Whats the best way to start using Mylyn? [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've heard a lot of good things about using Mylyn in eclipse.
How could I set it up to give me a taste of how I could use it?

The seminal Developerworks article from the 2.0 release is a great introduction to Mylyn, and still relevant. Written by the Mik Kirsten who is the Mylyn project lead, it is a very clear explanation of something quite unique. Lots of pretty pictures showing it in action too.
Mylyn Part one - Integrated Task Management
Mylyn Part two - Automated Context Management

Simple define tasks for yourself and let Mylyn focus on it.
I'm not able to use the bugtracking connections of Mylyn because we use a non-standard tracking solution at work (home grown and awfull), but the fast task-context switching with Mylyn is very usefull in daily work.
I work as senior developer so many times come orthers to ask something about their part of the code. I have a task for this interrupts, activate it and after they've gone i could simple swith back to my work.

Another tip: start out by preventing Mylyn from actually hiding things not relevant to your current task so it will just shade them gray instead. Hiding used to be automatic (maybe it still is?) and it tended to throw people off. I actually find the hiding more distracting and prefer the graying-out.

I would recommend a two step process if you'd like to start using Mylyn.
Get an overview of Mylyn and its advantages
Configure Mylyn to work with your setup
In order to get an overview of Mylyn consider one of the following resources:
Why Mylyn is Indispensable, blog by Marc Esher
Code at the Speed of Thought, presentation by Mik Kersten (47 minutes)
To configure Mylyn in a way that optimizes your productivity it helps to follow a few simple steps. I would recommend using one of the following as your guide to getting setup:
Getting Started Video Series (one, two)
Getting Started Wizard in Tasktop Pro (screenshot)
Tasktop Pro/Mylyn How-to Series
Hope this helps!
David Shepherd,
Tasktop Technologies Inc.

http://www.vogella.de/articles/Mylyn/article.html is an excellent introduction to Mylyn and is frequently updated

The Developer Works articles serg10 points out are great. Another great way to learn more about Mylyn is to watch the video, "Mylyn 3.0: Code at the speed of thought".
See http://tasktop.com/mylyn/ for the most relevant Mylyn resources.

Connect it to your bugtracker and use "Focus On Active Task".

Good tip, Uri. Recent versions of Mylyn now display a message in the package explorer "empty task context, unfocus or alt+click" when you activate a new task.
As Uri points out, one way to get started is to unfocus using the toolbar button and work on your task normally for a while (with uninteresting resources automatically greyed-out). You can then focus the package explorer when you only want to see relevant resources.
Other users prefer to keep the package explorer in focus mode and hold down the "Alt" key while clicking in the package explorer to add new resources to the active task context. In this way of working, only the interesting resources will be visible, but you can always un-focus to see everything if needed.


Is it a good practise to do version control from outside the IDE? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have heard from my peers on more than one occasion that it is "advised" not to do version controlling of your code from within the IDE where you write it. I have seen them developing on Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, etc. but doing version control (in my current scenario - Git) from command-line or standalone clients as opposed to using the corresponding plugins readily available for the IDE.
Though I have used version control plugins in Eclipse and never found any issues, I would like to know what is the general norm and why?
I don't think that there's a general norm. The answer to the question is highly subjective.
I personally don't use any IDE integration (not even a GUI tool, except the builtin ones git gui and gitk) because my experience told me that these tools behave different than the command line version and/or don't provide the full functionality available on the command line:
Does NetBeans ignore my Git pre-commit hook?
Can you interact with the index/staging area with TortoiseGit?
Does TortoiseGit actually make Git a lot easier to use like TortoiseSVN?
Another thing is that your knowledge about your versioning tools is bound to your IDE. Maybe you want to set up some version management for other things than the sources you edit with Eclipse (your dotfiles, for example).
Or one day you switch your IDE, drop Eclipse and start using Visual Studio. Then you don't have to learn only Visual Studio but in addition you need to learn the Git integration in VS too.
I think compared with what I've written above, there are no serious advantages that would legitimate the usage of version control tools from inside the IDE.
So, IMO, it's a bad practice to do version control from inside the IDE and it should always be done from the outside.
You should always try to use the right tool for the job, and that is a personal question so there is no "norm" or "good practice".
In my case I prefer to use a ...
GUI, like Sourcetree, for viewing logs, diffs, staging/discarding lots of files, staging/discarding hunks, etc.
CLI for modifying remotes, squashing commits, pushing, cloning, etc.
Also, if you plan to break out of the box a little bit, it wouldn't hurt to know a little bit about the Git internals.
Those plugins and add-ones tend to sometime do things that otherwise you wouldn't do if you were using the native (CLI?) client.
For example, if you were working with an Eclipse + ClearCase plugin, any change in a file, even adding a new line, will initiate a check-out operation (depending on the configuration).
Specifically for Git, you should be aware of its internals to properly work with it. Using the IDE hides those things from you. In normal trivial operations, it will work. But, when you are facing a source control issue (ugly merge, cherry-picking, rebase conflicts) you will have to go to the CLI to resolve, but then you have no idea what were the actual commands that the IDE ran that got you to this situation in the first place (plus you have no experience with the CLI at that point).

