MongoDB, return recent document for each user_id in collection - mongodb

Looking for similar functionality to Postgres' Distinct On.
Have a collection of documents {user_id, current_status, date}, where status is just text and date is a Date. Still in the early stages of wrapping my head around mongo and getting a feel for best way to do things.
Would mapreduce be the best solution here, map emits all, and reduce keeps a record of the latest one, or is there a built in solution without pulling out mr?

There is a distinct command, however I'm not sure that's what you need. Distinct is kind of a "query" command and with lots of users, you're probably going to want to roll up data not in real-time.
Map-Reduce is probably one way to go here.
Map Phase: Your key would simply be an ID. Your value would be something like the following {current_status:'blah',date:1234}.
Reduce Phase: Given an array of values, you would grab the most recent and return only it.
To make this work optimally you'll probably want to look at a new feature from 1.8.0. The "re-reduce" feature. Will allow you to process only new data instead of re-processing the whole status collection.
The other way to do this is to build a "most-recent" collection and tie the status insert to that collection. So when you insert a new status for the user, you update their "most-recent".
Depending on the importance of this feature, you could possibly do both things.

Current solution that seems to be working well.
map = function () {emit(, this.created_at);}
//We call new date just in case somethings not being stored as a date and instead just a string, cause my date gathering/inserting function is kind of stupid atm
reduce = function(key, values) { return new Date(Math.max.apply(Math,{return new Date(x)})))}
res = db.statuses.mapReduce(map,reduce);

Another way to achieve the same result would be to use the group command, which is a kind of a mr-shortcut that lets you aggregate on a specific key or set of keys.
In your case it would read like this:{ key : { user_id: true },
reduce : function(obj, prev) {
if (new Date( < {
prev.status = obj.status; =;
initial : { status : "" }
However, unless you have a rather small fixed amount of users I strongly believe that a better solution would be, as previously suggested, to keep a separate collection containing only the latest status-message for each user.


How should I efficiently delete alot of records from a mongodb collection?

This bounty has ended. Answers to this question are eligible for a +500 reputation bounty. Bounty grace period ends in 4 hours.
Jiew Meng wants to draw more attention to this question.
I am using Mongo to store multi tenant data. As part of data cleanup for a tenant I want to delete everything related to the tenant. The tenantId is indexed but there are alot of rows and it takes a long time to query and I have no easy way to get the progress.
Currently I do something
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId: x})
Is there a better way?
Thinking of doing in batches but like query for x records then build a list of ids to delete. Seems very manual but isit the recommended way?
Some options that I can think of.
Drop the index, before deleting. You can recreate the index after the deletion.
Change the write concern to a lower value, possibly 0. Request won't wait for acknowledgement from secondaries.
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId: x},{w : 0});
If there is another field with enough cardinality to reduce the number of documents, try including that in the query.
Ex: if anotherField as 0,1,2,3 as values, then execute the delete command 4 times, each time with different value.
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId: x, anotherField: 0},{w : 0});
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId: x, anotherField: 1},{w : 0});
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId: x, anotherField: 2},{w : 0});
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId: x, anotherField: 3},{w : 0});
The performance may depend on variety of different factors. But here are some options you can try to improve the performance
Bulk operations
Bulk operations might help here. bulk.find(query).remove() is a version of db.collection.remove(query) that optimized for large numbers of operations. You can read more about it here
You can use the following way:
Declare a search query:
var query= {tenantId: x};
Initialize and use a bulk:
var bulk = db.yourCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp()
bulk.find(query).remove() // or try delete() instead of remove()
The idea here rather not to speed up the removal, but to produce less load.
Also you could try bulkWrite()
{ deleteMany: {
"filter" : query,
TTL indexes
It may be not suitable for your use case, but there's entirely another approach without removing by yourself at all.
If it is suitable for you to delete data based on a timestamp, then a TTL index might help you. The idea here is that the record is being removed when the TTL expires.
Implemented as a special index type, TTL collections make it possible
to store data in MongoDB and have the mongod automatically remove data
after a specified period of time.
DeleteMany I think, There must be something common between all the rows that you want to remove from the collection.
You can find out something and then create a query accordingly.
this will help you to remove those records fast.
Let me give you one example. I want to remove all the records where username is not exists.
db.collection.deleteMany({ username: {$exists: false} })
The best place to start is to find something that all records have in common in-order to removed them all at once.
For example the following code deletes all entries that don't contain an email address.
db.users.deleteMany({ email: { $exists: false } })
MongoDB documentation have great examples. Link provided below.
You might also want to consider dropping the index since it could be recreated after your done with the operation.
Finally you might want to lower the write concern in your operation in order to speed things up. A compile list of options can be found here
I found a good tutorial on that might help you further.
apologies for any grammatical mistakes since English is not my native tongue
I would suggest two solutions, and also please export your model If anything goes wrong you will have a backup of your data or try this in your test DB first 
you can use your tenantId as a condition, not matching _id but with extra logic, like if any of the records do have the tenantId delete them so this way all of your tenant data will be removed using a single query.
db.records.deleteMany({tenantId : {$exists: true})
// suggestion- if any of your tenant data has a field tenantId but it is null you can check for a null value also to delete those records.
2) find command data in all of the records, if there is use it as a condition to delete those records.
for example, all of your tenant data have a common field called type with the same value use delete statement like
db.records.deleteMany({type : 1})

