vscode navigation find references not working on a react project - visual-studio-code

I'm working on a react project which has file names ending with .js, .tsx. However VSCode find references does not work on these files. It seems to work only on .ts files. Is there something I need to do in order to get this working?


How to get Zend Studio to recognize and autocomplete functions in the global scope?

Zend Studio underlines existing function names with yellow squiggly lines, even when I explicitly include a file that contains declaration of those functions.
It used to not do that and I was able to go to the function declaration names by right-click => Open Declaration. Now I can't. I do not know what had changed, it's just that one day those functions became underlined.
How can I enable/configure/restore this feature?
So far I have refreshed project, re-indexed project, re-imported the project, re-added file with function declarations hoping that will update the function database, included file with declarations explicitly. I disabled and re-enabled PHP Semantic Analysis. None of those worked so far.
From top-level menu, go to
Include Path
Add Folder
Add folders where your source functions are, press OK, wait for project DLTK indexing to rebuild. Voila!, no more squiggly lines and autocomplete works.
Even after the above worked, I still began to have other issues with my IDE, so what I did I completely uninstalled it, then reinstalled it, and re-created my workspace and re-downloaded my project from GitHub, and now things are back to normal. I will have to reset my project-specific and Zend Studio and other settings though.

Visual Studio Code hide all js files unless in vendor folder?

I'm trying to put together the perfect workspace settings for my Typescript project. I have my .js and .js.map files all generated alongside my ts files but I don't want to display them in the file tree. I know I can use "files.exclude" in the workspace settings to define glob patterns to not show in the tree however I'm not sure how to do what I want exactly.
I want to hide **/*.js unless the js file has a parent folder called vendor because my typescript project has some non-ts libraries that I would like to see in my file tree.
How can I make this happen?
I've tried setting a rule like "**/vendor/*.js" to false but that seems to be just as good as not having that rule present in the file at all, it doesn't go out of it's way to include files matching that pattern.
Please see our documentation for hiding derived resources: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/typescript#_hiding-derived-javascript-files

How do I make Notepad++ show autocomplete when working on .less files?

Is there a way to make Notepad++ autocomplete the CSS properties when working with LESS, like it does when working with CSS files?
Notepad++ supports autocomplete via the xml files in its ./plugins/API directory.
Download your LESS.xml or Here and add it to the directory, or better follow the instructions in the page.

Sublime Text: quickly access files outside the current project

To facilitate code reuse across projects, I set up this (quick and dirty) method to access recent projects.
In the current project, I add a link (z-themes) to a folder that contains links to recent projects. This enabled me to access those files without having to open the whole project (this worked in Espresso).
In Sublime Text, links are not followed and symlinks mess with the file search (files in the linked folders appear in the Go to file panel, so I might open the wrong file)
The question is: how do easily I access files in predefined folders outside the current project?
Plugins and alternative workflows are welcome.
Perhaps something like FuzzyFileNav? That plugin allows you to set up bookmarks to a particular folder. You can then navigate through folders as you would normally in the file system.
I found Goto Folder: it's very simplistic and doesn't allow for any file management like FuzzyFileNav does (which could be nice) but it allows for simple bookmarks and it behaves well.
Edit: I also found FileBinder
This is what I use now: I created a previous projects "project" just for the older files.
simple to add projects (drag their folder to the sidebar)
use Sublime's file search across all the files
old projects' files are separated from the current project
no plugins to update/figure out
Only thing is that I'll have to keep a separate window open just for this, but it's not a big deal.

Aptana's css autocomplete doesn't update itself

I'm doing an web project and all pages have the .php suffix. I started with a single css (style-default.css) file and the auto-complete worked perfectly. Now I changed that css filename (to custom.css) and added some more css files (Foundation 3 framework).
The strange thing is when typing class="..." the autocomplete only shows me options for the custom.css although it displays the name "style-default.css" and no suggestions at all for the "foundation.min.css". I checked and both files are included in the build despite I can't build a web project. Is there any way to refresh the auto-complete?
I even tried removing the project and importing it again, but it didn't worked.
Ok I found out... Aptana auto-complete apparently can't read *.min.css. I included the *.css instead and the suggestions appeared. Still, the outdated filenames looks like a bug to me.