Sublime Text: quickly access files outside the current project - workflow

To facilitate code reuse across projects, I set up this (quick and dirty) method to access recent projects.
In the current project, I add a link (z-themes) to a folder that contains links to recent projects. This enabled me to access those files without having to open the whole project (this worked in Espresso).
In Sublime Text, links are not followed and symlinks mess with the file search (files in the linked folders appear in the Go to file panel, so I might open the wrong file)
The question is: how do easily I access files in predefined folders outside the current project?
Plugins and alternative workflows are welcome.

Perhaps something like FuzzyFileNav? That plugin allows you to set up bookmarks to a particular folder. You can then navigate through folders as you would normally in the file system.

I found Goto Folder: it's very simplistic and doesn't allow for any file management like FuzzyFileNav does (which could be nice) but it allows for simple bookmarks and it behaves well.
Edit: I also found FileBinder

This is what I use now: I created a previous projects "project" just for the older files.
simple to add projects (drag their folder to the sidebar)
use Sublime's file search across all the files
old projects' files are separated from the current project
no plugins to update/figure out
Only thing is that I'll have to keep a separate window open just for this, but it's not a big deal.


How can I search for a file in just one specific folder in VSCode when using a workspace with multiple folders?

I'm using the workspace feature of VSCode, with two projects, but it's annoying to search for a file in the front-end project and need to pass by back-end files to find the one I want.
I'm using ctrl + p to search for files.
How can I search for a file in just one folder with multiple projects opened in the workspace?
Yes thats possible: use a relative path: ./mySearchedProjectName in "files to include"-input
from HERE!
UPDATED answer to UPDATED question
The fuzzy file finder (CTRL+P or ⌘+P) somehow supports prefixing the filename with a folder, such as folder/filename to locate a file from a specific folder:
But, in my experience, the search is a bit lacking. For example, I find it usually can only find files this way if that file has been recently opened in your workspace. It also does not support regex.
The best thing that can be done is to enable including recently opened files by adding this to the workspace settings:
"settings": {
"search.quickOpen.includeHistory": true,
AFAIK, there is no other built-in way to filter the results. There are (still) open feature requests for this, like this Allow quick open to filter on folder names by typing folder name after the file. You can thumbs-up them to hopefully get them noticed.
ORIGINAL answer to ORIGINAL question
I don't know what you mean by "projects" since VS Code only has "workspaces" and "folders", such that you add folders to a workspace. I think you're already doing this, where each folder contains a separate set of codes.
With that said, the Search/Find panel has an area to specify files to include, where you can limit your search to a specific folder. For example:
Here I have 3 folders (proj 1-3) added to a workspace. I have 3 sample files with the same text.
When searching, you can set files to include to a specific folder (./proj2), so that the search results will be limited to that folder.
I've found the best solution to this for me (though it's still a sub-optimal one) is simply to run multiple VS Code instances, one for each folder.
It's a pain to start up, but once you get things going (and hopefully you're not restarting often on your dev machine, so this is less of an issue) it works perfectly: you can search for files with only the relevant ones showing up.
Also, if you want to reduce the start-up pain you can make a shortcut/alias/etc. in your operating system that starts both at once.

What files in Eclipse contains code templates and keyboard bindings?

I have three common workplaces where I use the Eclipse IDE.
A nice trick when using multiple common workplaces is to copy certain configuration files to Dropbox, and link to them in the original configuration location. This way, all settings and changes are instantly available in your other workplaces.
You've got your workspace with a whopping 100 megabytes of files. You've got your .eclipse which is closing in on 200 megabytes.
I would like to know which specific files contain my custom javascript code templates, and which contains my keyboard shortcuts, so I can share these, and only these, with myself through Dropbox.
Ideally, I'd like a list of of certain settings and their locations so I can choose to share more. But I haven't found something like this on Google.
Why am I not just sharing my entire workspace and configuration directory? Well, first, it is crazy big. Second, Eclipse is modular. In some places I use certain modules that I don't use elsewhere. And you all know that modules/plugins are a crazy mess of files and configuration from which there is no escape.
You can try to export Eclipse preferences from one workspace and export them to other workspace. If it doesn't work for your, enter a bug against corresponding Eclipse project.
I figured it out.
You can copy your ~/workspace/eclipse/.metadata to somewhere. Change a preference, and sync your workspace to your backup in order to find out what files are changed.
You'll find that a lot of settings are in ~/workspace/eclipse/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/. The javascript templates and other javascript options are in ~/workspace/eclipse/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.prefs
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.prefs = Code Templates
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs = Syntax Coloring
org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs = Text Editors

How do I properly add existing source code files to my Xcode project?