Mongo find unique results

What's the easiest way to get all the documents from a collection that are unique based on a single field.
I know I can use db.collections.distrinct to get an array of all the distinct values of a field, but I want to get the first (or really any one) document for every distinct value of one field.
e.g. if the database contained:
{number:1, data:'Test 1'}
{number:1, data:'This is something else'}
{number:2, data:'I'm bad at examples'}
{number:3, data:'I guess there\'s room for one more'}
it would return (based on number being unique:
{number:1, data:'Test 1'}
{number:2, data:'I'm bad at examples'}
{number:3, data:'I guess there\'s room for one more'}
Edit: I should add that the server is running Mongo 2.0.8 so no aggregation and there's more results than group will support.
Update to 2.4 and use aggregation :)
When you really need to stick to the old version of MongoDB due to too much red tape involved, you could use MapReduce.
In MapReduce, the map function transforms each document of the collection into a new document and a distinctive key. The reduce function is used to merge documents with the same distincitve key into one.
Your map function would emit your documents as-is and with the number-field as unique key. It would look like this:
var mapFunction = function(document) {
emit(document.number, document);
Your reduce-function receives arrays of documents with the same key, and is supposed to somehow turn them into one document. In this case it would just discard all but the first document with the same key:
var reduceFunction = function(key, documents) {
return documents[0];
Unfortunately, MapReduce has some problems. It can't use indexes, so at least two javascript functions are executed for every single document in the collections (it can be limited by pre-excluding some documents with the query-argument to the mapReduce command). When you have a large collection, this can take a while. You also can't fully control how the docments created by MapReduce are formed. They always have two fields, _id with the key and value with the document you returned for the key.
MapReduce is also hard to debug an troubleshoot.
tl;dr: Update to 2.4

MongoDB - most efficient way of getting the last version of a document

I'm using MongoDB to hold a collection of documents.
Each document has an _id (version) which is an ObjectId. Each document has a documentId which is shared across the different versions. This too is an OjectId assigned when the first document was created.
What's the most efficient way of finding the most up-to-date version of a document given the documentId?
I.e. I want to get the record where _id = max(_id) and documentId = x
Do I need to use MapReduce?
Thanks in advance,
Add index containing both fields (documentId, _id) and don't use max (what for)? Use query with documentId = x, order DESC by _id and limit(1) results to get the latest. Remember about proper sorting order of index (DESC also)
Something like that
db.collection.find({documentId : "x"}).sort({_id : -1}).limit(1)
Other approach (more denormalized) would be to use other collecion with documents like:
documentId : "x",
latestVersionId : ...
Use of atomic operations would allow to safely update this collection. Adding proper index would make queries fast as lightning.
There is one thing to take into account - i'm not sure whether ObjectID can always be safely used to order by for latest version. Using timestamp may be more certain approach.
I was typing the same as Daimon's first answer, using sort and limit. This is probably not recommended, especially with some drivers (which use random numbers instead of increments for the least significant portion), because of the way the _id is generated. It has second [as opposed to something smaller, like millisecond] resolution as the most significant portion, but the last number can be a random number. So if you had a user save twice in a second (probably not likely, but worth noting), you might end up with a slightly out of order latest document.
See for more details on the structure of the ObjectID.
I would recommend adding an explicit versionNumber field to your documents, so you can query in a similar fashion using that field, like so:
db.coll.find({documentId: <id>}).sort({versionNum: -1}).limit(1);
edit to answer question in comments
You can store a regular DateTime directly in MongoDB, but it will only store the milliseconds precision in a "DateTime" format in MongoDB. If that's good enough, it's simpler to do.
BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument("dt", DateTime.UtcNow);
coll.Insert (doc);
doc = coll.FindOne();
// see it doesn't have precision...
If you want .NET DateTime (ticks)/Timestamp precision, you can do a bunch of casts to get it to work, like:
BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument("dt", new BsonTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks));
coll.Insert (doc);
doc = coll.FindOne();
// see it does have precision
Console.WriteLine(new DateTime(doc.GetValue("dt").AsBsonTimestamp.Value).Ticks);
update again!
Looks like the real use for BsonTimestamp is to generate unique timestamps within a second resolution. So, you're not really supposed to abuse them as I have in the last few lines of code, and it actually will probably screw up the ordering of results. If you need to store the DateTime at a Tick (100 nanosecond) resolution, you probably should just store the 64-bit int "ticks", which will be sortable in mongodb, and then wrap it in a DateTime after you pull it out of the database again, like so:
BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument("dt", DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
coll.Insert (doc);
doc = coll.FindOne();
DateTime dt = new DateTime(doc.GetValue("dt").AsInt64);
// see it does have precision

