The facebook lib react-native-fbsdk doesn't work - facebook

I tried to change the version of react, but I did not succeed. I already followed several tutorials but I have not been able to solve them yet. Can anybody help me ?
The only files I modified were and

Please update your question by pasting a formatted error instead of screenshots. Regarding your errors, they seem related to Android X.
Make sure you followed all the steps to migrate to 0.60.0. You can't just change the versions of a lib. You need to read the changelogs and adapt your whole source code.
You can find everything you need to change using the upgrade-helper.
and the usage of jetify.


How can i add dependencies to VS code?

I'm beginner.
I'm learning in a React course from made by Bob ziroll.
Please see this picture to understand me
I notice that there is a section titled Dependencies contains libraries.
I think that is an easy way to include a libriry instead of npm what download alot of files.
I am using VS code. Is there way to apper the Dependencies section?
I'm beginner. So, if this a stuped question, explain for me, don't ridicule me please.

How to run Flutter Official Samples in Visual Studio Code

I am new to Flutter, and want to run the Flutter Official Samples in Visual Studio Code, but didn't prevail. For example, I managed to copy paste the banner codes into VS code, but it shows error in the second import statement:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:gallery/l10n/gallery_localizations.dart';
I even tried to copy-paste the whole gallery directory from the GitHub samples to the .pub-cache, but still cannot compile the codes properly.
Does anyone know how to solve my problem?
Really appreciate.
Best Regards,
I posted the question on github flutter as a feedback, and a gentleman called VladyslavBondarenko gave me a hint, and finally I figured out how to run the samples: just download the whole official samples from, and then open some of the folders in VS code, and you will be able to compile and run the samples.
However, the compiler complains that there are lots of deprecated APIs used in the codes, which means some of the codes are not updated to the latest version.

Multiple _PublishedWebsites Folders

I am using VS Code on Manjaro and have setup a solution with 2 projects, a webapp and a test project.
Each time I do a build it appears to generate a new _PublishedWebsites folder with NetCoreApp underneath it. I am surprised that nobody else seems to have encountered this issue. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it?
Many thanks.
You should check your csproj file, particularly PublishDir element which is your specified location for publishing output files and change that if your like.
However, I think this is required behavior for .net core support in app harbor, find more details in the support webpage over here.

GWT module may need to be (re)compiled

I can run my app in development mode without any problems. But sometimes it is necessary to test the app without the gwt.codesvr= Everytime I try this I get the above mentioned exception. Thanks to Thomas answer in this post: GWT module may need to be (re)compiled REDUX I know what causes the problem. I didn't find a way to solve it yet.
I am Using maven and use the target directory to run the app from. When I run the app (gwt:run) after building it (clean install) the *.nochache.js file is overwritten causing the error.
I have another app where this doesn't happen. But I cannot figure out what is different. Most of the pom stuff seems the same.
Can anybody help me with this? Do you need more information?
Please check your build path is set to correct output folder.
Also please compile the project and make sure it compiles with 6 permutations.
The compiler version should also be compatible.
Also refer the following link.

Three20 dependency problem

I checked out the three20 source and was trying to follow this
guide to build an iphone app using the framework. Within this guide, Templates are used which I checked out too. They ought to compile properly, but I get the following error:
File /Users/myUser/programming/three20/src/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/libThree20.a depends on itself. This target might include its own product.
Did anyone ever solve that issue? I read it was about including something you want to create which is not possible. Anyway any solution I found did not help here.
I actually did not even change anything! Any ideas?
Okay I fixed this by opening the three20.xcodeproj and unchecking the target box for libThree20.a (while leaving it checked in my project that is using three20).
This has at least got me building and running, will report if any problems come up later.