I'm new to iPhone development and I'm still getting familiar with the Mac dev environment, including Xcode. I want to add some 3rd party code to my iPhone project, but when I add the "existing files" to my Xcode project, I'm presented with a dialog box that has far too many options that I don't understand and, as such, my project isn't working. When I #import headerfilename.h, I get a build error that reads headerfilename.h: No such file or directory.
alt text
Can anyone explain to me what all these options mean or give me a link to some documentation that can? I'm having a hard time finding anything in Apple's docs.
Which options do I want to choose to add existing source code files to my Xcode project? I should note that the source code files that I'm trying to add are located in my project/Classes/frameworkname/ directory.
After they're added, do I need to reference this new code directory in my project settings anywhere (i.e. some kind of header file directory variable)?
Thanks so much!
Update: I found the following answers/responses on the apple dev forums that were very useful and helped me fix my issue...
To make it simple :
- if you do not check the copy option, the file stay where it is.
- if you check it, it is copied in your project folders In the first case
(what it seems you are doing) you need
to tell the compiler that the header
files are in another directory :
- project info -> build -> search paths -> User Header Search Path : add
the directory from where you took the
header file Hope this will help
You have discovered the most confusing
dialog box that ever came out of
Cupertino. Six years of Xcode, and
this thing still is partly a mystery
to me. To even get that far, I had to
make many test projects to try and
reverse-engineer what this thing does.
The "Copy" box means that it will copy
the files as they are right now, into
the project. If this box is not
checked, then it just references those
files during a build and copies them
as they are at THAT time. For source
code, you want the Copy box checked.
The "relative to" is a total mystery
to me and I can't help you with that.
I usually leave it however it is
already set. Does it mean relative to
where they are on disk, or the
arrangement in Xcode, or in the
bundle? Who knows. The last 2 radio
buttons SEEM to mean that it will
either re-create the folder structure
of the folder you are adding, or just
put "fake" folders in Xcode that point
to the real folders. This is probably
your problem - you are adding source
code that is not all at the top level,
and when it goes to find it, it does
not re-create the hierarchy. Others
can supply a better way, hopefully,
but what I would do is put all of the
source in one folder and add that,
using the Copy box. Then in Xcode you
can make whatever bogus folders you
want and put the source file names in
those fake folders.
This is from the Xcode user guide:
"The project navigator shows projects, groups, folders, and files:
The project or projects in your workspace window are the highest level
of the hierarchy in the project navigator. Open the project’s
disclosure triangle to see the groups, folders, and files in the
project. Select the project to display the project editor, where you
can view and edit project and target settings.
A group appears in the project navigator as a yellow folder icon. The
group does not represent a folder on disk. Although you can organize
your project in Xcode to reflect the organization of files on disk,
moving files into and out of groups does not affect the content of the
folders on disk, and moving files on disk into and out of folders does
not affect the content of the groups in the project navigator.
A folder is a reference to a folder on disk and appears in the project
navigator as a blue folder icon. The contents of the folder in the
project navigator reflect the contents of the folder on disk. It’s
important to note, however, that the files that appear in a folder
icon in the project navigator are not part of your project unless you
have added them to the project explicitly (in which case they appear
directly under the project or in a group, as well as in the folder).
You can view and edit the files in a folder, but to move files in and
out of the folder you must use the Finder.
A file in the project navigator is a reference to a file on disk."
I think usually the default option is the best one. If you want to add into some group, you can tick on the "Copy Item to Destination group"
You don't have to change any project settings after adding
And if you want to add the whole framework code, please choose add existing framework
Copy items into destination group's
folder (if needed)
Well, only if you want it to copy the files. If you are happy with their existing location and don't want it to copy them, don't select it (that's what I do).
Reference Type:
A total mystery to me
Text Encoding
Self explanatory
Recursively create groups for any
added folders Create Folder References
for any added folders
Leave this as the default and then organize the folders in your Xcode project any way you want.
Add to targets
If you add an additional target to your project, e.g. for iPhone vs. iPad versions, then not noticing that it has by default added the files to just one of them (at random?) can cause headaches.
Also, make sure you add the new header directory to your search paths in Project Settings > Build > Search paths. I think that's what's causing your problem.
Hope this helps, I remember how confusing this was to me at first.
If you want to add an Framwork Bundle, just add is as one. Add -> Existing Frameworks

Starteam shortcut file

Is it possible to create StarTeam shortcut, opening project and overriding working directory?
Is it possible to create one StarTeam shortcut, opening several projects at a time?
Problem is: I have several solutions, which use the same StarTeam project, and I have to manually change working folder very often (View -> Properties -> Working folder). It is not possible to share data between solutions: local view should be located in separate place for each solution.
You could create different views for each project. Different views can have different working folders; in fact, they do by default. Keep in mind, a view can be set to behave pretty much the same as the default view, with regards to which revisions of files you see. But they can have their own working folders. The downside of this technique is that Change Requests and the like will also be "in the view," so moving them will not necessarily affect other views. But given that you are working on an entirely separate projects, that might not be all such a bad thing. As usual, you should experiment with this in a test project, and make sure you're happy with the behavior, before using it on your "life" repository.
The override/alternate directory for each project and folder is maintained inside a local file - not on the server. The default working folder is kept on the server, and any time you update it the changes are propigating to all other users.
The shortcut xml has no place to specify a working folder.
If you don't need the StarTeam GUI, stcmd allows you to specify a new working folder for most operations with the -rp and -fp flags.
If the projects that need this common library code are in their own views, you could also share the common project into a new subfolder within those other projects. You can use a relative path for this new subfolder that includes .. to move it outside the containing project's folder. This lets you use common code in many projects while allowing you to specify the location of that common code per project.
Shares come with some overhead, so be aware, but other than that it would probably work for what you're trying to do.

Opening a temporary buffer / scratchpad in Netbeans?

I often have to open a secondary editor outside of Netbeans in order to work on temporary bits of text outside of my project files. Is there a way to create temporary files in Netbeans without adding them to a project?
File -> New expects every file to be part of a project.
I know this has already been answered successfully, but there is now a proper Netbeans plugin for this requirement: It works nicely for me and allows multiple scratchpads which can be handy.
Also note that the Copy/Paste History plugin which is available by default (with NB7 at least) is handy for this too.
By default, there is no such feature yet (I'm using 6.5).
You could include a folder in the Favorites window, and right click > New > Empty File from the folder, it won't be part of the project.