Slow pagination over tons of records in mongodb

I have over 300k records in one collection in Mongo.
When I run this very simple query:
It takes only few miliseconds.
But when I use skip in the query:
It won't return anything... it runs for minutes and returns nothing.
How to make it better?
One approach to this problem, if you have large quantities of documents and you are displaying them in sorted order (I'm not sure how useful skip is if you're not) would be to use the key you're sorting on to select the next page of results.
So if you start with
and then extract the created date of the last document returned by the cursor into a variable max_created_date_from_last_result, you can get the next page with the far more efficient (presuming you have an index on created_date) query
db.myCollection.find({created_date : { $gt : max_created_date_from_last_result } }).limit(100).sort({created_date:true});
From MongoDB documentation:
Paging Costs
Unfortunately skip can be (very) costly and requires the server to walk from the beginning of the collection, or index, to get to the offset/skip position before it can start returning the page of data (limit). As the page number increases skip will become slower and more cpu intensive, and possibly IO bound, with larger collections.
Range based paging provides better use of indexes but does not allow you to easily jump to a specific page.
You have to ask yourself a question: how often do you need 40000th page? Also see this article;
I found it performant to combine the two concepts together (both a skip+limit and a find+limit). The problem with skip+limit is poor performance when you have a lot of docs (especially larger docs). The problem with find+limit is you can't jump to an arbitrary page. I want to be able to paginate without doing it sequentially.
The steps I take are:
Create an index based on how you want to sort your docs, or just use the default _id index (which is what I used)
Know the starting value, page size and the page you want to jump to
Project + skip + limit the value you should start from
Find + limit the page's results
It looks roughly like this if I want to get page 5432 of 16 records (in javascript):
let page = 5432;
let page_size = 16;
let skip_size = page * page_size;
let retval = await db.collection(...).find().sort({ "_id": 1 }).project({ "_id": 1 }).skip(skip_size).limit(1).toArray();
let start_id = retval[0].id;
retval = await db.collection(...).find({ "_id": { "$gte": new mongo.ObjectID(start_id) } }).sort({ "_id": 1 }).project(...).limit(page_size).toArray();
This works because a skip on a projected index is very fast even if you are skipping millions of records (which is what I'm doing). if you run explain("executionStats"), it still has a large number for totalDocsExamined but because of the projection on an index, it's extremely fast (essentially, the data blobs are never examined). Then with the value for the start of the page in hand, you can fetch the next page very quickly.
i connected two answer.
the problem is when you using skip and limit, without sort, it just pagination by order of table in the same sequence as you write data to table so engine needs make first temporary index. is better using ready _id index :) You need use sort by _id. Than is very quickly with large tables like.
db.myCollection.find().skip(4000000).limit(1).sort({ "_id": 1 });
In PHP it will be
$manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017", []);
$options = [
'sort' => array('_id' => 1),
'limit' => $limit,
'skip' => $skip,
$where = [];
$query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query($where, $options );
$get = $manager->executeQuery("namedb.namecollection", $query);
I'm going to suggest a more radical approach. Combine skip/limit (as an edge case really) with sort range based buckets and base the pages not on a fixed number of documents, but a range of time (or whatever your sort is). So you have top-level pages that are each range of time and you have sub-pages within that range of time if you need to skip/limit, but I suspect the buckets can be made small enough to not need skip/limit at all. By using the sort index this avoids the cursor traversing the entire inventory to reach the final page.
My collection has around 1.3M documents (not that big), properly indexed, but still takes a big performance hit by the issue.
After reading other answers, the solution forward is clear; the paginated collection must be sorted by a counting integer similar to the auto-incremental value of SQL instead of the time-based value.