Eclipse Window Builder VS Netbeans GUI Builder [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I would start a J2SE projects for abuntu OS.
I try both Netbeans GUI builder and Eclipse windowbuilder.
Both of them are good, drag&drop, double-click to create event-handler like VisualStudio.
However i have do a research on Netbeans, someone said:
The second major flaw of Matisse is that it just isn't good enough,
you place the components on the grid, Matisse then creates an XML with
the component's attributes, then generates the java code for the
components on the grid. Seems cool, but then you decide you want to
add a button somewhere in the form or resize a component - this
procedure can cause all of the gui to get mixed up throwing the
adjacent components to different places - fixing it can be a pain in
the neck. Even if you managed to place all of the components where
they should be but manually changed some of the generated netbeans
code - you are in a BIG problem, a problem you might not manage to get
out of unless starting all over.
Is that bug still exist on latest netbeans?
What is Pros. and Cons. between Netbeans GUI builder and Eclipse Windowbuilder?
Im using NetBeans since 6.x and never had such problems. Resizing components, adding some new, even working on the generated code etc. is realy easy and had no problem so far. Moreover NB has a visual debugger and an improved GridBagLayout customizer (both since 7.1).
Didn't use Eclipse Windowbuilder so far, but i guess its capable too. Everyone has it's own criteria for a gui builder. Btw. the author of this article seem very eclipse-focused ("on the best IDE out there - eclipse")
I'm sorry i cant give you an answer like "pro / cons of A, pro / cons of B" - as i said i've never used Eclipse Windowbuilder before. And for me there's no need to do so, i can build a gui with netbeans without problems / very easy / fast (even better than with Visual Studio). For my point of view everything works like i want it :-)
If you used both, maybe there are things you prefer or dislike on one IDE, but the other can do better.
Personally, while WindowBuilder is a pretty powerful tool to use within Eclipse, I find it more clunky (and quite honestly, prefer to write Swing GUIs by hand if this were the only optin)
Matisse is a far better option because of the Grid editors like someone mentioned previously, also I prefer the way Matisse handles event handlers over WindowBuilder. Another thing Matisse does well is that it encorporates more properties into GUI element settings where WindowBuilder goes over a very small list of changeable features (leaving you to dive through a mess of auto-generated code to change a simple property).
Eclipse does have a version of matisse available, though the plugin is not for free (look up myeclipse).
I used both Eclipse and Netbeans,
Eclipse -WindowBuilder is a powerful tool, easy to modifying it. But causes more code problems. Long time after you will get Spagetti-Codes to get solve problem.When it get problem you cant open Desing layer.
Netbeans generates codes much easy, and you can change it but more harder, sometimes you can't. But i dont get any (only a few, my mistakes) any code problems...or etc., if you get a problem about a component; you can too easy to get Default Settings any time.

