Add info bubble to Heremaps in Android not in Javascript - overlay

I wanted to add info bubble in heremaps sdk in android application not in Javascript.
i can get the trip summary but I wanted to show info bubble same has been asked here but answered for Javascript I want in Android
Trip Duration Summary as a tip message before starting Route on Heremaps SDK in Android

Map.InfoBubbleAdapter is the interface for implementing custom info bubbles for MapMarker objects.
Please refer following link for more information:
Happy Coding..!!


How to save contact detail collected in flutter to native address book

I am working on a simple project which is help to save your contact number.So my question is that how can i implicit my data in contact application and jump into contact application using flutter.I hope you understand what am i saying.
I could see 2 plugins in that can do this for you in Android and iOS.
flutter_contact - A Flutter plugin to retrieve, create and save contacts and contact-related events on Android and iOS devices.
contacts_service - A Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices.
Please have a look into them.
PS: Also checkout flutter_simple_permissions for asking user for appropriate permissions

Adding GDPR Consent Dialog to a Flutter app

Is there anything available to add a GDPR consent Dialog using Flutter? The firebase_admob plugin has some properties for adding nonPersonalizedAds or not but thats about it.
I haven't noticed an SDK or anything for Flutter like they have for Android and iOS. Has anyone added a consent somehow on their own or did it separately for Android and then iOS
Any help is greatly appreciated.
i write simple library for flutter that show GDPR dialog for user.
This library works only with android platform now. IOS version coming soon.

Ionicframework photo editor

I am trying to add a photo editor functionality to my ionic framework application. How ever I couldn't find a decent sdk that goes with it. I'd like add
sdk but there is not an obvious way to do it. I tried angular-aviary plugin for cordova but that is not working anymore. Please help me find a good photo editor sdk that works with cordova/ionic framework. Any help would be appreciated, thanks...
I've spent about a week looking for the same thing. Beyond the Creative SDK there is also the PhotoEditor SDK which offers Android, IOS, and HTML5 as well. But as with Creative none of it is easily compatible with Ionic. I'm still looking for a solution but would be very interested if others have ideas as well!
Have a look at the PhotoEditor SDK Cordova Plugin Demo and the guide for integrating the editor under Ionic and Cordova to get an idea of how to get the editor working under Ionic. Basically, it works like this:
The idea is to create a Cordova app that allows the user to open an image from their photo library and edit this image using the PhotoEditor SDK on iOS and Android. This is done by using an existing library to access native photo pickers on both platforms and passing the path to the found image to a plugin. The plugin manages the configuration and opening of the PhotoEditor SDK’s editor and passes the edited image back to Cordova.
I was in search of this functionality and founded a proper documentation for ionic Framework from PhotoEditor SDK . Please follow the instructions given here to add Photo Editing functionality in ionic app Quickstart for ionic Framework
Hope it will help someone.

IPHONE api demo

Android has a API demonstation you can install directly onto a Android device and see how the widget, buttons and all the other toys work. Its great to see whats available. I need the same thing for IPHONE but i cant find it under a search engine query. Can anyone point me to where it is?
BTW: I found the link to the android API demo on this site i cant find the link but the apk application was titled "API demos" for android and i think it was from the Android developer site.
There's plenty of sample code at, section “Sample Code”.
You may want to take a look at UICatalog, this is what you're looking for.
There is no “God App” which includes everything though.

Is it possible to add additional options to the location info view in the iPhone maps app?

Currently, when I find a location in the Maps app on the iPhone, I can go to the info screen and click the phone number to call them, the website address to visit the website, etc. I would like to develop an app that adds additional options to this page. I suspect this is not possible, but I was hoping someone here on SO would tell me otherwise. Thanks!