The problem is with skip; there is no other way around it; if you use skip, you are bound to hit with the issue when your collection grows.
Using a counting integer with an index allows you to jump using the index instead of skip. This won't work with time-based value because you can't calculate where to jump based on time, so skipping is the only option in the latter case.
On the other hand,
by assigning a counting number for each document, the write performance would take a hit; because all documents must be inserted sequentially. This is fine with my use case, but I know the solution is not for everyone.
The most upvoted answer doesn't seem applicable to my situation, but this one does. (I need to be able to seek forward by arbitrary page number, not just one at a time.)
Plus, it is also hard if you are dealing with delete, but still possible because MongoDB support $inc with a minus value for batch updating. Luckily I don't have to deal with the deletion in the app I am maintaining.
Just write this down as a note to my future self. It is probably too much hassle to fix this issue with the current application I am dealing with, but next time, I'll build a better one if I were to encounter a similar situation.
If you have mongos default id that is ObjectId, use it instead. This is probably the most viable option for most projects anyway.
As stated from the official mongo docs:
The skip() method requires the server to scan from the beginning of
the input results set before beginning to return results. As the
offset increases, skip() will become slower.
Range queries can use indexes to avoid scanning unwanted documents,
typically yielding better performance as the offset grows compared to
using skip() for pagination.
Descending order (example):
function printStudents(startValue, nPerPage) {
let endValue = null;
db.students.find( { _id: { $lt: startValue } } )
.sort( { _id: -1 } )
.limit( nPerPage )
.forEach( student => {
print( );
endValue = student._id;
} );
return endValue;
Ascending order example here.
If you know the ID of the element from which you want to limit.
db.myCollection.find({_id: {$gt: id}}).limit(5)
This is a lil genious solution which works like charm
For faster pagination don't use the skip() function. Use limit() and find() where you query over the last id of the precedent page.
Here is an example where I'm querying over tons of documents using spring boot:
Long totalElements = mongockTemplate.count(new Query(),"product");
int page =0;
Long pageSize = 20L;
String lastId = "5f71a7fe1b961449094a30aa"; //this is the last id of the precedent page
for(int i=0; i<(totalElements/pageSize); i++) {
page +=1;
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("_id").gt(new ObjectId(lastId))),
new CustomAggregationOperation(queryOffersByProduct),
List<ProductGroupedOfferDTO> productGroupedOfferDTOS = mongockTemplate.aggregate(aggregation,"product",ProductGroupedOfferDTO.class).getMappedResults();
lastId = productGroupedOfferDTOS.get(productGroupedOfferDTOS.size()-1).getId();

Using MongoDB's map/reduce to "group by" two fields

I need something slightly more complex than the examples in the MongoDB docs and I can't seem to be able to wrap my head around it.
Say I have a collection of objects of the form {date: "2010-10-10", type: "EVENT_TYPE_1", user_id: 123, ...}
Now I want to get something similar to a SQL GROUP BY query, grouping over both date and type. That is, I want the number of events of each type in each day. Also, I'd like to make it unique by user_id, ie. if a user has more events in the same day, count it only once.
I'm trying to do this with map/reduce.
I do
function() {
emit(this.type, 1);
function(k, vals) {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
total += vals[i];
return total;
which nicely groups by type, but now, how can I group by date at the same time? Seems the key in emit() can't be an array (I thought about doing emit([, this.type], 1)). Also, how can I ensure the per-user uniqueness?
I'm just starting with MongoDB and I'm still having trouble grasping the basic concepts. Also, there is not much documentation available out there. Any help from more experienced users is appreciated. Thanks!
Found a very good solution in the MongoDB Cookbook (didn't know about this resource before).
Basically, to group by multiple keys, you use a dict, not a list (as I tried). Also, to get unique results, you need to make two map/reduce passes.