Which is the best RCP platform [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am building a desktop application. Our analysis says it would be better built with a RCP. Should I use the eclipse or netbeans platform to build my application . Some of the factors to consider are
Look and Feel
Popularity among target users (developers/testers)
License (has to be some FOSS)
The application will be having things like text editor, grid views, block diagrams and graph visualizations.
I already have experience with netbeans development, but learning eclipse won't hurt. any other options would be welcome too.
I've used Eclipse to build an RCP text editors, multiple views and graph diagrams (lacking only the block diagrams you mention). The environment was pretty good as well as the support in the community for getting help (it was my first Eclipse RCP experience - nearly all my questions had been answered at one point or another in the eclipse forums. When not - I got great feedback.)
The platform was pretty lightweight and handled memory well generally speaking. Some problems that you might run into, you'll likely run into on any platform you choose.
I would look at Netbeans. Netbeans is based on Swing while Eclipse uses SWT. Sun has put a lot of effort into Netbeans over the past few years and it's quite good.
There are some tutorials on the Netbeans site for plugins and platform.
This of course is a bit of a religious question. You will find it debated repeatedly on the web. Here are a couple of interesting threads.
My vote is for Netbeans. Many of its shortcomings have been corrected in the 5 and 6 releases. The community is smaller, but certainly just as helpful.
Another option is the Swing Application Framework (JSR-296) which provides a very lightweight framework for building Swing applications. It provides some of the basic plumbing such as an Application context to share data and basic status and worker components. It doesn't provide any complex components, so it may be too lightweight for what you need.
I suggest using Eclipse RCP, as far as I can see, it has many useful aspects like action and command mechanism, Eclipse Forms, data binding, etc. You can use GEF and Zest for graph based visualization and visual editors. Also Window builder is a convenient choice for drag and drop ui creation. Also there are many sources for learning Eclipse4 RCP, vogella.de is a good starting point. cheers...
Eclipse RCP is powerfull. I have used it for one of my projects. Yes It has some bugs but it has lots of documents and it is faster than Netbeans RCP I think.
Do you have to choose only between Eclipse and Netbeans?
I heard Spring is good
Eclipse has bugs especialy with the text editors. Netbeans on the other hand sucks RAM worse that Crysis

What are some recommended plugins for Trac? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In particular, I need a more full fledged version of Trac to support robust project management, and task tracking. I went through the plugins and literally found over 50 that looked promising.
My question is to the admins/users of Trac: which ones are indespensible for making Trac feature complete and which ones should be avoided (e.g. stability issues)?
Lots of Trac plugins look promising. Unfortunately only a handful really delivers and even then some of them are not properly supported or maintained. They also tend to conflict sometimes.
I will not recommend anything for project management specifically but these are the ones which made our live so much easier:
TagsPlugin - the most useful one, adds tags support
BreadCrumbsNav - show previously visited pages, saves lots of time
ShowPath - show the breadcrumbs path, useful if you have your pages named hierarchically
CaseInsensitiveWiki - allows entering case-insensitive URLS
Stratistics - show Wiki/SVN statistics
WikiRename - allows page renaming (does not work well with the Tags)
WebAdmin - pre-installed in 0.11 but before you need to get it separately
My Favorites:
Better editor WYSIWYG: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracWysiwygPlugin
TicketCalendar Macro: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/WikiTicketCalendarMacro
AccountManager: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AccountManagerPlugin
- Agilo: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AgiloForScrumPlugin
This is the place to watch http://trac-hacks.org/
Besides those already mentioned here, I also found the following necessary:
Announcer - very flexible notification scheme
AutocompleteUsers - handy while typing (existent) user name
AutoLinks - automatically make words not conforming to wiki naming rule but matches existent page name a link
CustomFieldAdmin - make manage custom fields easier
Redirect - handy if you constantly need to make short-hand name wiki pages (like HTML redirects to HyperText .....)
TicketDelete - make deleting, if at all needed, easier
WikiRename - must-have for wiki refactoring
Below are good-to-have:
S5 - directly render wiki pages as slideshow in S5 format, could be really useful for using Trac as the source for presentation
FullBlog - add blogging support to Trac
Vote - cool add-on feature for big team
TracWikiToPdf - transform wiki page to pdf dynamically (however the effect might be all that satisfying)
TimingAndEstimation - neat for tracking time and/or estimation
I really like the BatchModifyPlugin that makes it easy to change more than one ticket at the time.
MasterTicketsPlugin is quite useful for ticket dependncies.
I would recommend against Bitten for CI (Continuous Integration) (see Martin Fowler on the subject) although I am using it.
The task force behind Bitten doesn't seem strong enough to process the remaining tasks. Simply look at the age and the number of posts in Bitten tickets
I don't admin our Trac, and I don't know all the plugins we use. But I co-developed a GUI we use to navigate the tickets and to track time spent on specific ones. It uses the xmlrpc plugin to query ticket information and to write some information back. Extending Trac is really easy this way.
my must-have list of plugins:
some may be part of trac since 0.12
and a script:
Apache Bloodhound is a collection of plugins bundled with Trac. It includes some of the individual plugins suggested in earlier answers, like the AccountManagerPlugin.
The major plugins developed as part of Bloodhound are a very robust Multi Product implementation, full text search (based on Whoosh) with better navigation.
Ticket relations have also just been added.
Bloodhound keeps integrating newly released trac versions quickly, and all plugins interoperate as expected because they're purposefully bundled. It's also still compatible with most trac-hacks.
What plugins you will consider must-have depends heavily on your use case.
Must-have plugins if you need more power in creating advanced wiki pages:
Must-have plugins if you like IDE-style auto-completion and indentation features in the text editor:
Must-have plugins if you use many Mercurial repositories:
Must-have plugins if you ...
... want to archive emails: MailArchivePlugin
... want to track time spent on tasks: TimeTrackingPlugin
... want to plan your week: WeekPlanPlugin
... want to drag cards between stacks: CardsPlugin
But if you don't have these use cases, you will not find the plugins valuable.

