Mongo find unique results - mongodb

What's the easiest way to get all the documents from a collection that are unique based on a single field.
I know I can use db.collections.distrinct to get an array of all the distinct values of a field, but I want to get the first (or really any one) document for every distinct value of one field.
e.g. if the database contained:
{number:1, data:'Test 1'}
{number:1, data:'This is something else'}
{number:2, data:'I'm bad at examples'}
{number:3, data:'I guess there\'s room for one more'}
it would return (based on number being unique:
{number:1, data:'Test 1'}
{number:2, data:'I'm bad at examples'}
{number:3, data:'I guess there\'s room for one more'}
Edit: I should add that the server is running Mongo 2.0.8 so no aggregation and there's more results than group will support.

Update to 2.4 and use aggregation :)
When you really need to stick to the old version of MongoDB due to too much red tape involved, you could use MapReduce.
In MapReduce, the map function transforms each document of the collection into a new document and a distinctive key. The reduce function is used to merge documents with the same distincitve key into one.
Your map function would emit your documents as-is and with the number-field as unique key. It would look like this:
var mapFunction = function(document) {
emit(document.number, document);
Your reduce-function receives arrays of documents with the same key, and is supposed to somehow turn them into one document. In this case it would just discard all but the first document with the same key:
var reduceFunction = function(key, documents) {
return documents[0];
Unfortunately, MapReduce has some problems. It can't use indexes, so at least two javascript functions are executed for every single document in the collections (it can be limited by pre-excluding some documents with the query-argument to the mapReduce command). When you have a large collection, this can take a while. You also can't fully control how the docments created by MapReduce are formed. They always have two fields, _id with the key and value with the document you returned for the key.
MapReduce is also hard to debug an troubleshoot.
tl;dr: Update to 2.4


How to order the fields of the documents returned by the find query in MongoDB? [duplicate]

I am using PyMongo to insert data (title, description, phone_number ...) into MongoDB. However, when I use mongo client to view the data, it displays the properties in a strange order. Specifically, phone_number property is displayed first, followed by title and then comes description. Is there some way I can force a particular order?
The above question and answer are quite old. Anyhow, if somebody visits this I feel like I should add:
This answer is completely wrong. Actually in Mongo Documents ARE ordered key-value pairs. However when using pymongo it will use python dicts for documents which indeed are not ordered (as of cpython 3.6 python dicts retain order, however this is considered an implementation detail). But this is a limitation of the pymongo driver.
Be aware, that this limitation actually impacts the usability. If you query the db for a subdocument it will only match if the order of the key-values pairs is correct.
Just try the following code yourself:
from pymongo import MongoClient
db = MongoClient().testdb
col = db.testcol
subdoc = {
'field1': 1,
'field2': 2,
'filed3': 3
document = {
'subdoc': subdoc
print(col.find({'subdoc': subdoc}).count())
Each time this code gets executed the 'same' document is added to the collection. Thus, each time we run this code snippet the printed value 'should' increase by one. It does not because find only maches subdocuemnts with the correct ordering but python dicts just insert the subdoc in arbitrary order.
see the following answer how to use ordered dict to overcome this:
Original answer (2013):
MongoDB documents are BSON objects, unordered dictionaries of key-value pairs. So, you can't rely on or set a specific fields order. The only thing you can operate is which fields to display and which not to, see docs on find's projection argument.
Also see related questions on SO:
MongoDB field order and document position change after update
Can MongoDB and its drivers preserve the ordering of document elements
Ordering fields from find query with projection
Hope that helps.

