Mongoose prevent duplicate id numbers based on document.count() - mongodb

My documents all have sequential numbers, saved as a String as an ID (it's padded with 0s). When creating a new record, I first do a request for Comment.count(). Using the number returned from that, I generate the ID string. I then create an object, and save it as a new document.
var commentNumber = (result[1] + 1).toString().padStart(4, '0');
var newComment = this({
html: processedHtml,
number: commentNumber
});, result) {
if (err) return callback(err);
return callback(null, result);
The problem is, if two comments are submitted at the same time, they will get the same ID (this happens if I make 2 requests on submission instead of 1, they will both have the same ID).
How can I prevent this?

One simple option would be to create a unique index on number so that one of the requests fails.
Another would be to store the current number count elsewhere. If you wanted to use mongo, you could have a doc with commentCount in a different collection & do a findAndUpdate with $inc and use the returned value. This still leads to a weird race condition where a user might only see comments 1 and 3 when comment 2 takes longer to create than comment 3.
I think the approach of storing the comment number on the document is fundamentally flawed: it creates weird race conditions, strange error handling, and complex deletes. If possible, it's better to calculate the number of comments on the way out.
As far as ordering goes, mongo _ids encode date-time information at the start of the _id, so you can use the _id to sort documents.


Firestore: get an Observable doc from another field which is not the Id

I want to get a single Observable from a collection, but I want to get it from a different field that is not the id. It is possible?
I do not want to do a query and limit to 1. I need to get a Single Observable not an array Observable.
this.afs.doc<Credit>('credits/uid/'+ uid).valueChanges();
Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but credits/uid/d1Zt8sozYqb6H27lhoJgF1Gx2Cc2 has 3
I am not sure if I understand correctly, but I guess that you want to get document with particular uid field value, not using document id.
This particular error is related with common feature of Firestore, that every document has to be in collection not in document. So path values for documents, (nested as well) are always checked, if the segments (devided by /) number is even ex. collection1/doc1/collection2/doc2/collection3/doc3
As results in your code we have 3 segments (like credits/uid/<uid_value>) so this is the error.
I am not very familiar with angularFire2 itself, but I have done it in JS. The approach is normally to query collection and than use method on the results, which in classic JS returns Query object on which the same methods can be used as on CollectionReference (which extends 'Query' btw - reference 1).
Combining this approach with those references: querying and collection I propose following solution:
this.afs.collection('credits', ref => ref.where('uid', '==', <uid_value>)).valueChanges()
If uid_value will be unique you should get your doc.
Unfortunately I do not have any playground to test the solution so please let me know how it works - or if there will be any additional errors.
I hope it will help! Good Luck!

Sort collection by insertion datetime using only id field

I have a collection of data and I want to get it sorted by insertion time. I have not any additional fields to store the insert time. But as I found out I can get this time from Id.
I have tried this code:
return bookmarks.find({}, {sort: {_id.getTimestamp(): 1}, limit: 10});
return bookmarks.find({}, {sort: {ObjectId(_id).getTimestamp(): 1}, limit: 10});
but get the error message:
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
Is there any way to sort collection by insertion datetime using only id field ?
At the moment this isn't possible with Meteor, even if it is with MongoDB. The ObjectID's created with meteor don't bear a timestamp. See
The reason for this is client side code can insert code and it can arrive late on the server, hence there is no guarantee the timestamp portion of the ObjectID will be accurate. In addition to the latency the client side's date is used meaning if they're off it's going to get you incorrect data. I think this is the reason they use an ObjectID but it is completely random.
If you want to sort by date you have to store the time/date separately.
The part what i striked out is not accurate. Meteor use it is own id generation which is based on a random string that is while does not apply the doc what i linked before. Check sasha.sochka's comment under.
It is nearly but not 100% good if you just sort for the _id field . While as it is constructed the first 4 byte is the timestamp in secs (so sorting for the getTimestamps value is not better). Under one second resolution you cannot get the exact order, as it is mentioned in the documentation:
It is still true that you can try to check the exact order of the insert/update ops against your collection in the oplog, if you have an oplog, but as it is a capped collection anyway you will see the recent operations only.