Eclipse for IntelliJ Idea Users [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a coworker who is looking to switch from InteilliJ Idea to Eclipse, and is concerned about not knowing the Eclipse set of commands.
I was wondering - would anyone have a link to keyboard mappings that can set Eclipse commands to at least sort of match Idea?
Have you made this switch? Any "gotchas", tips, or info we should be aware of?
I went through the experience myself - and result was a series of articles on my blog:
They are all biased towards Idea (obviously) but full of relevant Idea-Eclipse comparisons, keyboard shortcuts, little stories and observations. In generall, they are both very good IDEs, but if IDEA is 100%, Eclipse is 90%, maybe even 95% - with biggest these differences:
different mindset is needed, Projects, Modules, Workspace may mean different things or are not used at all in one or the other IDE, you have/need Perspectives in Eclipse, not in IDEA, etc...
quality of default Maven/SVN support is better in IDEA (it is also built-in), much smoother and less problems + 3way diff in IDEA is just great, generally Eclipse guys are so scared of merging - and now I understand why
IDEA is far more polished, less graphics glitches and much better default colours for highlighting, etc.
free version of IDEA does NOT have so many things as you can have with Eclipse with all possible free plugins - Eclipse plugin ecosystem is just so big!
IDEA is just way smarter in margin cases when it comes to completion, refactorings, and these other little things where IDEA was the top of the class the whole time since 2000
I was lucky I didn't have to convert in the end because we use Maven projects that work just fine in both IDEs. However I still use Eclipse for other projects (xtext).
Get the plugin from here. It seems easier to install than the one in Bartosz' answer, plus no 404s...
For the lazy: direct link to plugin
Drop the plugin jar in eclipse/plugins folder and restart eclipse. Now in preferences dialog under General > Keys you can find "Intellij Idea" key scheme.
If he definitely want to do this:
In answer to Bartosz, flash builder is a good reason, until jetbrains comes out with a visual mxml editor.
the direct link posted above is outdated, releases are here: http://code.google.com/p/ideakeyscheme/updates/list
Update: Found this one too: http://www.bharathganesh.com/idea-prefs.php , although it's pretty light on the description.
I could list a bunch of tips, gotchas, etc. because I've made the switch several times. I've tried to make the switch to Eclipse several times but couldn't do it and went back to IntelliJ.
First tip:
Intellj "project" -> Eclipse "workspace"
Intellij "module" -> Eclipse "project"
Second tip:
Eclipse has the concept of "Perspectives" which means it reshuffles around your UI when you're doing different things, like for debugging there's the debug perspective. I don't quite get this, I personally prefer the concept of windows, or the tool windows that dock to the bottom or sides.