8111/httpAuth/app/rest/projects/<projectLocator>/buildTypes
Above is copied from 8.x REST. Check 8.x REST for more details.
No, it's not implemented in the REST API. Have a look at this
There is no way to create a build configuration. You can add build steps to it and configure them, but it doesn't seem to be implemented in the API at all. I was actually fighting with this myself last night. If you find a way to do it, please let me know.
Also, you could have a look at these notes I've put together concerning the Teamcity REST API. (Not that they're answering this question, but some of them could be quite useful).
Well, you can refer to this for starters:

how can I improve iPhone UI Automation?

I was googling a lot in order to find a solution for my problems with UI Automation. I found a post that nice summarizes the issues:
There's no way to run tests from the command line.(...)
There's no way to set up or reset state. (...)
Part of the previous problem is that UI Automation has no concept of discrete tests. (...)
There's no way to programmatically retrieve the results of the test run. (...)
Problem no. 3 can be solved with jasmine (
How about other problems? Have there been any improvements introduced since that post (July 20, 2010)?
And one more problem: is it true that the only existing method for selecting a particular UI element is adding an accessibility label in the application source code?
While UI Automation has improved since that post was made, the improvements that I've seen have all been related to reliability rather than new functionality.
He brings up good points about some of the issues with using UI Automation for more serious testing. If you read the comments later on, there's a significant amount of discussion about ways to address these issues.
The topic of running tests from the command line is discussed in this question, where a potential solution is hinted at in the Apple Developer Forums. I've not tried this myself.
You can export the results of a test after it is run, which you could parse offline.
Finally, in regards to your last question, you can address UI elements without assigning them an accessibility label. Many common UIKit controls are accessible by default, so you can already target them by name. Otherwise, you can pick out views from their location in the display hierarchy, like in the following example:
var tableView = mainWindow.tableViews()[0];
As always, if there's something missing from the UI Automation tool that is important to you, file an enhancement request so that it might find its way into the next version of the SDK.
Have you tried IMAT? . It uses the native javascript sdk that Apple provides and can be triggered via command line or Instruments.
In response to each of your questions:
There's no way to run tests from the command line.(...)
Apple now provides this. With IMAT, you can kick off tests via command line or via Instruments. Before Apple provided the command line interface, we were using AppleScript to bring up Instruments and then kick off the tests - nasty.
There's no way to set up or reset state. (...)
Check out this state diagram:
Part of the previous problem is that UI Automation has no concept of discrete tests. (...)
Agreed. Both IMAT and tuneup.js ( allow for this.
There's no way to programmatically retrieve the results of the test run. (...)
Reading the trailing plist file is not trivial. IMAT provides a jUnit like report after a test run by reading the plist file and this is picked up by my CI Tool (Teamcity, Jenkins, CruiseControl)
Check out
It talks about how to run UIA from the command line
Try to check the element hierarchy, the table can be placed over a UIScrollView.
var tableV = mainWindowTarget.scrollViews()[0].tableViews()[0].scrollToElementWithName("Name of element inside the cell");
the above script will work even the element is in 12th cell(but the name should be exactly the same as mentioned inside the cell)