Lagrangian particle tracking for already solved flows (post-processing mode) - post-processing

I am trying to run the particle tracking solver icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam in post-processing (I already have the flow files). Do you know where I can find some tutorial if any?
I have already solved a flow case such as pitzDaily.
I myCase/constant folder I have included kinematicCloudProperties and kinematicCloudPositions.
I would like to compute the particles tracking in my domain.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thank you!

this questions is largely off-topic here (stackoverflow) because it's about using OpenFOAM, not programming OpenFOAM. A more on-topic forum is's OpenFOAM forums:
Home > Forums > Software User Forums > OpenFOAM > OpenFOAM Running, Solving & CFD
Have you taken a look at OpenFOAM-x.x/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper tutorial? Additionally, Chalmer's CFD with Open Source Software course usually has some neat notes, e.g. here. You may be able to find something helpful there.
Good luck.


How to display a point cloud in Unreal Engine?

I'm attempting to display a point cloud in Unreal Engine using the technique described in this UE4 forum post.
I think I followed the description, but I'm not getting any points displayed. The code¹²³⁴ is here. Any ideas on what I got wrong would be much appreciated!
¹ "Code" is a bit of a misnomer, since I didn't write any actual code here, just strung stuff together in the Unreal Editor with Blueprints and the Cascade particle system editor using the instructions in the forum post.
² A secondary question would be how to do this in Unreal using pure C++ code instead of Blueprints and Cascade. For my purposes this would make things much easier. But since the forum post used the visual editors I figured I would try to get that working first.
³ Really off topic but I have to vent: I wish the Unreal Engine peer-help community revolved around sharing actual code, and especially sharing actual working projects, instead of forum posts with incomplete instructions describing how to do something in the GUI that you just might get working if you already know what you're doing. It makes it a tough way to learn!
⁴ I also realize that Stack Overflow wants to see code in the question itself and not just a link. But given the nature of the "code" involved, that wasn't possible. Sorry! :-)

Publishing a .m matlab file to pdf: display latex is blurred / poor quality

I'm using the command publish('myFile.m', 'pdf') within the Matlab gui. The resulting file is crisp and perfect except for any of the LaTex within it which is blurred almost to the point of not being readable. Where do you think the source of this issue is? Are there any workarounds?
Context: I'm using Matlab 2014a on a macbook pro retina. Problem persists for all other generation: issue is with the .png
Note: The whole GUI was completely blurred on install. I have since updated the version of java being used by Matlab using this solution:
cd /Applications/
mv jre jre.orig
ln -s /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk{jdk.version}.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Linked unanswered question
Answer from Matlab Support
Hello James,
I am writing in reference to your Technical Support Case #01107596
regarding 'LaTex rendering in very low quality when publishing'.
I apologize for the inconvenience you experience. Unfortunately what
you observe is a bug in the way that "publish" renders LaTeX equations
when publishing to .pdf. At the moment there is no direct work-around
for it.
The best indirect work-around is to publish to LaTeX instead of .pdf
and then compile the resulting TeX file using a LaTeX compiler. I
appreciate that this work-flow is sub-optimal. The relevant
development team is already notified about it.
I hope this e-mail clarifies the issue you experience. Once again I am
really sorry for this inconvenience. I will now close this service
request as having a bug report submitted but I will reopen it if you
require further clarifications. Do not hesitate to contact us again if
you have a new query regarding MATLAB's functionality.
Please preserve the Reference ID below in further correspondence on
this query. This allows our systems to automatically associate your
reply to the appropriate Case.
If you have a new technical support question, please submit a new
request here:

Creating a plugin for CEF3 in Unity 3D

I was able to find a basic implementation of CEF3 in Ogre3D -- but I was hoping there would be something similar for Unity3D.
I am currently using Awesomium, however, I now need to use RTCPeerConnection (which requires Chromium 29+). Currently, Awesomium is only on Chromium 18, and its unclear how long it will take for that to be udpated (not going to hold my breath).
CEF is open source and updated very frequently.
I would do this myself, but I have no clue where to start. I am hoping:
Someone with enough Unity experience has either already created a CEF3 wrapper that they would be willing to share with the community, or
Someone knows how this could be accomplished and can (hopefully thoroughly) explain
i took a look at your link and the video and i think i have some useful resources to share.
i have a bit of experience on unity3d. i've never tried to embed webpages within it, HOWEVER i've stumbled accross and read a few conversations on the subject in my travels.
there is one discussion here on the unity site, that i think would interest you
UnityWebCore plugin
Also on the unity boards - someone has gone ahead and done some of the paving the way, provided a project with some demos and downloadable source here.
its not exactly Chromium Embedded Frames, but from best i can tell from your link this will accomplish what you need. (or at least get you started)
another discussion specifically relating to doing this with awesomium here