How does MongoDB order their docs in one collection? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How does MongoDB sort records when no sort order is specified?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
In my User collection, MongoDB usually orders each new doc in the same order I create them: the last one created is the last one in the collection. But I have detected another collection where the last one I created has the 6 position between 27 docs.
Why is that?
Which order follows each doc in MongoDB collection?
It's called natural order:
natural order
The order in which the database refers to documents on disk. This is the default sort order. See $natural and Return in Natural Order.
This confirms that in general you get them in the same order you inserted, but that's not guaranteed–as you noticed.
Return in Natural Order
The $natural parameter returns items according to their natural order within the database. This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should not rely on any particular structure within it.
Index Use
Queries that include a sort by $natural order do not use indexes to fulfill the query predicate with the following exception: If the query predicate is an equality condition on the _id field { _id: <value> }, then the query with the sort by $natural order can use the _id index.
Typically, the natural order reflects insertion order with the following exception for the MMAPv1 storage engine. For the MMAPv1 storage engine, the natural order does not reflect insertion order if the documents relocate because of document growth or remove operations free up space which are then taken up by newly inserted documents.
Obviously, like the docs mentioned, you should not rely on this default order (This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should not rely on any particular structure within it.).
If you need to sort the things, use the sort solutions.
Basically, the following two calls should return documents in the same order (since the default order is $natural):
db.mycollection.find().sort({ "$natural": 1 })
If you want to sort by another field (e.g. name) you can do that:
db.mycollection.find().sort({ "name": 1 })
For performance reasons, MongoDB never splits a document on the hard drive.
When you start with an empty collection and start inserting document after document into it, mongoDB will place them consecutively on the disk.
But what happens when you update a document and it now takes more space and doesn't fit into its old position anymore without overlapping the next? In that case MongoDB will delete it and re-append it as a new one at the end of the collection file.
Your collection file now has a hole of unused space. This is quite a waste, isn't it? That's why the next document which is inserted and small enough to fit into that hole will be inserted in that hole. That's likely what happened in the case of your second collection.
Bottom line: Never rely on documents being returned in insertion order. When you care about the order, always sort your results.
MongoDB does not "order" the documents at all, unless you ask it to.
The basic insertion will create an ObjectId in the _id primary key value unless you tell it to do otherwise. This ObjectId value is a special value with "monotonic" or "ever increasing" properties, which means each value created is guaranteed to be larger than the last.
If you want "sorted" then do an explicit "sort":
db.collection.find().sort({ "_id": 1 })
Or a "natural" sort means in the order stored on disk:
db.collection.find().sort({ "$natural": 1 })
Which is pretty much the standard unless stated otherwise or an "index" is selected by the query criteria that will determine the sort order. But you can use that to "force" that order if query criteria selected an index that sorted otherwise.
MongoDB documents "move" when grown, and therefore the _id order is not always explicitly the same order as documents are retrieved.
I could find out more about it thanks to the link Return in Natural Order provided by Ionică Bizău.
"The $natural parameter returns items according to their natural order within the database.This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should not rely on any particular structure within it.
Typically, the natural order reflects insertion order with the following exception for the MMAPv1 storage engine. For the MMAPv1 storage engine, the natural order does not reflect insertion order if the documents relocate because of document growth or remove operations free up space which are then taken up by newly inserted documents."

Find the collection name from document._id in meteor (mongodb)

From the looks of the syntax for handling mongodb related things in meteor it seems that you always need to know the collection's name to update, insert, remove or anything to the document.
What I am wondering is if it's possible to get the collection's name from the _id field of a document in meteor.
Meaning if you have a document with the _id equal to TNTco3bHzoSFMXKJT. Now knowing the _id of the document you want to find which collection the document is located in. Is this possible through meteor's implementation of mongodb or vanilla mongodb?
As taken from the official docs:
idGeneration String
The method of generating the _id fields of new documents in this collection. Possible values:
'STRING': random strings
'MONGO': random Meteor.Collection.ObjectID values
The default id generation technique is 'STRING'.
Your best option would be to insert records within a pseudo transaction where the second step is to take the id and collection name to feed it into a reference collection. Then, you can do your lookups from that.
It would be pretty costly, though to construct your find's but might be a pattern worthwhile exploring if you are building an app where your users will be creating arbitrary data patterns.
You could accomplish this by doing a findOne on all of the collections:
var collectionById = function(id) {
return _.find(_.keys(this), function(name) {
if (this[name] instanceof Meteor.Collection) {
if (this[name].findOne(id)) {
return true;
I tested this on both the client and the server and it seemed to work when run in the global context.

MongoDB MapReduce key as a document

Is it possible in MongoDB MapReduce to emit keys that are documents themselves? Something like
emit({type: 1, date: ...}, 12);
When I do this MapReduce completes with success but in my reduced results I also see emitted values so I am wondering what's wrong.
You can use document as emit key. The reduce function combines documents with the same key into one document. If the map function emits a single document for a particular key, the reduce function will not be called.
Can you share your code in snippet
You can definitely use a document for key and/or value. It will work exactly the same as when they are primitive types.

In MongoDB, do document _id's need to be unique across a collection or the entire DB?

I'm building a database with several collections. I have unique strings that I plan on using for all the documents in the main collection. Documents in other collections will reference documents in the main collection, which means I'll have to save said id's in the other collections. However, if _id's only need to be unique across a collection and not across an entire database, then I would just make the _id's in the other collections also use the aforementioned unique strings.
Also, I assume that in order to set my own _id's, all I have to do is have an "_id":"unique_string" property as part of the document that I insert, correct? I wouldn't need to convert the "unique_string" into another format, right?
Also, hypothetically speaking, would I be able to have a variable save the string "_id" and use that instead? Just to be clear, something as follows: var id = "_id" and then later on in the code (during an insert or a query for example) have id:"unique_string".
Best, and thanks,Sami
_ids have to be unique in a collection. You can quickly verify this by inserting two documents with the same _id in two different collections.
Your other assumptions are correct, just try them and see whether they work (they will). The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Note: use _id directly, var id = "_id" just compilcates the code.