Mongo find unique results

What's the easiest way to get all the documents from a collection that are unique based on a single field.
I know I can use db.collections.distrinct to get an array of all the distinct values of a field, but I want to get the first (or really any one) document for every distinct value of one field.
e.g. if the database contained:
{number:1, data:'Test 1'}
{number:1, data:'This is something else'}
{number:2, data:'I'm bad at examples'}
{number:3, data:'I guess there\'s room for one more'}
it would return (based on number being unique:
{number:1, data:'Test 1'}
{number:2, data:'I'm bad at examples'}
{number:3, data:'I guess there\'s room for one more'}
Edit: I should add that the server is running Mongo 2.0.8 so no aggregation and there's more results than group will support.
Update to 2.4 and use aggregation :)
When you really need to stick to the old version of MongoDB due to too much red tape involved, you could use MapReduce.
In MapReduce, the map function transforms each document of the collection into a new document and a distinctive key. The reduce function is used to merge documents with the same distincitve key into one.
Your map function would emit your documents as-is and with the number-field as unique key. It would look like this:
var mapFunction = function(document) {
emit(document.number, document);
Your reduce-function receives arrays of documents with the same key, and is supposed to somehow turn them into one document. In this case it would just discard all but the first document with the same key:
var reduceFunction = function(key, documents) {
return documents[0];
Unfortunately, MapReduce has some problems. It can't use indexes, so at least two javascript functions are executed for every single document in the collections (it can be limited by pre-excluding some documents with the query-argument to the mapReduce command). When you have a large collection, this can take a while. You also can't fully control how the docments created by MapReduce are formed. They always have two fields, _id with the key and value with the document you returned for the key.
MapReduce is also hard to debug an troubleshoot.
tl;dr: Update to 2.4

Emit with key as zero in map reduce in mongodb

Giving the value of the key as 0 in the emit functions and after reduce it correctly gives the total of a column in the collection as intended. Now my question is I don't understand how this is working.
I have my emit like this;
function(){ emit(0,; }
Could somebody please explain to me the working in this? Thank you in advance.
MapReduce is a tricky thing. You need to change your mindset to understand it. In your particular case, you told mongo that don't care about grouping options. When you emit like this, all your's will be sent to one batch with identifier 0 and aggregated all-together at reduce step. This also means that this cases are identical:
function(){ emit(0,; }
function(){ emit(1,; }
function(){ emit('asdf',; }
function(){ emit(null,; }
They will lead to save result, even batch name is different.
To compliment the other answer with some internals, when you emit your single and only key the resulting document from the emit will look something like:
With the array representing the combination of all the emits.
Emits grouped upon the key when you emit so this means there will only be one document with the content of that document being all the total fields in the collection.
So when the reduce comes along and you add all of these numbers together it will correctly sum up the total for all total fields in the collection.

MongoDB, return recent document for each user_id in collection

Looking for similar functionality to Postgres' Distinct On.
Have a collection of documents {user_id, current_status, date}, where status is just text and date is a Date. Still in the early stages of wrapping my head around mongo and getting a feel for best way to do things.
Would mapreduce be the best solution here, map emits all, and reduce keeps a record of the latest one, or is there a built in solution without pulling out mr?
There is a distinct command, however I'm not sure that's what you need. Distinct is kind of a "query" command and with lots of users, you're probably going to want to roll up data not in real-time.
Map-Reduce is probably one way to go here.
Map Phase: Your key would simply be an ID. Your value would be something like the following {current_status:'blah',date:1234}.
Reduce Phase: Given an array of values, you would grab the most recent and return only it.
To make this work optimally you'll probably want to look at a new feature from 1.8.0. The "re-reduce" feature. Will allow you to process only new data instead of re-processing the whole status collection.
The other way to do this is to build a "most-recent" collection and tie the status insert to that collection. So when you insert a new status for the user, you update their "most-recent".
Depending on the importance of this feature, you could possibly do both things.
Current solution that seems to be working well.
map = function () {emit(, this.created_at);}
//We call new date just in case somethings not being stored as a date and instead just a string, cause my date gathering/inserting function is kind of stupid atm
reduce = function(key, values) { return new Date(Math.max.apply(Math,{return new Date(x)})))}
res = db.statuses.mapReduce(map,reduce);
Another way to achieve the same result would be to use the group command, which is a kind of a mr-shortcut that lets you aggregate on a specific key or set of keys.
In your case it would read like this:{ key : { user_id: true },
reduce : function(obj, prev) {
if (new Date( < {
prev.status = obj.status; =;
initial : { status : "" }
However, unless you have a rather small fixed amount of users I strongly believe that a better solution would be, as previously suggested, to keep a separate collection containing only the latest status-message for each user.