Whats the best way to start using Mylyn? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've heard a lot of good things about using Mylyn in eclipse.
How could I set it up to give me a taste of how I could use it?
The seminal Developerworks article from the 2.0 release is a great introduction to Mylyn, and still relevant. Written by the Mik Kirsten who is the Mylyn project lead, it is a very clear explanation of something quite unique. Lots of pretty pictures showing it in action too.
Mylyn Part one - Integrated Task Management
Mylyn Part two - Automated Context Management
Simple define tasks for yourself and let Mylyn focus on it.
I'm not able to use the bugtracking connections of Mylyn because we use a non-standard tracking solution at work (home grown and awfull), but the fast task-context switching with Mylyn is very usefull in daily work.
I work as senior developer so many times come orthers to ask something about their part of the code. I have a task for this interrupts, activate it and after they've gone i could simple swith back to my work.
Another tip: start out by preventing Mylyn from actually hiding things not relevant to your current task so it will just shade them gray instead. Hiding used to be automatic (maybe it still is?) and it tended to throw people off. I actually find the hiding more distracting and prefer the graying-out.
I would recommend a two step process if you'd like to start using Mylyn.
Get an overview of Mylyn and its advantages
Configure Mylyn to work with your setup
In order to get an overview of Mylyn consider one of the following resources:
Why Mylyn is Indispensable, blog by Marc Esher
Code at the Speed of Thought, presentation by Mik Kersten (47 minutes)
To configure Mylyn in a way that optimizes your productivity it helps to follow a few simple steps. I would recommend using one of the following as your guide to getting setup:
Getting Started Video Series (one, two)
Getting Started Wizard in Tasktop Pro (screenshot)
Tasktop Pro/Mylyn How-to Series
Hope this helps!
David Shepherd,
Tasktop Technologies Inc. is an excellent introduction to Mylyn and is frequently updated
The Developer Works articles serg10 points out are great. Another great way to learn more about Mylyn is to watch the video, "Mylyn 3.0: Code at the speed of thought".
See for the most relevant Mylyn resources.
Connect it to your bugtracker and use "Focus On Active Task".
Good tip, Uri. Recent versions of Mylyn now display a message in the package explorer "empty task context, unfocus or alt+click" when you activate a new task.
As Uri points out, one way to get started is to unfocus using the toolbar button and work on your task normally for a while (with uninteresting resources automatically greyed-out). You can then focus the package explorer when you only want to see relevant resources.
Other users prefer to keep the package explorer in focus mode and hold down the "Alt" key while clicking in the package explorer to add new resources to the active task context. In this way of working, only the interesting resources will be visible, but you can always un-focus to see everything if needed.

How to make mockup screenshots without VB [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a program to make mockup screenshots with. I first found out I could do it with Visual Basic (uglier names I have yet to hear a programming language being called) from I don't want to start learning VB now, especially since I am still in the process of learning Java. I then found, with the searchstring "how to make mockup screenshots". But seeing as I am going to use this program quite infrequently, I don't think paying $80 for it is worth it.
The mockups I'd like to do would be mainly for Windows XP (perhaps also for GNOME, KDE and Mac OSX, but these are not top-priority).
Edit: Balsamiq is suggested, but this is also a non-free program.
Visio works well, if you have it.
Personally, I like paper and a pen. Then I can't get bogged down in the LOOK of it, and go more for the usability and function. Same with websites.
Once you have the form infront of a customer, you have zero room to move - it you dont deliver it pixel-perfect, they get..... angry. :)
You don't have to learn the language to use the visual forms designer from Visual Studio to create mockups. Furthermore, the Express Edition of Visual Studio is freely available in several languages, namely VB, C# and C++. Take your pick. All ship with the same forms designer that generates backend code in one of the languages. But if you only need the designer, the code might not be relevant for you.
Microsoft Visio used to come with a template containing common Windows UI elements for this purpose. I don't know if it still does.
Jeff Attwood posted about this on CodingHorror - where he mentions Powerpoint prototyping
pen and paper, or if possible, whiteboard. Once you have something you personally think could work I'd go for as rough a computerized model as you can so you don't spend time agreeing font size before the workflow etc is done. The tool I have used here is my visual designer of Visual Studio (it doesn't look too good with screenshots, only good enough to convey what you'd like to build).
Pencil (runs within firefox)
As suggested, C# Express would be well for this, as like VB, it has a GUI designer, but it is also syntactically similar to Java, so - given what you are trying to learn and do with this, it might be a nice fit.
There is a pretty exhaustive list here:
Important point is whether the tool has "black&white" (or "hand-drawn") skin for your mockups, as already commented by others. Many of the tools (including my own, MockupScreens) do.
wxGlade would work as well, plus it's free software. was already mentioned, but I want to explain why I like it.
It will allow you to sketch up a screenshot, and it still looks like a pen and paper version, or a whiteboard discussion.
If you get to detailed on your screenshot, then the customer thinks you are "done" and does not understand whats taking you so long to finish the project. So this "sketchyness" serves as another layer of abstraction.
MockupUI is another one, but its mockups don't look like hand-drawn. They look like the real thing and with real data. It lets you draw wireframes as well as native widgets inheriting their appearance from your OS configuration (aka Windows visual style).
About high-fidelity mockups: The risk that a customer thinks that it's "already done" is minimal as long as you do your mockups during the design specification phase of your project (that's before starting to code). On the contrary, a sketch may be too abstract for the customer to digest, unless he is a software designer too. Sketches are for developers not customers.
Wireframes (or sketches) and mockups are not the same thing and they have different uses. One is to explain functionality, the other is a representation of what the product will look like. Check out Yisela's post about the difference between wireframes and mockups.
Your question was about mockup screenshot software, but you ended-up buying a pretty powerful wireframing software.